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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. I have to agree! Didn't most Stones albums coincide w/Beatles albums... ?? Like "Their Satanic Majesties Request" The Stones answer to "Sgt. Pepper's."
  2. If your phone poops the bed, you can go to window. Not sure where I heard that. Maybe here...
  3. I am a calling FakeNews! Hey Apple tough guy throwing around fancy big boy tech words! I am not impressed with your lame Apple skills. You probably hired an Apple Genius to help you. I smell a cover-up calling your jailbreaked iPhone 4s "rooted." That thing couldn't set my thermostat while simultaneously monitoring my sump pump let alone flash lights at me! ๐Ÿ˜‰
  4. When walking on a fast moving road... Hikers, walkers don't realize the forces, the amount of drift when walking. Divided highways go in one direction. If anything: Walk against traffic. Golden Rule: "Bike with traffic, hike against traffic!" This is simply lost... Orthodoxy on people today. People biking against traffic drives me wild! Hiking with it, not as much, but still a "death sentence!"
  5. EXACTLY! Maybe this generation forgets the "Thruway Paper Toll Tickets"... Because of EZ-Pass... Those tickets had printed on them: DO NOT LEAVE YOUR VEHICLE DURING A BREAKDOWN, WAIT FOR HELP I guess paper is good for somethings. My crazy brother, years ago breaks down on Thruway and starts walking. Gets grazed by a mirror. He didn't read the paper toll ticket!
  6. That's insane. Only thing it shows you is that a few have gobs upon gobs of disposable income while many others struggle... Society @ this level isn't sustainable. Like! Same. Bags of them!
  7. The math doesn't lie! BUT, variety is the spice of life! Everyone's a winner under 6 and it won't judge you... LoL... CRANE / DEALT it is! "ARTS AND IDEAS Your Wordle coach This robot wants to make you better at Wordle. WordleBot โ€” a new project from our colleagues at The Upshot โ€” analyzes your entries after youโ€™ve played and explains how you could have done better. The tips are meant to help you solve Wordle puzzles quicker. The bot works best if you use the same browser that you use for Wordle. Play it first; then visit the WordleBot. The Upshotโ€™s program recommends two opening words: CRANE in regular mode, and DEALT in hard mode. It wonโ€™t judge if you start each day with a random pick โ€” variety is the spice of life." Has been proven, by the algorithm, to be best starting word! It works... Lowered my average. Get more 3s now than 5s... rarely get skunked. Today's, no spoiler: Wordle 296 3/6 โฌ›โฌ›๐ŸŸจโฌ›โฌ› ๐ŸŸจ๐ŸŸจ๐ŸŸจโฌ›โฌ› ๐ŸŸฉ๐ŸŸฉ๐ŸŸฉ๐ŸŸฉ๐ŸŸฉ
  8. Wait! The bear was trapped for 6 hours then, finally punched out the window of the car to escape? 6 hours? Is that bear a federal engineer trying to unflip a tractor or a lawyer milking a closing? 6 hours? What it do, take a nap first? I'd hate to see that bear's billable hours!
  9. Disappointed, NOT what I thought this thread was about @. Much better:
  10. That was in a Brit driving country. Driving on the left. Looks like Australia. Maybe they were gonna make that left hand turn down side street and bike was in blind spot? When they collided, SUV came back into lane. We don't see rest. .gif cuts out even before side street. Look closely. Brake lights illuminating. Probably hit and then stopped. But we don't know... How stupid it is to have a bike lane. Here, that would have happened on the right. Why would the bike be hovering in a blind-spot with side streets near?
  11. Yet... One the silliest safety campaigns out there: "Look Twice for Motorcycles" Now the advancement of more nonsense w/bicycles. How are people supposed to look twice when they can't see them to begin with! You can look 4 times and nada... And while I am wasting time being OCD looking out for cyclists, that other driver is bearing down on me! Aren't driver's stressed out enough?
  12. All bets off if SW Airlines starts installing Davenports in their planes! I know just the candidate who's up to the challenge! ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜†
  13. Yeah! Is there a list of past Wordles? I haven't been playing since day 1. If I was, I'd remember...
  14. Even if I don't know a word, I still plug a spelling in there and see if it "sticks"... @ worse, the game would only reject it! I guess that's a Wordle flaw, even guys with bad diction (me) can still play ๐Ÿ˜†... Which leaves me with... How da heck are other non-English speaking countries doing so well @ Wordle, probably what I just said. Start plugging letters in. Anyway, I guess I learned (vaguely might have known it) the word: TROPE. ๐Ÿ˜Š
  15. Yeah.. They live on the South Side right near SuperFund sites. Rats of the sky. Ben Franklin pushed for the wild turkey as America's symbol because of the eagle's lack of morality. ๐Ÿ˜†... "...The eagle has been the nationโ€™s symbol since 1782, when Congress chose its image for the countryโ€™s official seal โ€” over the loud protests of Benjamin Franklin, who preferred the wild turkey and called the Bald Eagle a โ€œbird of bad moral character.โ€ ..." I shot this picture back in 2018. Right over the lock... 600mm & teleconveter: At least here they are everywhere. I got pics of them on powerlines, transformers, etc... lol.. "Rambunctious Garden." They are doing quite well. One thing I never realized is they are here year 'round... Just don't see them outside of winter because in winter they become more noticeable around the open waters.
  16. Wrong. They have been off the endangered list since 2007. 15 long years. Chick's gotta be hatching somewhere! Maybe the environment still sucks there. ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜œ Msybe I should have said: "Almost everywhere."
  17. Rufus crashes the party... Too many good ones to count! "...I am stuck in your craw Henry Terrill and you can't spit me out... This country is gonna run red with blood till ain't one of us left..."
  18. Eagles are everywhere now. Just goes to show how well our environment is doing. They have to be off the protected, endangered list... Right?
  19. He had a really helpful neighbor. Boy, glad there's people like this around: "...Emily Baxter, who lives across the street from Cruz, said she witnessed the entire encounter. โ€œIt all happened so fast,โ€ she said. โ€œI was prepared to call an ambulance if things took a turn for the worse, but Alan had the situation handled within seconds. ...โ€ I bet @BringBackFergy has the ambulance on speed dial too! ๐Ÿ˜
  20. Nobody knows today's word let alone starts with it on purpose. It's not a common word. I got it in 1 too after I cleared my browser/cache. ๐Ÿ˜‰ I actually got it in 6 today. I'd make her take a lie detector test. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Anyway. HAIKU might be a good word!
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