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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Like it or not, the weather caused the Bills offense to misfire. The fumble was deep in NE* zone... NE* minimized their risk with only 3 passes and had better backs. Harris was ground up so much, he's hobbled now. They won. It can't be a weekly plan to grind your team down. Just win in Foxborough. Better yet, win next week. Bills have the ability to hang a lot on Tampa...
  2. You know... They have still have almost a 50% chance of winning division. Yes... If they would have won, it would have been 85%.
  3. But they did stop an offense running goal line formations. They only scored 1 TD and 2 FGs... We're you expecting a shut out?
  4. Just win the next 2 weeks and things drastically change. Bills winning last night gave then 85% chance of winning AFCeast. Since they lost, now have about 40% chance. Just win in Foxborough.
  5. They only put up 240 total. LoL... It's not getting run over when that 222 is basically all their plays! LoL.... It's getting run over if they also would have passed for a buck 50 or more. They only had 3 passes for 20 yards. One long TD and 2 FGs... Bills pretty much stuffed them. Bills bills put up 11 yards less total. Did they pass all over them? Bills had a more balanced attack and hung 100 yards rushing on them.
  6. You gotta be kidding. D is only allowed +6, +2 and two FGs WITH the wind. The D is not why they lost. The D is only thing that kept them in game and gave them a shot to win it at end. The offense couldn't score and wind blew a sure chip shot wide-right or Bills are trying for a winning FG. 14 points. (really only 1 TD). What were expecting a shutout? They were outclassed, outcoached when it came to strategy. McD should have elected to not get ball to start 3rd. Yup, double defer! Take wind in 4th. That missed FG would have been with the wind and a winning/go ahead kick attempt with the wind at end. Sure D couldn't stop one long run... That's only 8 points. They did everything to carry the team in a very physics contest. Grinding out every play, stuffing NE* in backfield and only allowing 14 points. You should win giving up 14 points on 1 TD and 2 FGs! Because the coaching staff can't simply follow one rule: "Take the wind in 4th when you have the option during games like this" ...They can't think outside the box. The coin toss was the curse. They could have deferred the second half kickoff. In bad weather, that's like having last ups in baseball! Hoodie pushed end game. Bills coaching staff misplayed their choices.
  7. And probably why they are so mad. They ran every play and only scored 6 then a 2pt. conversion on a run! Bills weren't getting them to pass no matter what. +1.
  8. They stopped the run. Just couldn't stop the one that scored 8. +6 +2 +3 +3 === 14 points. Not a bad D.
  9. Sorry. Tool only. Forgot #3. Fixed! 😉 3) we build a dome downtown
  10. Because you can still score a ticket 🎟 to the biggest game of the year for only 61 bucks. Using the inflation calculator: https://www.usinflationcalculator.com/ That's $28.83 in 1990! But add the fees and it becomes: $40. Thanks weather! 😉
  11. Tiger is right! I need to give up swing shift and stop working, head to the Bahamas... I don't foresee my back and leg ever getting better... “I don't foresee this leg ever being what it used to be. Hence, I'll never have the back what it used to be. And clock's ticking. I'm getting older; I'm not getting any younger,” Woods, 45, said in the Bahamas ahead of this week's Hero World Challenge, which he's not competing in.
  12. No it's not when you're merely sitting in a CHAIRLIFT a lot of the time. Yet, skiing is more enjoyable in the rain than watching a game in the rain. Wasn't complaining about the cold. Complaining about the sitting in the rain. 😉
  13. Because West Seneca West is the original... They were called: "Seneca." East came later, like around 1970 or so. The yearbook @ West is called: "Acenes"... Seems when West was the only high school in town and named: "Seneca"... Seneca's first yearbook came back from printer's with the front cover named spelled backwards. Hence, ever since, the yearbook is called: "Acenes" @ West! Now YOU know!
  14. Went to the West Seneca West-East Championship game a few years ago @ NewEra... Brutal in cold November rain, let alone West losing. Think they would have opened up The Clubs and utilized the upper deck over hang! 😏
  15. I like the Stadium in The OP, think it should stay... BUT, Devil's advocate... This in between weather blows especially when you're dragging, feeling under the weather. It's achy when it's damp. Heat is just as bad. Not sure which is worse...
  16. Honestly... I got some normal time off... Thinking about getting tickets. It's like skiing... I don't mind the temps... Just Hate the rain... I don't wanna sit in cold rain... If they were forecasting a foot of snow, I'd have my tickets alreadt... ...Guess I will just wait till we get a little closer.. Really. I don't mind 30s, 40s... Love skiing in it... Just hate the rain.
  17. Irony? A raw turkey in a raw turkey thread.😉😜 Oh... Very nice recipe. ¡Muchas Gracias!
  18. The guy that popularized jogging. Jim Fixx, died in his 50s from a heart attack: "...Granted access to his medical records and autopsy, and after interviewing his friends and family, Cooper concluded that Fixx was genetically predisposed—his father died of a heart attack at 43 after a previous one at 35, and Fixx himself had a congenitally enlarged heart—and had an unhealthy life: Fixx was a heavy smoker before beginning running at age 36, had a stressful occupation, had undergone a second divorce, and gained weight up to 214 pounds (97 kg). Medical opinion continues to uphold the link between moderate exercise and longevity. ..." The important stuff bolded. DON'T take up jogging! 😏
  19. I didn't think that had to be code. Oven and refrigerators on GFCI... I can see oven, but refrigerator would have spoiled food with nusaince trips...
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