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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Of course one side needs to take a hit. The racist right side.
  2. Why you downplaying the Buffalo incident and its national priority over the other incidents. ??
  3. ?? How are you equating replacement theory nut jobs hunting people in far away cities with a border visit? That's an oxymoron.
  4. There is only one explanation... Trump knows that 2016 was rigged in his favor, yet Dems fell on sword for sake of country... Didn't really fight back. Let transition of power take place... ...Given that, Trump assumes the 2020 election was rigged. Instead of surviving to fight another election in 4 years, they'd rather insurrect to get their way. Something the radical left won't even do. The right are simply nor magnanimous by the way they're are hardwired... They'd rather throw the baby out with the bathwater.
  5. This is a bit bigger. You actually got country folk arming up, jumping in vehicle and driving 4 hours to hunt down people that they think are undesirable. Little unnerving don't think? I would say it's more of a national problem this incident. Just like January 6th. There are people looking to destroy the country. Like the Jan 6ers... This is once such incident over the others.
  6. Never happened in BFLo? Where have you been? The .22 Caliber Killer, 1980 was a racially motivated killing spree in BFLo area. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Christopher "Collin Cole, 37, was attacked in a Buffalo hospital on October 10. A white man matching the description of the .22 Caliber Killer tried to strangle him to death. Cole said the man snarled, "I hate n*****s" at him before trying to kill him. He was saved by the arrival of a nurse, and though severe damage had been done to his throat, he did survive the attack."
  7. I am really not shocked by the deflection, downplaying. Totally expected the populist right to downplay and deflect. Same thing with Jan. 6th. Usual suspects littering every corner of America. I know. Not talking about the perp. Buffalo is decidedly Democrat... But the suburbs and countryside... Conservative...
  8. I was born in Buffalo... It's a pretty racist town. The racists there are downplaying it... And ironically using their political agenda. That ironic racist political agenda is buried into the POPULIST right's ideology. My father quit the Knights of Columbus back when the .22 Caliber Killer was running around BFLo in 1980. My father showed up at the hall bar and the disgusting people, members there were actually joking around, taking up a collection to buy more bullets for the killer. My father stormed out and never returned. Don't underestimate how racist our hometown can be! It runs deep in much of America!
  9. Say 4 Hail Mary's, 2 Our Father's, and 1 Act of Contrition and donate $20 bucks to the local seminary and your impure thoughts will be erased my child. Go in peace!
  10. Reporting for duty... Oh, boy... Just took a look around this thread. Do we really have people that are trying to down play what happened in the city BFLo by a rural gun nut that drove 4 hours to get to his racially pre-determined targets?
  11. Anti-lazy. 😉 Pro clutch. The true race car paddles utilize a manual clutch.
  12. Yeah... Or at least ask: "Where you going with all that tactical gear and weapons? Road trip?" Given his past threats and mental state, why was this not a concern to the people close to him? Can hold a bartender for over-serving, why not others in this situation. Given his past, why wasn't someone paying attention?
  13. He lost me at the paddle shifters. That was on purpose, right?
  14. Gotta remember. Stalin was on Hitler's left on the axis between fascism and communism. Hitler was on Stalin's right. Putin's reaching to this with the fascist angle he's working. Putin is on the left, communism. Where the West fits in....Somewhere in the middle AND off axis. Putin is reaching to bring the USSR back. It's really an ideological mess on the steppes of Eurasia.
  15. LoL... They should train them to tuckpoint! 😆
  16. Yeah... They are probably scared of the dicey situation that are the heritage poultry. They are in town, backyards here.
  17. That's like everything in life. Way it works... The ones getting it done are mostly ground up and spit out. "...And there's winners and there's losers But they ain't no big deal 'Cause the simple man, baby Pays the thrills, with bills, with pills that kill Aw, but ain't that America for you and me Ain't that America somethin' to see, baby Ain't that America home of the free, yeah..."
  18. Good news about the above post/bulletin... ^^^ "...Hummingbird and oriole feeders do not need to be removed. ..." This is the time orioles are passing thru. Put out the orange slices and this year, Smucker's grape jelly. The jelly liquefies in +90° heat. Obirds drink it right up. I had to severely crop this pic to get close to site limits, then compress file to get under... F8 1/320 @ 630mm (450mm + 1.4x teleconverter)... Thru glass. If I open back door, they'd fly away and I ain't waiting out in the sweltering heat for no oriole! 😁😉
  19. Yeah... I guess you're right. Misread the OP... I didn't catch Perreault till I was about 6/7... 1974/1975... He was first sport's player I followed. Probably Jeter, I would say then. Really nobody else I followed for their career than #11... Jim Kelly, does that count?
  20. I wouldn't mock redundancy or it's the trenches on the Western Front for you! When the EMP/TED goes off and the magnetic pole fips. Your phone is toast! 😏 I play Nerdle... My math skills have sharpened drastically! 😉 @BringBackFergy
  21. Good point. I must be showing my age, when water was a free basic right! 😏
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