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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Mary Jane Lamond on vocals w/Ashley... Actually a traditional Celtic song. Here she is with Ashley's cousin Wendy MacIsaac on fiddle: Little bit about Ashley: "His cousins Alexis MacIsaac, Wendy MacIsaac and Natalie MacMaster are also touring fiddlers. He is also a distant cousin of the White Stripes guitarist and lead vocalist Jack White. The two met and MacIsaac opened for the White Stripes concert in Glace Bay in 2007."
  2. In honor of "March" and all things kinda Irish and Spring!
  3. Liar liar pants on fire! πŸ˜‰
  4. I'd ski that vertical! 😏
  5. I know someone who shoots invasive goats. πŸ˜‰ And a box of "Franken Berry" was only a supermarket shelf away! πŸ˜‰ https://www.fatherly.com/health-science/franken-berry-stool-medical-condition/
  6. Wow! Never thought it existed. Horsey sauce snobs! 😏 C. FWIW... Too many damn Arby's closing!
  7. I think Burrow is gonna be injury-prone. Get dinged up constantly. My wife got all bent when I said during SB that Joe is gonna be a "crystal chandelier." πŸ˜† Calmed her down by saying Josh is the real deal! 😏
  8. Some people dream of the world being run like Disney. Did you know ever Disney Employee must pick up garbage if they see it littered about. From the highest CEO to the lowest peon. AND must do it nonchalantly and with one graceful unobtrusive swoop. That should make you feel better that you were cast out of paradise! πŸ˜† Take 2 Tylenol and call me in the morning! https://www.studyfinds.org/tylenol-can-alleviate-the-pain-from-social-rejection-study-finds/ 😁
  9. The Church is nowhere even close to being at rock bottom again with the science! Not even close! Same culturally. Yet... When has anything been NOT about the dinero!
  10. Because they are getting screwed. Like losing a close one, or getting blown out. I can handle a blow out better. Until I am proven wrong, Bills are right on script. Keep the rabid fans on a leash. No reason the League needs them to win, the Bills fans aren't going anywhere!
  11. More than just football. Mostly other places here...
  12. "Excess ain't rebellion. You're drinking what they're selling. Your self-destruction doesn't hurt them. Your chaos won't convert them." 😏
  13. +1. I go to a few home games, but other times don't even watch. Just multi-task, follow Bills GameCast on ESPN.com, etc... Even during SuperBowl, I went grocery shopping at end of 1st quarter and still made it home for 1/2 time show. And I wasn't glued to TV until maybe when Rams got a free set of downs on ticky-tackyness. Ironic? πŸ˜† I sit down and the flags and offsetting BS starts! πŸ˜†πŸ€£πŸ˜‚ How history repeats itself 40 years later:
  14. Sorry... I had to edit my post above after you liked it. Meant to say Cincy ISN'T one of the League's golden teams!
  15. 2/14 was also "The BIG 50" for Drewbie "The Big Statue" Bledsoe. Oops... Missed this! You know... Josh is just a Drew thar can move, Run, hurdle. We finally got the complete package!
  16. I only watch to see if the Bills can stick it to the establishment. Why I was rooting for Bengals. Cincy is one the League's golden teams. Normally, I hate Cincy because of the AFC rivalry. Yet... They are closer to Bills. Wasn't it Wilson and Brown the only two dissenters w/the CBA years ago? Yet... The establishment still won...
  17. With help from the refs and a fresh set of downs on 3rd and goal. Help that wasn't afforded to the Bills against the Bucs on a more egregious act... That would have changed the venue of the divisional playoff game against the Chiefs. Yup... It was that close of a season where factors that certain teams weren't afford equal opportunities. Error on the part of the League, glitches in the rules and system, or just bad luck... Anyway you slice, inconsistent season mostly on the doings of powers beyond the control of the teams competing. Rams were afforded an opportunity in a big game that certain other teams weren't. This season couldn't have ended any worse.
  18. Somebody should have put a proposition 65 warning sticker on those refs last night. Cincy caught cancer from them!
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