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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. I have driven that stretch from Ashtabula to the NYS line probably 100s of times... A good handful was straight down middle getting pummeled with snow. The Snovember trip... Tacked around the snow in the Southern Tier. Came just in time to see my father's street cleared with the endloader. Had snowshoes ready in case we had to park on main road...
  2. You were in Chicago. Trivia... Do you know the decade where the most buildings went up in Chicago and the skyline changed the most? I was shocked to find out the answer when I read it. Good article: https://www.commercialcafe.com/blog/current-skyscraper-building-boom-falls-short-of-eighties/ 48 went up in Chicago during the prolific 1980s... Maybe coming from BFLo where the bottom fell out in 1979, wouldn't have thought others did so well...
  3. Putting your four-ways/flashers/hazards on cuts through the snow when headlight beams blast, reflect the snow back and blind you. Shut headlights off, turn on the fog/auxiliary low beams (if you got them) and put hazards on. The sad part, now every schmo on the road is doing it and going 30mph once even the smallest flake flies. /smdh... That's when you hit them with the Sasquatch Lights:
  4. Uncle Augie... What's a "hood ornament?" 😆 🤣 Boy, that'd dated you! Nothing like a good ole fashion white knuckle drive with the lives of the whole nuclear family hanging in the balance! Ferguson is gonna lose (the rest of) his mind when he wakes up today. I better tag him and his friends. Look what you've done @Ice bowl 67!!! @BringBackFergy @Beerball @Gugny @Mike in Horseheads Please don't check the ShoutBox too... 😏
  5. 2009-10, January 2nd ish... Drove down to Florida for Christmas. Then up to South Carolina for New Year's, then on to BFLo thru W.VA for an extended stay before back to Ill-Annoy. I79. Pittsburgh to Erie. Right into teeth of a Lake Effect snow squall band, by the grace of God made it out! Been so many others, that was worse. Usually in the snow belts...
  6. Is what it is Brutha! The train is leaving the station... Don't be late and don't get run over! Malcontents... Stay home!
  7. There's no hill to die on. You either trust the process or you don't. Move on.
  8. Everything in the game is an if or a screwup. They hold them there, they look like geniuses. They didn't, so they screwed up.
  9. If you don't like pi, today is also: "Steak & BJ Day." 😏
  10. And yet. That super duper prevent defense gets one millisecond faster to Mahomes or stuffs them 3 yards shorter, we're celebrating. McD played it like @Gugny plays his first word in Wordle. 😆 Sometimes you get totally boopkiss. Not many, but sometimes...
  11. Remember they didn't lose the game in 13 seconds, other team tied the game on a long kick in 13 seconds. You gotta be kidding. 13 seconds to kick off, other team has all 3 timeouts and all they need to do is tie game with long kick! Not as bad. Losing the game on an OT coin toss because your Defense is already gassed from previous series. YEAH, THAT is worse.
  12. I don't get it? Where were the West Seneca Police? Policing the East-West High School game?
  13. Shouted this. Just felt it had to be archived here!!!
  14. "Well, you say that I'm an outlaw, You say that I'm a thief. Here's a Christmas dinner For the families on relief." Yes, as through this world I've wandered I've seen lots of funny men; Some will rob you with a six-gun, And some with a fountain pen. And as through your life you travel, Yes, as through your life you roam, You won't never see an outlaw Drive a family from their home."
  15. Why? Downstate so much more derogatory. Look at it as glass half full, not half empty. Here... Everything outside ChicagoLand is considered Downstate. Hillbilly heaven. Upstate is a good thing! Who cares if NYS is NYCcentric. Kinda rightly so.
  16. Thank you Copernicus of NYS for debunking the QueensburyCentric philosophy Gug is spewing... Yeah... @Gugny 's world view, perspective is that only he can be in "Upstate" because he's above everyone else in the state. He travels down to BFLo and NYC. Such low life's there! Yes, Virginia, NYS really revolves around a NYCcentric POV when it comes to Upstate and Downstate debate! Not the Adirondacks... 🤭😁 Cc: @Beerball Bcc (not so blind carbon copy): @BringBackFergy
  17. I don't think it's a legend about the dead cows. Maybe the kid. But, here on the Chicago ShitDitch... Back in the day... The stockyards would throw the carcasses of the animals in canal. How "Bubbly Creek" got it's name here. The decomposing carcasses would cause the creek, small tributary of canal, to supposedly bubble up. Take it for what it's worth. Had to be common at other places.
  18. Kinda unfair. I'd die on that hill! Definitely a hill to die on! 😉 Move it or take moderation off and you'd see people whack at it. 😆 20 years here... You learn to pick your battles.
  19. I caught it somewhere on like History Channel show... Will see if I can reference it.
  20. Quagga mussels. Billions on bottom of Lake Michigan, but Eddie Fitz sank in Lake Superior... Upstream of Lake Michigan. https://www.mlive.com/news/2016/09/why_havent_zebra_and_quagga_mu.html "In any other Great Lake, that would be unheard of. But scientists say that Lake Superior has successfully repelled the invasive dreissenid mussels thanks to a unique combination of temperature, chemistry and food availability."
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