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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Should have had Lexan (bulletproof glass) knuckles, just as strong as brass. Would have passed through metal detector.
  2. Allen came VERY CLOSE against Jagwads last week. I think LoS was a few yards out!
  3. Jets had 16 more plays, 1 less drive, and +5 minutes more ToP... AND still got destroyed!
  4. Youse Jets were slashed and they crashed... Stuck in the mud in the swamps of Jersey, oh Lord have mercy! πŸ˜†
  5. Don't go back to Rockville and waste another...
  6. Nope... If this was "Price Is Right"... Without going over... They came the closest vvvv
  7. Johnny is like EF Hutton.. When @Johnny Hammersticks speaks, I listen. I can't see the shoulders, but that's a dude! 😬
  8. +1 I figure mine will be 75 years old on the free money between 56 and 62. I will take the bait and they can push me out the door at 56. I can see waiting a few years... But not 13. I can buckle down in my old age, if I make it that long. I will just turn off the heat, eat soup and get down to 175 pounds... Isn't that what the elderly do?πŸ˜πŸ™„
  9. "Be kind. For everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." ~Socrates (Some attribute it to Plato)
  10. That's why I am going at 56. If I stay, I'd make more but won't get the free money in the pension supplement to 62. I figured it out... About 13 years till I break even if I waited to 62 for the 10% pension raise... By then I will be 75, what good is it waiting. In my late 50s... I can always do something else. At 62, the supplement will end... Take a hit there, maybe even wait to collect SS for another 5 years... ?? And swing-shift is killing me anyway. Why add another 5 years of that.
  11. The NFL SpinMedia is out in force: https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2021/11/13/grudens-lawsuit-mistakenly-alleges-that-his-firing-was-intended-to-distract-from-wft-investigation/ Why we need more community owned teams! Change...
  12. That's what the article says... Fed will tax it. But the plebs DO have to consider some of those things, they're not the big shots making big bucks. The world needs poor pensioners too making smart choices with their money. 😏 "...And there's winners, and there's losers but they ain't no big deal 'Cause the simple man baby pays the thrills, the bills and the pills that kill..."
  13. Like Wiki & this? I thought Robert Woods messed up his knee yesterday, NOT 2 months ago? Surprised nobody caught it yet and corrected it. Click on the source, it says November 13th...
  14. #1 reason people file bankruptcy = Medical bills. As a Fed... I was reading this... States that don't tax your retirement. Some surprising ones here. Retirement will be three prong. Pension (w/early SS supplement before 62 w/30 years in), TSP(401k), and SS (62+, your choice): https://hawsfederaladvisors.com/the-states-that-wont-tax-your-fed-retirement-income/ SS: "...The good news however, is that most states don’t tax your Social Security benefits. There are just 13 states that DO and they are the following: Colorado, Connecticut, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Rhode Island, Utah, Vermont and West Virginia." TSP (401k) Distribution: "...And while most states tax TSP distributions as well, these 12 DON'T: Alaska, Florida, Nevada, New Hampshire, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, Wyoming, Illinois, Mississippi and Pennsylvania." Pension: "...But again, there are many states (14 to be exact) that DO NOT tax pension income at all. Here they are: Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, Wyoming New Hampshire, Alabama, Illinois, Hawaii, Mississippi, and Pennsylvania."
  15. Any suggestions for whitetails? https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2021/11/10/1054224204/how-sars-cov-2-in-american-deer-could-alter-the-course-of-the-global-pandemic
  16. No. But you have to listen to Air Supply. 😏
  17. You beat me to it! Ready to post this... πŸ˜†
  18. Gruden was a scapegoat to take heat off the WFT investigation. He is a diversion. How old are these emails? The NFL is even dirtier than Gruden the patsy.
  19. And the pandemic lowered our life expectancy a wee bit.
  20. The world needs ditch diggers too. They need someone to manage their portfolio. LoL... I hope they were saving early and not living above their means because the man in the suit has just bought a new car from the profit he's made on their dreams. 😏
  21. Same... Worth more dead now. BUT I am leaving at the earliest age that I can get maximum benefits.
  22. Ask @GoBills808... He's on Big Island. IIRC... It's "Tung-oh-vi-low-uh" ??
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