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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. If my old age memory serves me correct... I think today is also Jim Kelly's & Drew Bledsoe's birthday too! Special ShoutOut to: @CowgirlsFan *FunFact... *The probability is ALMOST 1:1 if you take 26 truly RANDOM people and compare their birth day and month... That two people will have the same month & date. Like rooting for the Sabres!πŸ˜‰πŸ˜œπŸ˜˜
  2. How did I miss this! Another few years and you'll really be over the hill! It's all downhill sliding from here out! πŸ˜‰ Hope you enjoyed your day! πŸ˜ƒ
  3. https://www.heraldnet.com/sports/colorados-sakic-breaks-three-fingers-in-snow-blower-accident/
  4. Yet... They were a 1/10 of a second from sacking Mahomes. We're cursed...
  5. 54. You're only exactly 11 years younger old man! πŸ˜† HFBD, belated! πŸ˜‰ Thnx! Nope. Off till Tuesday. I still put in 80 hours every fortnight. In fact, I had 96 hours a few weeks ago! 😜 Mostly when you're sleeping. πŸ˜‰ Hammersticks is influencing you! It's his birthday too on 2/11. πŸ˜ƒ 😊
  6. Like Natashia Richardson... Bumping her head skiing. Walking dead! So sad. RIP Bob... He'd appreciate the humor!
  7. Most likely they will just wait till you're not home, then break in... Steal your weapons too. 😏 It's not a deterrent gun ownership... Actually, it's the opposite. πŸ˜• 😞
  8. Probably some billionaire moving their yacht from one side of the bridge to the other.
  9. "...The woman was walking her bicycle toward West Palm Beach on Sunday afternoon and was within 10 feet of the barrier arms that halt traffic when the drawbridge started to move, police told news outlets. ..." The alarms and bells go off before the bridge rises. Well before. Why didn't she high tail it back to barrier. Only 10 feet. It's a single divided span that lifts... Pressing or freezing ain't gonna make matters better! Sad... They should have 2 people working. One to make a visual inspection.
  10. Operators here on the Chicago and Calumet still have "blockers." We keep people working (in-house) up North. "The Florida Department of Transportation maintains the bridge, but the bridge tenders are staffed by a private state contractor." You get what you pay for... 😏 Why we will always have two operators or more at the locks on shift. Even when a boat sinks, can react... 😏... They ran the Mel Price Lock north of St.Louis from Washington DC way back in 2003. Nothing ever came of it. Paging: @BringBackFergy 😊
  11. What? Build you a "Hooverville?" πŸ˜†...
  12. "Sail on down the line 'bout-a half-a mile or so And-a don't really wanna know-a where you're goin' Maybe once or twice, you see, time after time I tried-a to, to hold on to what we got, but-a now you're goin' And I don't mind about the things you're gonna say, Lord I gave all my money, and my time I know it's a shame, but I'm givin' you back your name, yeah, yeah Yes I'll be on my way, I won't be back to stay I guess I'll move along, I'm lookin' for a good time...
  13. You just like watching female ski racers! πŸ˜‰
  14. If one has the coin for heated pipes under their road leading into their empire... I'd sure bet one of these wouldn't be to terrible of an engineering problem: πŸ˜‰
  15. Beggars deep dish is one of the exceptionals... Both outie/innie! 😏
  16. Wings will annihilate the bill though! They are through the roof!
  17. Pizza is $27.00 and up in BFLo too. πŸ˜† I ordered take out last month and dropped $50. πŸ˜†
  18. But... Why not heated pipes in the driveway? http://www.heateddriveway.com/
  19. We didn't either until after the '77 Blizzard... ...And in any case, I can still hear my old man in the back of head: "GO shovel the driveway so when I have a heart attack the ambulance doesn't get stuck!" πŸ˜† He's probably made it longer than all of us will! πŸ˜•πŸ˜ž
  20. Translation: What crawled up your ass and died! πŸ˜†
  21. I never once shoveled my driveway to get to work and I've lived above the Mason-Dixon Line my whole life. Who's got time for that! Why I am a "backer-innner!" πŸ˜† Now... Getting back in into my driveway after work is another matter when socialism is dead that day and neighbor didn't clear a path. What garages are for. I am not gonna work before work. It takes a village!
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