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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. I was in Mead's Club seats this past Sunday. He's right up against the glass windows, back to the luxury box... It's actually COLDER when the damn rich folk open the window.. Sucks the cold air right through! The overhead heaters are great with windows closed... Heat bouces off the glass and right back to you! Warmer with damn windows closed! ...Anyway... I just started cheering really loud and obnoxiously... Then went and hit the head, grabbed a few beers and came back... Low and behold the window directly behind was closed up! ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚... My tactic worked! @mead107
  2. The Collins Kids... Rockabilly from the 1950s: This kid on gee-tar... Larry Collins wrote this hit song for Tanya Tucker:
  3. Why the Seaway mainly goes through Canada? They can charge a toll on the Welland. I think it's $25 per lock on Welland for pleasure craft (PC) and a ton more for ships. There's 8 locks on Welland 25 miles to west of BFLo. Taking your little boat from L.Ontario to L.Erie will cost you $200 in tolls. The legality of it if an All-American Canal ran from Tonawanda to say Wilson Harbor on L.Ontario: Northwest Ordinance 1787 under the Articles of Confederation and then when Our Constitution was ratified in 1789, The Northwest Ordinance of 1789 was one of the first acts of Congress... Basically, reaffirmed and left intact from 1787: Article IV: "...The navigable waters leading into the Mississippi and St. Lawrence, and the carrying places between the same, shall be common highways and forever free, as well to the inhabitants of the said territory as to the citizens of the United States, and those of any other States that may be admitted into the confederacy, without any tax, impost, or duty therefore." They'd have to change the Northwesrt Ordinance of 1789 to start charging a toll in US. It's why our wateterways are toll free. Niagara Falls is definitely a "carrying place." As is Chicago between Lakes and Mississippi watershed or any other place on the continental divide.
  4. Yes. But it's not going through Canada. Jobs stay here... Provisioning the ships, the tugs, etc... Better than being treated like Radiator Springs in the movie "Cars." Thing is... Through Canada they can charge a toll. In US, by US law no toll could charged. No user fee.
  5. What killed BFLo opened Toronto up to the world! We should have built an "All-American Canal" to compete with Welland. Plans were on the books in 1950s/60s to build it. Did they know that Love Canal would be sitting right in the middle and blow up in the region's & nation's face under 20 years later? Jetport in Pendleton too: Shoutout to: @BringBackFergy @Beerball ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜œ
  6. The residual grains alone may have sustained colonies of rats for years? We have elevators here... But they are still in use. Makes me kinda mad that they couldn't still use them in BFLo. What was Cargill's plan with them all these years? Could they have opened it back up into service? Brownfields like this should have been addressed.
  7. Museums help too. Something like this I am in the middle. WTF does a city do with that monstrosity that is in condemned condition. They haven't used in decades. Just rotting there. Cargill is outta Minnesota (incorporated in Delaware), they don't give a ***** about BFLo... And that's BFLo's problem... Always mostly a satellite labor town with company HQs off in far away places... When business retracts, where do they retract to? Their home bases...
  8. It kinda dawned on me this year, hearing it on Sirius "HolidaySoul"... Hey that's a Holidays Song!
  9. Hope it's a good idea. Limited options. Gotta turn a buck somehow!
  10. No. It's the Nation's busiest port. Revenue in far exceeds what needed to be rebuilt. BFLo is the exact opposite. Built because of geography and died because of it. Mutha Nature isn't destroying NOLA's economic output... That economic output AND future potential still far exceeds what Nature can throw at it.
  11. Exactly! Though... Two best times to plant a tree is 20 years ago and right now! Taking up a lot of space... Kinda sad because BFLo seems to always be in this predicament.
  12. "...And we'll send you glad tidings from New York Open up your eyes so you may see Ask you not to read between the lines Hope that you will come in right on time And they'll talk to you while you're in trances And you'll visualize not taking any chances But meet them halfway with love, peace and persuasion And expect them to rise for the occasion Don't it gratify when you see it materialize Right in front of your eyes That surprise...
