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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. If you remember... I was on time. Was during pandemic... I forgot my mask and went back to get it, hence causing me to be tardy... This was before they were passing masks out like water... 😏
  2. Yeah.. BFLo's got issues in that locale for the affluent! Hyde Park in Chicago is no different.
  3. There's not a enough to even bury him? GoFundMe? YIKES! RIP...
  4. No worky... But I probably agree. Sox is a niche. SouthSide and NWIndiana. Cubs are the bougie yuppy team. They regionalized years ago and into places like Iowa...
  5. Yup... Even solar power. But if I do step up into something fancy... Will be kinetic or anything without a battery. Batteries suck! And it has to be a classic round field watch for me! Square watches are just bizarre...The world is round! 😉
  6. We have a few counties here... Will in Illinois and Lake in Indiana... Over a illion people here... 😏
  7. I was like that. Wore years ago... Then stopped for about 20 years. Just got back into wearing one a few years ago. Just a basic plain one.
  8. Must have been a stick. I thought new cars, last 30 years wouldn't start without foot on clutch? Even Jeeps. Wrong. What if the owner modified it. Bypassed the safety features built into today's vehicles. I noticed one thing... My domestic vehicles (automatics) start without foot on brake. My imports, gotta have foot on brake. Very annoying in my Tacoma... Reaching in, won't start. Even the Ford Escape, 2018 rental I had started without brake pedal depressed. 2014 MINI is a stick... That needs clutch in to start. It won't jump, lurch, attempt to start without clutch depress (in gear or not). It has a 2 second "hill assist" anti-roll too...
  9. Yes. A Timex Expedition Solar. I am high-class!
  10. My comment has nothing to do with people in the stadium. Of course they have more there... Da! 1 team from NJ. 1 from Brooklyn, other Queens. As in "home" I meant not a majority of their fans in any county in the US. More are Yankees fans in Queens... Maybe the Nets have more of Brooklyn now than the Knicks... ?? Why is this so hard to understand? Homelessness is a real problem in this country... Don't sweep it under the rug! 😁😉
  11. There is no way in hell your map is accurate! NYC is Yankee and Giant land! 😆... My dream! I am on SouthSide, my allegiance is to the Sox. 😏
  12. Nope. Read the bottom part. Same with Jets. There are no counties where fans like the Mets as a majority. Not even Queens. 😆 It says: *There are no US counties where a plurality of fans like the NYMets, Toronto Blue Jays, or Oakland Athletics. 😏
  13. I am talking about any county. COUNTY. All the residents. For example... Bills fans are the majority in Erie County. For the Jets, Mets, and Nets... They don't hold a majority of fans in any county in America, even their home county (Mets Queens/NYC)... Yes, plurality, but not majority. Jeesh... Don't get so offended! https://www.amazinavenue.com/2014/4/25/5652302/fans-without-borders
  14. Jets, Mets, & Nets... Only teams in the country that have no home. Not one county in the US that has a majority of their fans there. You can go to any one of their stadiums and find the majority of fans residing there root for the "other team." 😆 Funny... They all have names that are similar too... It's like God planned it this way. 😆
  15. I cheated... Pretty interesting who the "Sultan of Sayonara" was. Would have never guessed it... But it makes sense!!
  16. Bad luck. Didn't they draft Tim Couch #1 too... LoL... The Factory of Sadness should be the: The Factory of QB wrecking... Yeah... Mayfield is too small...
  17. Sultan of Sayonara: Marv Bateman Now... Soon to be our new "PuntGod" (NO I didn't cheat... Bateman comes to mind because he had a huge leg)
  18. They know how to cover their tracks? Work the system. Leave the car abandoned in a obvious place. So it gets towed to an impound lot. https://www.cnn.com/2022/05/07/us/vicky-white-casey-white-alabama-manhunt-saturday/index.html Interesting...
  19. Eichel coming up w/$1.1 million is like me scratching up a $1,000 for my auto deductible. Really no financial burden though, just icing on the cake.
  20. $100k is only under 10% discount. Would you feel like you got a deal @ the grocery store if you used a 10% off coupon. Maybe... But 20-30% is nicer! That's a deal. That condo ain't worth a million or more... Not even close. What a joke the market is. Again... Half the year you'll be shivering down there...
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