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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Little of both. It's been totally legal here in Illinois for recreational use. I am pro legalization. Make it totally legal and study the effects it has on the masses.
  2. Rigged is really NOT the right word. They "push" outcomes. Refs wanted Bills back in game. Better narrative.
  3. Because it keeps Tuck Rule out of memory and instills a falsified legitimacy. Keep telling people a lie, they eventually believe it!
  4. How else were the Bucs gonna win? If they call that PI... That puts Bills on Goal line with a fresh set of downs and only 1/2 a minute left. I like our odds of winning right there! Even holding gives Bills a fresh set of downs 5 yards close. It was clearly holding, if not PI
  5. I get it... But we simply don't know if propaganda holds true because it's been illegal forever. Marijuana is a hallucinogen. We are already in a mental health crisis. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/your-brain-food/202104/can-marijuana-cause-psychosis Are we prepared for this? Who are your parents? "Inheriting a genetic predisposition to psychosis makes one vulnerable to the consequences of marijuana. Unfortunately, there are no genetic tests currently available to inform someone with certainty that they are at risk of developing psychosis. Our only option is to consider your siblings: Do any of them seem psychotic to you? If so, then you should seriously reconsider using marijuana."
  6. We should name that road: Perdition Road, Route 420 takes you right to Pottersville. Pun intended.
  7. No. I chose to watch the BFLo teams only in hopes they stick it to the rigged system. I am at peace with that. I don't watch every week. Only prime time games I can get. I mostly multi-task, follow on my phone... It's not a conspiracy. Just the way system is set up.
  8. They are trying to be good soldiers, League team players. I get it. But they are getting played. It's clearly rigged.
  9. Did you see the tantrum, hissy Brady threw when his sideline called a TimeOut? He looked like a 5 year old child
  10. Bucs played like garbage in second half. They only scored 3 points in 3rd and 4th. If Bills played like garbage, Bucs played equally as bad in second half. Yeah... But why do some have to be more mentally tough? Why are the victims shamed over this?
  11. Microclimate. BFLo was placed there for one purpose only. 😉 Even the Natives hunkered down other places away.
  12. Through the ground and then pumped through a Katadyn Pocket Filter... Should handle anything in the Western Hemisphere... But, why not just boil it to be safe! 😁
  13. Just protecting the property values from those gaudy decorations. Betcha the Homeowner's Association sent them! 😏
  14. /MySarcasmHiglightedAbove That and knocking up another chick when his wife was 6 months pregnant. That puts a guy in a bit of a jam. RIP...
  15. Yes. Everything. I just got a small basement and garage. Tools and "parts." When Zombie Apocalypse strikes, I will be able to rebuild everything AND pump fresh water to drink! I guess they call that a "prepper" now?
  16. If anything... Just leave it there like the old scow that's been there for 70 or so years...
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