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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Joe Versus The Volcano Hank's version of: "13 Seconds" 😆... Even the best one's out there throw down a clunker/steamer!
  2. @ work today: "It takes a Village" 😏
  3. Studies have shown that the brain isn't fully developed until 26 and... 4 years ago @ 22 she was a "chief" and was riding around making sure that others were doing their job. Does a 22 year old "chief" even know what the job entails? And she's a supervisor? Huh?
  4. Twin Fair was decades ahead of its time (Super Walmart/Target)! ...With groceries, everything concept
  5. Even better in 1960's... Didn't even have to be a stinking cop, just know one. LoL... My father was clipping parked cars in Sloan in 1970. Had an APB out for him. Ran into a friend at a bar... Told him: "You better go home, they are looking for you in Sloan." 😬😬😔
  6. Showing my age... But growing up, we'd go to the games. Sit in Oranges, where my vertigo was honed at an earlier age! Free tickets... Collect the sides from Dairylea milk cartons... Trade them in for the cheap seats.
  7. Yeah... So Putin is obfuscation communism, fascism and the complicated history w/The Ukraine... He's really a fascist. Kinda why the far right, populist like Trump, et al... Are pro-Putin. Just like 1930s... We had our businesses, Henry Ford, Charlie Lindbergh's align themselves with the fascists, Hitler...
  8. If there was a draft... I am 2-A. I work for the DoD in an essential gov't role. https://www.sss.gov/about/return-to-draft/#s3 Anyway... I would just be asked to be deployed like people do in my job right now... If they could spare (only so many of can be deployed due to staffing) me. As we speak... Still begging people to be deployed overseas... Iraq, etc...
  9. There's left authoritarian... It's called communism. China. And whatever Putin is morphing into... Private business exists in a fascist state.
  10. Ecofascist. Fascism is right-wing. Communism to the left. Of course both of us are somewhere in middle off the axis. Can't have it both ways. Both ideologies are concerned with the environment.
  11. And now... So do Trump rallies have various history of overthrowing the government w/violence. What's your point about the shooting? We have a right wing nut that got overlooked? Why is that happening after January 6th, 2021. That's +one year ago...
  12. If he wasn't like the pro 2nd establishment... They would have been on him like a hawk. Just like the barricades would have went up on January 6th if that was a planned BLM event.
  13. A quote from the other side: "Law enforcement had the opportunity [remove weapons out of his life] to do so when they ordered an evaluation on him following threat of school shooting." The answer to this is clear. They didn't, just like they didn't put barricades up on January 6th. ANY other person or group... They wouldn't have been so lax.
  14. You sir have won the internet for the day. Thank you sir! 😆
  15. Nothing is tainted. BFLo is a victim here. The nation knows the perp is a right wing populist nut from out of town. The only people who I am slacking in the town of my birth are the ones who try and deflect this *****. They are the one's giving BFLo a bad name and reflect badly in the eyes of the rest of the nation. They know who they are. I am not sure how others were raised... But I know how I was. You take a stand against evil, even if it's next door to you.
  16. This guy in BFLo has really painted you in a corner hasn't he... You gotta surround yourself with this scum. You know you want to embrace him...
  17. Shoe fits, wear it. Sucks to have your azzbackwards ideology. Must be infuriating for you as the racism bubbles to the top.
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