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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. So...I take that's a firm: NIET! from you? No harvesting Russian pelt?
  2. RIP.. My brother died similarly @ 56 almost 1 year ago after contracting COVID-19.
  3. Out of 46 passing plays like NEs* 46 running plays, Josh is bound to pop one... And Bills will win the game! Give it a shot. Trust the process!
  4. Didn't know he was from South BFLo! Nice! He went NW thinking the other engagements may have slowed them (or he could have assumed they were ahead towards the SE and Midway... He chose wisely!) from where his rendezvous point was... Then happened onto the cruiser (think cruiser IIRC) that engaged the USS Nautilus submarine... That Japanese vessel was making +30 knots... McClusky knew they had to be going somewhere important! Led him straight to Kido Butai. God Bless him!
  5. "Torso reflex" https://lifesaving.com/issues-safety-rescue/prevention-and-management-of-torso-reflex/ We still got Idiot fisherman/hunters in bassboats still boating. Water is 37°... No PFD, immersion suit, or even float coats... Just Carhartts with bibs... At least that will help stay warm a little... When those get soaked & heavy and they're at the bottom of the river... /smh "Torso Reflex, also known as Gasp Reflex , Inhalation Response, or Cold Water Shock, is caused by sudden immersion into water colder than 70 degrees F. Sudden immersion into cold water triggers an involuntary reflexive torso gasp that can cause the person to aspirate water into his/her airway and lungs, which can lead to laryngospasm, disorientation, panic, and the loss of any physical ability to swim or remain afloat."
  6. People have gone over The Falls in a barrel... Why not try The Buick! 😬😬😬😬😬 Can't they can drop the flow of water... So the car hangs up? ... It's only inches deep over the precipice.
  7. They were eventually scuttled by their own torpedoes to take them to the bottom.
  8. Watch this....Watch how the Carrier Fleet slips outta Pearl before battle Midway. Boy... Luck on our side? Watch his previous 3 videos on Midway. Japanese perspective...
  9. Don't they have some high-tech device earpods or something you can wear that will translate? Like the UN. 😏 They got practically everything else. I guess the deaf peeps will always be "othered" but at least it won't be by the mean old white man...
  10. Trust me, I hated the Bills teams when they were cheating. 😆 I still do.
  11. No deflection at all. If the Bills did that, they deserved to lose. Pretty lousy thing to do... And you're proud of it? We need a better sense of shame: https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1994/11/22/japan-apologizes-to-itself-for-pearl-harbor/545b9653-8a06-4eb6-9ca6-43d2e48e1d91/ Bills need to apologize stat! Apologize to us Bills fans!
  12. Bills were 1-15 in the early 1980s. Serves them right!
  13. Nope. Sorry. Do you feel shame that we dropped the bomb on Japan? OR should we have been more honorable....Even if it would have been harder with greater loss to our people? Of course you don't... Because honor doesn't mean much to you. Trust me on this one, I stayed at a Super 8 last night! 😉 😜 Honor means a lot to the Japanese, they are ashamed of their atrocities at the height of their victories
  14. Answer: I would feel ashamed. Same way the Japanese felt after the war. Why they healed.
  15. You don't strike me as an escapee. 😉 😜
  16. I agree with this sans the jealousy part.
  17. PBY "Strawberry 5" will suffice. 😏
  18. It's not great football, but will work in bad weather. Like putting studded snows on a vehicle. Don't attempt to drive it August over 2 mph.
  19. No way it makes it to Gabe... If it's not batted down, IMO balls falls at Davis' feet. Not enough needed mustard on it to reach him. ... And you know why it wouldn't have got to him? 🤫... Josh was pressured, but the pass was long gone early. Had nothing to do with.
  20. Bold to run 46 times last night and pass 3 times! The Japanese needed oil! Desperate people do bold, desperate things for their imperial conquests. Like the Cheatriots need to make the playoffs. We got 'em @ Midway like we gonna get them at Foxborough! 😉
  21. Could they (the carrier fleet) have been out looking for them? I know it sounds out there... But, who would have known true intentions back then. Brass keeps quiet, goes about business... I find it hard to believe maneuvers are just maneuvers. They are floating out there for a reason. Sadly the Japanese got through faster than you can say Damien Harris pops a 64 yard TD run... ...But they awoke a sleeping giant.
  22. NewsFlash: 7. Buffalo Bills (7-5) FPI chances to make playoffs: 84.4% FPI chances to win division: 33.7% The Bills missed a massive opportunity Monday night to put themselves in position to win the AFC East and challenge for home-field advantage in the playoffs. Ultimately, though, the Patriots looked more comfortable on a classic night in western New York. Had the Bills managed to pull out a win, they would have had a 62.6% chance to win the division and a 42.3% chance to clinch home-field advantage. Now, they're more likely to be fighting for an AFC wild-card spot, with a tough schedule that includes games against the Buccaneers and at the Patriots. Next up: at Buccaneers
  23. Bills have an 85% of making the playoffs. He challenged to essentially take a timeout without taking the timeout to give them a breather. Yeah odds were low that play would be overturned, but you never know. I can't fault him there, gonna waste a timeout anyway, why not try to get a better spot.
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