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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. You need a double dose of distemper. Shoulda got your booster too! Are they dieing? Did they need to go to hospital? The only one I know that wasn't vaxxed is now dead. FWIW...
  2. On Wigilia... Christmas Eve... That's where Grandma would take Wigilia (V-Gee-Lee) up a notch and say: "How ever you act on Wigilia (through Christmas Eve Day) is how you are gonna act all coming year!" 😆 Isaiah McKenzie is gonna do well! 😆
  3. Called in Polish, Wigilia: http://www.polishamericancenter.org/Wigilia.htm Traditionally meatless: "...The Wigilia is a meatless meal, no doubt the result of a long-time Church mandate that a strict fast and abstinence be observed on this day before Christmas. Although the Church laws have been revised and permit meat to be eaten on this day, the traditional meal remains meatless. Items that would normally be included in a traditional Wigilia menu include mushroom soup, boiled potatoes (kartofle), pickled herring (sledzie), fried fish, pierogi, beans and sauerkraut (groch i kapusta), a dried fruit compote, babka, platek, assorted pastries, nuts and candies. ..."
  4. Long Covid is very real. Millions probably don't even realize they got it. Syndrome. Feeling like 💩 💩 💩 is just a normal way of life... Agree. At least he should have got vaxxed... Then nobody could dispute his team spirit.
  5. He was in the hospital for Da COVIDs... According to his Social Media accounts... Anyway.. Does this help Bills? https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/32953028/sources-nfl-nflpa-deal-cut-covid-isolation-5-days Sorry if it was posted already... Like when Brady gets his azz handed to him in a loss? Yet... When he wins, practically having sex with the cameras after game. 😆
  6. Yeah... Duluth, Minnesota in January. /EndThread 😉 😜 😘
  7. Everyone is special, even the airline drink cart. Where did she expect the drink cart to move to on the "Greyhound of the Sky?" Maybe the Airbus (pun intended) needs a passing lane when returning back from the head! 😏
  8. I'd buy an EV in a heart beat if Guys like Musk would take it back, no questions asked, for a predetermined % paid directly to me in cash... Like a glass milk bottle in the old days.. Let me walk free with $$$ in my pocket to either invest in another one from same company or walk next door and buy from the competition... OR just stopping drinking milk all together. 😆 Final disposal should be tied right back to companies.
  9. Then we all need to consume less. But there are more Love Canals than at any other times in history... Just as there's more human slavery... We, US... That is the two of us speaking just don't see it right under our noses. I am hammering away on a phone... I just don't kid myself the world's a cleaner, better place. In fact, I am probably making it worse. The divide between the "Haves" and "Have Nots" is only getting greater... And tech ain't helping. The most important part for me in a vehicle purchase is that at the end or near the end of its service life I can get that vehicle rolling and doing work that's NOT cost prohibitive. THAT ability should be engineered into everything!
  10. "Wants" to transition away vs. "Actually" transitions away. Will he pay back for the advance he got. Is that factored into the overall cost, human and environmental tragedy? Not against it. Just doesn't make any sense. What am I gonna do with something I can't get rolling when it has 200k on it?
  11. Enjoy your human tragedy: https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/business/batteries/congo-cobalt-mining-for-lithium-ion-battery/ 😉 😜
  12. I shudder to think who on the Bills could be rendered useless with a positive COVIDs test. 😉 I ain't gonna speak it... But you know that shoe is out there looming to drop!
  13. The owner is Finnish. All bets off. 150k is "service life" on most vehicles... But you can get many miles past that. Diesel motors will run for a million miles. Heck a timing CHAIN will get you 250k. The used market will be bruuuutal for these EVs. You'd have to have a hole in your head to get a used one. They simply won't go without proprietary parts? The best thing you can do for the environment is drive a traditional fuel powered vehicle to the ground.
  14. Thnx! Pretty interesting all the added wrinkles. I take it's cheaper to "fill up"... Charge at home. Anyway to charge for free... Even if slow, like say over the 8-12 hours you're @ work? I suppose that all changes when everyone starts jumping on the grid???
  15. On the ground or Dawkins watching in awe, shock and awe baby!
  16. Wow... Bonnie Raitt in her late 20s... Emmylou about 30ish... Lowell George would be dead in 2 years! On the live track ("You Don't Get Much")... Kurt Neumann (BoDeans) goes on to mention how he came up with this song... They were working w/T Bone Burnett and Kurt said how he had a crush on Emmylou Harris when he was younger... T Bone is like: "That oughtta be a song!" So it it is! I can see why! Hubba Hubba! 😊 😳 Here it here from the previous track on their double-live: "Joe Dirt Car"... "You Don't Get Much"... Kurt's story starts @ about 4:17/4:25 as he strums into the "Lookin'" chord...
  17. How much does it cost for a super-charged "fill up"... Do you have to swine a card or is it free?
  18. Story about the Telsa Model X that went ice fishing in Vermont a few years back: https://www.autoevolution.com/news/mystery-of-a-torched-tesla-on-a-frozen-lake-in-vermont-solved-168957.html
  19. @That's No Moon Not to sidetrack the original topic... BUT probably why you didn't see NYS in on the lawsuit when the other Great Lakes States (sans Indiana) and the Indian Tribes were suing in Supreme Court to close the Chicago Canals a decade ago. NYS would lose their sovereignty when it came to their Waterway rights?... And they are in bed with Canada so many ways with... HydroPower, Seaway... Which is a joint federal commission, right? I don't think many noticed NYS didn't adjoin that suit when it went to SCOTUS over 10 years ago. They were cheering on the sidelines though with Canada against Illinois/Indiana. Yes. I would think so. Great read: https://www.greatlakeswaterwars.com/
  20. Good question! "In 1817 the Erie Canal was established under the management of a New York State Commission. (Federal funds were sought, but were not legislated, so this canal and all subsequent canals in New York State were built and maintained exclusively with state funds.)" The NWOrdinance doesn't apply to NYS... BUT they still don't charge a toll at the two Federal locks in NYS: Black Rock & Troy. I ASSUME the precedent would apply to a federally funded All-American Canal had it been built in Niagara County. Eisenhower Lock (Seaway) there is a toll... BUT that's the actual river itself... Not navigable waters leading into it... And again, commission with Canada, right?
  21. No. Read it again. I quoted the 1787 Act under The Articles. 1789 after USC was ratified is virtually unchanged (ie: "Confederacy"). "...shall be common highways and forever free, AS WELL TO the inhabitants of the said territory as to the citizens of the United States, and those of any other States that may be admitted into the confederacy, without any impost, or duty therefore, " That means it's free to all as common highways. The part you are wrongly interpreting is about slavery. Notice how abolitionist values were creeping in very early @ the birth of Our Nation. Nice! Get EZ-Pass! 😆
  22. William T. Love began digging that lane in 1892. We know what got filled in there! 😔😟 That was probably the dirty little secret nobody wanted to open after the war...
  23. The hoi polloi now have their own monitors directly in front of them next to the heaters. What's annoying, it's like a second slower than the play on the field in real time. It's 2021, can't they get the simulcast in perfect sync! It's only 300 feet away! 😆
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