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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Laziness. And that should be civilly settled because nobody, including the deceased is not without blame. Oh... Just for the sake of old times, water and oil argument. You and me.😉 We have a ⚠️ warning, low fuel light... AND my wife has me to fuel it up and back it into the garage every night. 😉 My daughter lives in New Jersey... She ain't allowed to pump her own fuel by law, does she check to make sure the gas cap is on? ***** no!
  2. Nobody criminally. Is it regulated by law? It was an accident. Now, maybe civil... Who didn't follow policy? But... I generally agree with your post. I GUESS we can use the Brandon Lee case as an example. How did that go? I noted it was a Hulu production. Things aren't a closed shop in Hollywood anymore. Just like out on Main Street, USA... You think you're non-Union shop can protect it's workers better? 😆 Yeah, right...
  3. I assume some scenes may need a different effect... Like a bullet hitting an object and shattering it? I guess they got a little too close to reality which caused a mix up. Again... I'd like to know what a blank round looks like, how to tell the difference and the mechanics behind it. I know a live round will hit the pin, it explodes, then send the projectile. Then spent shell/casing is expelled or left there (revolver). What happens when a blank round fires? There can't be a projectile, right? Just cap and a casing. How does a blank fill the chamber without sending anything through the barrel? I know they say never assume, but I would guess AB assumed what ever they gave him was safe. He's acting. It's his job. Now in real life, you check twice. /smdh... Is Trump donating the proceeds? Maybe he did have the mix-up take place. 😆
  4. Yup! Job is to act. If it means pointing a gun during a scene... I trust the team not to steer me wrong. Not my job to check them. They are actors creating a scene. This ain't a little kid or heck anybody else pointing a weapon at a person. It's just plain stupid to equate acting with normal gun handling. Safety management should have been in place to hand a cold gun off to the actor properly. It's not the actor's job to check... In real life it's of course everyone's. Anyway, probably occasions where they need a live weapon. The actor is being paid to act. The safety team is in charge of a zero-fail mission. They failed here. It's simply not the actor's job here to constantly check. You lose the moment and spontaneity of the scene. Nothing would get shot (excuse the bad pun) if there was continued checking by the actors. Look... This only happens once every 25 years or so.... It ain't like our government thugs on main street USA 😉😜 Where it happens daily. Yeah, those guys need to check and trust only themselves.
  5. It was a Hulu movie... Hollywood is becoming a scab scene. This is what happens when you break down the union trades. Get a scab scene.
  6. Honestly... Who the heck is gonna check. I don't even know the difference between a blank and live round and I am OCD with more than the average range hours. Come on... Who's gonna check in that situation? ***** it... It's on the safety office. I get the irony. My conspiracy theory. Maybe that's why someone set him up? Again... What actor is gonna check. Even if they did, what are they gonna do, un-chamber the round and say: "Does this look real to you?" 😆 🤣 I assume a blank looks identical. It has to be fired. Can't be painted... So it has to be stamped? No??? Maybe a bright color anodized material to stand out from live rounds?
  7. LoL... Yeah they learn it early in Podunk County, USA. 😆 🤣 Nice one! What are they Boy Scouts and fall on the range master's every command.
  8. Who works? Let alone on a Friday. I work a 12 hour swing shift. Safety Office, engineer (Army) safety manual (EM385-1-1) says I may only work 12 hours. If my relief isn't on time... We close the lock to traffic. Call the boss, and leave @ exactly 12 hours work. Facility doesn't open up to traffic until another worker can get on site. What do you think of dem apples 🍎 🤔: @BringBackFergy @Beerball I don't pick the colors, that's why they pay others the big bucks!
  9. Too complicated. I stopped reading after you said: "You've won bupkis." You're mistake, should've kept me hanging on and posted that last.😜
  10. Why don't we make a law to check twice, shoot once. Someone make Alec Baldwin take training on how to detect a live round. 😏 Cops first priority. Then actors. Like the vaccines. Priority system here.
  11. The non-union Prop Guy? Johnny. Tell me what I won! Do you know what a blank looks like? Is it painted like safety yellow or red or something. If I am an actor, or heck... My boss tells me to go do something... I do it, no questions asked. Yeah... Right, I am gonna check the weapon... They have paid help for that in safety department. Are you kidding me. You gotta be joking soldier.
  12. My father smoked non-filter Camel cigs... Could beat anyone holding their breath swimming... ...He had a operation years ago. Gall bladder out. In hospital, they gave him the "lung capacity" test where you hold up the balls. He held them there so long the doctor looked on the side table and said: "Give me one of those Camel's!!!" Honestly... Can you even bring cigarettes into a hospital now, let alone smoke then there! 😆🤣😂 Anyway... You hear the potheads making same argument now. Watch lung cancer soar in coming years. My father died nor of lung cancer but circulatory issues. Terrible pain at the end... But he was 84...
  13. Won't the Union protect him? Hollywood has some of the historically strongest unions around. 😆 Art and life can get pretty confusing. Now mix in the goal of "Zero-Fail" safety... ...I mean, I can see the need for hot weapons when filming. I can also see the need for a cold weapon. "Perfect safety is for people who don't have the balls to film/live in the real world." How many times does this happen 🤔? Every 20 years? Did they save the footage. It will look real. 😏
  14. I just figured if some others will have their conspiracy theories... I might as well throw one out from the Hollywood Coastal Elite side of the fence. But honestly... He pisses off the what was the most powerful guy in world and his podunk followers... Those guys know the differences between bullets. It would be pretty ez-pz to set up a Hollywood dweeb: "HERE! Go shoot that scene... USE this!" "Okay... If it's okay with the filmmakers union, it's okay with ME!... Wait, this is a non-Union Hulu movie?" 😏
  15. I wonder if someone set up Alec Baldwin. He's definitely made enemies... Someone/entity had to set him up. The law enforcement establishment community would have the ability to do this, don't they regulate this stuff?
  16. Good point! I saw that. Wasn't sure if start of fumble had to be on ground. ?? I am not blaming refs. Just looking for definitive clarity. They originally had a more favorable spot.
  17. Yes. If he was in control with left hand when right touched. Was he, I think you said yes. What caused him to lose control here: Neither hands on ball. The ground when his right hand hit. I could postulate he wasn't in control before he his right arm touched. That's what they called on field, in real-time first...
  18. IFF he was in control of ball with left hand when right arm touched, then YES, they made right call. If no, he wasn't in control of ball, then Allen made the first down. Remember... The on-field spot was that he made it.
  19. So he was in control of the ball here: But NOT here a split second later: Did the ground cause this fumble? Both arms are splayed wide open ball in middle of his chest crossing first down line while everything is still IN bounds. Maybe they got the original call right on the field in real time? ??? Just answer the questions. Was he in control of the ball (with his left hand only) when his right elbow, forearm touched: He obviously wasn't a millisecond later: Did the ground cause the fumble when his right arm touched... Causing his totally independent left hand to lose control of ball?
  20. 😆.. If he was fumbling and NOT in control of the ball when his right forearm, elbow initially touched, then yes... He made it. If Josh was in control when his elbow, right forearm touched, then NO, he didn't make it. And BTW... @Gugnyis a hack troll. 😆 I would never outwardly troll.
  21. Remember... They overturned the original ruling on the field and placed the ball back. Was Josh in control of ball when his arm went down or was he NOT in control and already in the act of fumbling it? The ball is in bounds, shoulders, helmet inbounds till the ball crosses first down line. Yes it is. Same progression. A split second later in the sequence.
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