  13. Working Thursday night to Monday. Probably grab some kinda take-out...
  14. https://www.wgrz.com/article/news/local/buffalo-to-issue-emergency-demolition-permit-for-great-northern-grain-elevator/71-6daf2408-2ab6-479e-9d5b-f8b8cb8220df It hasn't been operational for decades and they did nothing to preserve it? Sadly... It's taking up a lot of space. Kayakers don't pay the bills. Sadly, it probably needs to be taken down. Save a small historical portion like the fake Canalside.. Build a Dippin' Dots stand, throw a summer concert, charge $20 to park... That will pay the bills during the June to September kayaking season. /sarcasm
  15. The grain elevator was invented in BFLo... Maybe make a historical thing out of it... ?? Agree... Like lighthouses.. They are of architectural significance by varying design and style. National landmarks.
  16. What the world needs now is another administrator like we need another variant of Covid-19...
  17. Easy... Kay Stephenson followed by Joe Dufek. Not even close the rest.
  18. Thanks... Not trying to be mean. Yes... I agree, just really scared some, hopefully not many go off the rails with that happiness. We saw it in the 1950s and 1960s when a more structured society burst from it's seams. Maybe a less structured society today can handle it. We don't want a repeat of the "man men" culture... Back in the day things like this weren't accepted out in the open, I am glad they are now in open and no shaming is going on. Personally, in our family, we have dealt with the whole range of issues... PTSD, Alcoholism, mental illness. Experienced it especially my father (happened to be a 100% disabled vet too... Boy that's a coincidence...). Anyway, I am just not sure self-medication is the answer.
  19. "Live Free & Get High" should be the Granite State's new motto! ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜œ
  20. So misinformed! The man is keeping it down! https://hallucinogens.com/what-are-hallucinogens/is-weed-a-hallucinogenic-drug/ "For most people, smoking weed produces a mellow and relaxing high. This is why it might be a shock to learn that weed is actually considered a hallucinogenic drug by the government. According to the Controlled Substances Act, there are five different classes of drugs โ€“ depressants, narcotics, stimulants, anabolic steroids, and hallucinogens. Marijuana is classified as a hallucinogen, along with other more potent drugs like LSD and peyote. However, in order to truly understand marijuanaโ€™s classification as a hallucinogenic drug, itโ€™s first important to understand what is meant by hallucinogenic drug and how weed affects your body. What Is a Hallucinogenic Drug? By definition, a hallucinogenic drug is any substance that can produce visual or auditory hallucinations and distort your sense of reality. All hallucinogenic drugs can also affect thought and mood, making people feel like they are in a dream (or in some cases, a nightmare). ..." Trying to polish a nightmare into a relaxing dream is what the potheads are trying to do. Look I am not against it... People will always look for a chemical crutch... Just don't fool yourself into thinking one drug is better than the next. Always unintended consequences. The road to hell is paved with good intentions... Carry on!
  21. They did nothing in OT because once again Diggs was held on 3rd down. ๐Ÿ˜† ๐Ÿคฃ Anyway... You gotta be kidding. That dog don't hunt!
  22. Indiana still illegal. Illinois is legal for recreational use. Billboards going into Indiana say cops will bust you for it. The Indiana BMW dealer always knows when an Illinois car is in the shop. My salesman said: "The odor wafts through the showroom floor from the drop-off bay." ๐Ÿ˜†... There's still a stigma. You go some places and the odor is definitely distinguishable like a guy smoking a nasty stogey...
  23. I read tobacco use with marijuana not good. Then there's the whole smoking it thing. Won't we see rise in cancers, lung cancer?
  24. Any correlations to the mental health crisis we are seeing on the rise? Will there be testing to find out if people might be predisposed to psychosis? To me it's like guns. I am not anti-gun because I know people enjoy them and use then responsibly... Yet... We got a mess on hands with the people who can't.
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