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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. I like the way Polish guys think! Who says it takes three of us to screw in a light bulb 💡! @Mike in Horseheads... You're fired! Sorry... Only enough work for two brilliant minds now!
  2. I hope so. I haven't got our tickets yet. I will be standing in front of gate 5 @ 12:15. With my vaxx card. Glad to help out!
  3. Good 👉! 😆 Buy an anti-vaxxer's seasons and then go on a rampage! Perfect!
  4. Hey Guys with Season Tix. I will take 2 off your hands for $10 BELOW face. 😆
  5. Don't have to be buff to drive a car fast. LoL...
  6. https://popvssoda.com/ https://www.huffpost.com/entry/soda-vs-pop_n_2103764
  7. I think they did a test. A lot of dollar bills people carry in their pockets test positive for cocaine. 😏 Forget where I read that...
  8. Because artificial sweetners are sweeter. Splenda is only 600 times sweeter I believe. Probably why it tastes the closest to regular sugar without so much of an aftertaste. IMO.
  9. Isn't that what traffic cameras are for? Just mail your money in. "The Massachusetts Influence?"
  10. You will NOT go down on that ship! 😏
  11. IT'S why Bills never won a SB... God knew that the fans would be the absolute worse. Just imagine winning 4 in a row. He's teaching us a hard lesson in humility. It ain't gonna work! 😉
  12. That's because you border on Quebec. Blame the French. Vermont is really New York... Just NYS is too lazy to take it back. I trust @BringBackFergy is mustering up the Washington County Militia in Whitehall. When he gets time, you guys are toast. Enough of that Frenchy influence! 😏
  13. Yeah... Where are the maps! @BringBackFergy @SlimShady'sSpaceForce
  14. Not sure if it's the place, but it fits. It's a very good write up from 911 2016 on the 15th Anniversary. Fits today on the 20th... Just as it would on 9/12/2001: https://www.pressherald.com/2016/09/10/reflections-fifteen-years-after-911-we-must-turn-the-other-cheek/ "Fifteen years ago, we all remember where we were on a beautiful September morning when planes became weapons of terrorism and mass destruction. I was on route to a session with my spiritual director and our time was spent holding each other, weeping silently, as we watched the unthinkable unfold on the screen of her TV. Shocked and disbelieving, our prayers were limited to the words, “Oh, God! No!” It was a prayer echoed by many in that moment as the reality of what we were witnessing hit home. ..." "...Two thousand years ago, Jesus spoke to a people living fearfully under the brutality of Roman oppression. Many wanted to fight back, to match violence with violence. In response, he uttered some of his most troubling and difficult teachings. He told his followers to love their enemies and to turn the other cheek when struck. That last one has always rankled me as it has been misused to quell any form of resistance to injustice and abuse..." Yeah... That 'bout sums it up folks. Short, sweet, prudent and to the point!
  15. Exactly. Which is getting a bit ridiculous. Most good places won't taint the oil with other food and will wait till oil heats back up... Why it takes so long at the gr8 places when they are busy. People getting a bit OCD... Like the vegetarians/vegans complaining that their Impossible Whopper is made next to my regular Whopper on the same grill. When will the madness end!
  16. In Cheektowaga that's called: "The Polish Patio." They now make screens that go up with the garage door and you simply pull them down into "Polish Patio Mode." 😊
  17. Please don't slam breaded wings! I just gotta say... The breaded wings at Ponderosa back in the day (are they still around?)!!! 😆 Now that I made everyone shudder, back to you're regularly scheduled program of everyone being special. 😉 I just wanna thank you for NOT being a good socialist! 😉😜... Honestly, I agree. If it raises the cost of business, then they should pass it on to the customers that need a special menu. Why should everyone absorb the price.
  18. I think it's the oil? Like OP said. Do they really cook other stuff in wing fryer? Of course they do!
  19. I also come in peace, BUT as a smart-ass. I will also be following this thread. 😉 😏
  20. Better think twice about "extreme grooming." https://www.menshealth.com/health/a19533592/manscaping-and-sexually-transmitted-diseases/ "...Researchers surveyed nearly 14,000 men and women about how much ***** hair they trimmed or removed, and how often they did the task. Those who groomed were 80 percent more likely to have had a sexually transmitted infection like genital herpes, syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, HIV, as well public lice, than those who didn’t tidy up below the belt. ..."
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