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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Okay. Make a salary cap. And every team is only allowed to spend what the Minnesota Twins do. Maybe they will drop ticket prices along with a beer and hotdogs @ ye Olde Ballpark.
  2. Bleu cheeses it is: "According to a 2012 study, Roquefort contains anti-inflammatory compounds. A study from 2013 found that proteins from Roquefort cheese inhibit chlamydia propagation and LPS (lipopolysaccharide) leukocyte migration." Can ranch stop the Clam! I think NOT! /EndThread
  3. Guess who's a Mets fan upthread. Yup, the one complaining about managerial incompetence. For only 4 million dollas more... Yankees got a hell of more bang for their bucks getting a WC spot than the Mets staggering to 77 wins. πŸ˜†
  4. Agree... Yankee haters beat the same old tired story...
  5. I thought The Dog gave up the hunt and went on IR... Injury thing! He's "Ann Frank-ing" 😏 Too soon? πŸ˜†πŸ€£
  6. Hogwash... Is the bar really that high for the Yankees? Boston does the same thing. They live up to the hype. Only one can win. AND, just happen to play in same Division.
  7. Remember... They aren't divulging anything else, other injuries (by Wyoming statue). They are saying no struggle was apparent. The body laid there for 3-4 weeks. Just saying... God only knows what played out by who or whatever animal was involved... Again, 3-4 weeks the body was there.
  8. Blame for what? Not winning the WS? Gee... That's a pretty high standard... Even for the Yankees. I guess 27 Championships and double the League Pennants will do that over 100 years. ...And here the Bills are starving for one simple SB Championship in their 61 years of existence. Hate if you want... But you expect too much, even from the famed Yankees. The Yankees are fine. This is why the game needs them. It's great when they win, almost better when they lose...
  9. Yeah... Very powerful words. Haven't thought about that song in a while. Off: "Throwing Copper" LP. From the same era... More of the Upper Midwest feel... You like BoDeans?
  10. You're in my lane now... @BringBackFergyapproves!
  11. Lincoln used it as a political move. It wasn't really celebrated in the South. Thanksgiving is historically a Northern, New England based holiday. Lincoln made it official every year to needle the South. 4th weekend is just more consistent with a longer week during the shopping season before Christmas. A 5th...Last Thursday, I think should only fall if the 1st of November is on a Wednesday or Thursday. What? that's like 2 outta every 6-7 years? It's a good marker to the Christmas season... IMO...
  12. Why did they have to pick Main Street, couldn't they have picked Wall Street? They were spotted cash early in their careers. The SEC surely would have dropped the hammer on them... 😏
  13. Not even in the 20s yet... Nixon 29%, Daddy Bush 29%, Carter 28%, Dubya 25% Truman 22%! Gotta a long way to go for Joe to reach to even reach Bush territory 25%: "George W. Bush - 71% George W. Bush served as 43rd US president from 2001-2009, becoming both one of the most popular and unpopular presidents. He received both high and low ratings during his tenure. His lowest ratings were linked to the 2008 financial crisis which began in December 2007. The crisis led to increased prices of oil and mortgages, and the devaluation of the dollar. More than two million jobs were lost during this period with the unemployment rate reaching 7.2%. The lowest approval rating that Bush received while in office was 25%."
  14. Good for Price!!!! Too bad they didn't have it when Clint Malarchuk played back in the day. His OCD worsened after his jugular was cut by the skate. Supposedly, he'd be driving down the road, hit a bump and would have to go back and check to see what it was! "...Malarchuk, meanwhile, believed that he was going to die. "All I wanted to do was get off the ice", said Malarchuk. "My mother was watching the game on TV, and I didn't want her to see me die." Aware that his mother had been watching the game on TV, he had an equipment manager call and tell her he loved her. Then he asked for a priest. ... "...Malarchuk's performance declined over the next few years until he decided to leave the NHL. After this, he struggled with obsessive-compulsive disorder (as he had since a young age), as well as nightmares and alcoholism, but he remained in pro hockey in the International Hockey League. ..." Goalies kinda always had it rough in the mental health department, injuries don't help!
  15. What if you have Two-Step authentication setup, should you still change your password?
  16. Cranking this on Sirius right now! If you ain't cranking it, you're spanking it!!!!😏😏
  17. WTF is she wearing? Burlap sack? Garbage bag?
  18. Connie Mack, HoF manager for over 50 years manager... Most wins by far and will forever hold that record was an an under .500 lifetime manager... Granted before playoffs, he had 5 WS Champions... Playoffs in baseball are an abomination... Sign of the modern short attention span. 50 Years... Boone's Championships will come. Only been at it for 4 seasons and is .601. Just my opinion though. πŸ˜‰
  19. Ridiculous... But is what it is. 100 wins 2018 103 wins 2019 Exclude 2020. BUT still winning. 92 wins 2021 Any other team and he's anointed King, let alone the Mets. Yankees have a high standard of excellence... But playoff baseball is a crap shoot. Anything can happen. I think he stays if solely just to piss off @Gugny. πŸ˜† 🀣
  20. @teef @LeviF Just remember TP for the bunghole!
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