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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Yo! Sparky... Sloooow down. Both 2011 G'nts and 2020 Bucs season openers were on the road. They are 2 of the 9 teams the OP cited as winning SB and losing season Opener. Only 2002 Bucs lost @ home.
  2. I thought of that. It was before testing. They never really explained what happened when I was three. I had a 105 fever and couldn't even move... Mother rushed me to Children's and they iced me down. I still remember that. I had a cherry red tongue too... That's tell-take Kawasaki! Crazy... Nobody talked about it, medical profession was so different. They gave me aspirin for years! Baby Aspirin... Which is now called low dose because kids aren't really supposed to have it (Reyes)... I got better, but always had muscle pains growing up... Then cleared up through adolescent and then bam, got whacked at 26 in 1994. Started after a very cold January, here in Midwest. Went down to -20°... Then up to 50° and rain in early February... Caught pneumonia, they treated that... X-rays cleared up... But symptoms never did. SED rate through roof, myalgia, malaise, lost weight, pain and tingling in extremities, etc... For 18 months! The tested me, scoped me in both directions (had blockage in lungs)... Never figured out what was wrong... Clean with everything. NO TB, no AIDS LoL... Etc... Lyme... But why all of a sudden in winter? That's one thing I never tested for! Possible dormant? They didn't have test back then I think? I did have chicken pox... Bad, but that was after my stay in hospital @ 3. There was a Hong Kong Flu Pandemic from 1968-1970ish...
  3. The Habs record shouldn't count. There was a time when the whole hockey world centered around Quebec talent and the Montreal Canadiens had exclusive rights to the players/talent coming out of Quebec... For many years up until around 1970... So years before that shouldn't count. Totally rigged system. At least the Yankees competed fairly when it came to talent. They did it the old-fashioned way... Bought their talent, not have exclusive rights to it! And there was no playoff system, only the two best teams during regular season advanced to WS. The playoffs were the 154/162 game season. 😉
  4. Here's a write-up about long-haulers: https://www.healthing.ca/news/from-brain-fog-to-night-sweats-long-covid-has-over-200-symptoms-study-finds/wcm/4f96ecb8-b7bb-4650-8f4f-5a1522f79a0e I don't think we will ever be immune. Interesting... Because this type of disease, syndrome has had to be around a long time... Just not catchy? No. I swear I had something like this back in 1994. It started with pneumonia, that cleared with antibiotics but symptoms (high inflammation count, myalgia, breathing issues, night sweats, etc...) lingered for 18 months. Tested me for everything under sun. I was ready to see a Rheumatologist and said screw it... Burned itself out. I chalked it up to an RA flare. Backtrack 23 years earlier when I was 3 back in 1971... Was in hospital for three months. High fever, in traction for my joints... They thought I had meningitis... They ruled it as "Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis"... Back then they had me on aspirin therapy... Which is strange, because that's how they treat children w/Kawasaki (which was just being discovered at the time)... I have had high blood pressure my whole life, even as a kid... It wasn't medicated until after my bought in 1994. My strange medical past actually encouraged me to get the shot. What ever is out there or has been out there, you will fair better getting the jab! That's how I rationalized it!
  5. She's too old for you young fella... She's my age. 😏 Oh... That's pretty disgusting! Anyway... We all have the same birthday. 😃
  6. I never had a FB... I can see it. Clear everything out. Brave, in private mode. Oh, BTW... No ads either. 😏
  7. Why are people thinking of themselves? Why can't people just get a shot and wear masks for others? I mean... They locked up Typhoid Mary for the remainder of her life because she wouldn't follow orders... Now we have a million COVID John and Mary's running around screaming personal freedom. You can be the strongest, fittest person on the planet... Yeah, that stops you from getting sick... What about others? Do people really want to spread disease? Same with life preservers (PFDs)... They ain't guaranteed (or perfect) to save your life, but it sure makes it easier for someone to find you, possibly saving their life... But, PFDs sure as hell give you a fighting chance.
  8. 😆... For a limited time only, they'll throw in free the $29.99 shoe lifts for @Gugny... But get them fast! Those will look incredible with these bad boys!
  9. Right before the next game. I wonder if that factored into the decision to have people vaxxed to enter?
  10. I asked my SiL about Montezuma's Revenge. She said they get it too. They just know what to drink and not to drink. 😉🤪
  11. CORRECTION: When I started, we got Hep B shot in 1991 @ work. MANDATORY. Then in 2000 when I went to my BiL's wedding in Monterrey, Mexico... We got the Hep A shots.
  12. When does Canadian border open up for Canadians coming into 🇺🇸? It's soon right? OR: Protecting the Canadians. I think the 2nd home game (9/26) is the first time Canadians can cross into 🇺🇸 for leisure. Border gonna open soon, right? Bit of a thing to consider with the Bills. They share an international border...
  13. In 1991 when I moved here with Corps to Chicago. We all were getting Hep A Vax. Two doses. We had to. Nobody blinked an eye... SEEING how we work on the ShitDitch... And believe me, 30 years ago the water was 100x worse!
  14. Thnx. I like keeping my original pristine. Will they notice if it's a very original looking copy, laminated and folded in half to fit in a wallet? Or do you need original?
  15. Uber Teddy. He'll pick you up on the mean streets of Monrovia. Hope you don't mind stopping @ Taco Bell-West Africa first. No masks required! 🤫 Live free with the ex-slaves or die!
  16. +1. Nice choice using Liberia! Monroe big anti-Federalist.
  17. YOU lost me at the sharp cheddar. Do our forces @ Fort Ann know you're supposed to be invading Vermont, NOT Wisconsin! 😏 Guess too late now... Hope @Johnny Hammersticksdoesn't find out, you guys will be sharing pie! Just want to let you know, all of New York, ancestral New Yorkers are rooting for you! Don't go native in enemy territory!
  18. I don't know. But... In stadium food is an inferior product.
  19. Don't you know the concessions @ Highmark suck anyway? That's what the lots are for. 😏
  20. I took my card and copied it on nice laser copier. Two sided copy. Then laminated so it folds in middle. When you fold in 1/2, it will be the size of a standard CreditCard. Since it's on a nice copier... Can't tell it's not the original. I keep the original in a secure location.
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