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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. "GEEEE Yogi, Ranger Fergy won't be happy. OH Boo Boo, you worry too much! Ranger Fergy is 2,500 miles to the east!" Complaints about marauding bears: https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/bear-warning-south-lake-tahoe-residents-caldor-fire/#app
  2. Just like a bunch of Ambulance Chasers: As Tahoe residents fled the Caldor Fire, the bears moved in — and pigged out https://www.sfchronicle.com/tahoe/amp/As-Tahoe-residents-fled-the-Caldor-Fire-the-16438925.php “Bears are just having a heyday of it. It’s just a nightmare,” said John Tillman, owner of South Tahoe Refuse. “There’s so much garbage on the street because of the bears. Oh my God, they are making a mess.” What say ye: @BringBackFergy
  3. Nice advice! I assume you noticed the freezer still cold? Same thing will happen when the defrosting heating element will go bad in freezer. The freezer will be cold and refrigerator warm. The freezer coil ices up and eventually blocks where the cold air goes into refrigerator side. Pull the back panel (in a side-by-side model) and see if the coil and duct is blocked. Test the defroster to see if it's bad... If so replace. Or... If you can't get one right away, manually defrost it like in the old days. Bit, Amazon is great getting stuff to you in a day or so! 😉
  4. TIL: The "Answering Machine" "Most 20th century answering machines used magnetic recording, which Valdemar Poulsen invented in 1898. The creation of the first practical automatic answering device for telephones, however, is in dispute. Starting in 1930, Clarence Hickman worked for Bell Laboratories, where he developed methods for magnetic recording and worked on the recognition of speech patterns and electromechanical switching systems. In 1934, he developed a tape-based answering machine which phone company AT&T, as the owner of Bell Laboratories, kept under wraps for years for fear that an answering machine would result in fewer telephone calls. Many claim the answering machine was invented by William Muller in 1935, but it may already have been created in 1931 by William Schergens whose device used phonographic cylinders. Ludwig Blattner promoted a telephone answering machine in 1929 based on his Blattnerphone magnetic recording technology. In 1935 inventor Benjamin Thornton developed a machine to record voice messages from the caller. The device reportedly also was able to keep track of the time the recordings were made. Although many sources maintain that he invented it in 1935, Thornton had actually filed a patent in 1930 (Number 1831331) for this machine, which utilized a phonographic record as the recording medium. ..."
  5. At work we were locking all kinds of boats as usual... Including petrol-Chem that would make Lebanon 🇱🇧 2020 look like a fire cracker... Business as usual. ... ...Till MSO (Marine Safety Office) Chicago shut us down on Wednesday 9/12... 😆 Driving home, hearing all the ports were shut down, I expected we would be too. I guess we fell through the cracks of the system. Inland Waterway was business as usual. FWIW... That was the weekend of the Bills Home Opener (9/9/01) vs. Saints. Gregg Williams' first game. Coming back from that debacle. I still have the ticket w/his dirty mug on it. Anybody want to buy it? 50 bucks. 😆
  6. Nothing wrong with a fun-lovin' killjoy! 😉😜 They can be positive. I mean the exact opposite are those Pollyannas. How annoying! 😏
  7. Taking it to the macro level: It has always existed... it's on steroids now. Lots of people want to be the victim, it's socially made acceptable and most importantly to these people: It pays! Society does exactly what you say we shouldn't!
  8. Yup to all this! BUT what blows my mind... They still gotta field teams. Are these people like Jim Jones, Jonestown follower types? Why aren't they talking to them?
  9. WHEN have you NOT offered? 😉 You should be a 5 time champion 🏆 by now! 😉
  10. SideBar: Is Square D manufacturing still made in the US 🇺🇸?
  11. My daughter is about 20 miles away from Mullica Hill... She said, just a ton of rain... Now it's nice.
  12. Like Teddy said above. I had a hell of a time getting back in Enhanced ShoutBox. Acting all squirelly after I cleared and rebooted things today after my phone upgraded. I went across three different browsers to experiment. ...I thought @BringBackFergy and you were ***** -in w/me. 😆 BUT, seriously, I don't see any posts lost.
  13. Loading the car up with my pregnant wife, and 3 year old son in South Cheektowaga, neighbor came out and said the buildings were crashed into. Boy, that was a surreal drive back to Illinois!
  14. Unless your house got blown away in New Jersey... https://nypost.com/2021/09/01/video-shows-tornadoes-tear-through-new-jersey-penn/amp/
  15. That was my wife's family fish fry place on Fridays... She grew up in Lackawanna. Owner was Dan... FiL called him "Big Dan"... I believe when he passed away, the business closed. I think... Shortly after his passing. 😔
  16. Why they salted the rolls to get workers at lunch to drink more. Boy, times were different. Heading back to factory with a good buzz on! 😬😬
  17. Because it was intended, invented so you order, buy more beer 🍺 to drink. The sammiches were gratis originally.
  18. I've been listening to your advice for years. Ever see how I circle my wagons! 😏 Thanks you're the best!
  19. Betcha this guy knows where to find a good deal on Bills Championship apparel!
  20. Corrected. Gravy is the original recipe. Au jus is for Coastal Elites... 😉
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