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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. I suppose you could make an F-1 street legal. Just a matter of adding lights and turn signals. Maybe some kind if tire coverage... But there are plenty of open wheel vehicle out there.
  2. Yeah... But the "triangle trade" armed Africa centuries ago...
  3. I think it's a definite: "No." What gets me... Is how did they neutralize the guy in Texas and not the guy on the EastSide of Buffalo? Both were wearing armor.
  4. "WE HAVE THE MEATS!" How was the atmosphere @ the bar?
  5. Wow... Whata pisser... Lobster was prison food in Maine @ one time... @Gugny... I hope you tipped. Gave her a $20 bill... 😆
  6. Treat your employees like poo 💩, patrons get treated like poo 💩. Welcome to the revolving door of employees. That's what the stockholders want. Entitled Langley deserved to get stood up to, unfortunately the employee failed miserably! You draw blood. You get the bigger penalty. Both get 5... Langley gets the 2 for instigating (wheelchair act) and 2 for roughing.
  7. Thanks... And sorry for not taking it that way. It's sensitive with me. I read her the riot act over it... Then I realized how stupid I was. I think there's a double standard we hold females to. Society teaches them to be nice, give everyone the benefit of doubt over what their gut may be telling them. That's a recipe for disaster. I caught the errors of my ways in that situation. This situation at the airport... Had it been a stewardess backing off a black male and not trying to apply the rules... Would she be roasted for that? I didn't get your stewardess dig. No way a stewardess engages like, the now former subsidiary employee, did... Like I said... He probably deals with 1,000s of airport patrons a day... Something pushed him to do what he did and he finally said: "Not today! It's not my day!" If he was such a live wire, I am sure it would have happened sooner... But who knows how long he's been on the job. Or, now, was on the job. 😏
  8. "Entitlement in America." A.K.A: I don't need to follow the rules... And when I am called out on them.. Bait authority into a fight... Then claim racism.
  9. Easier to buy, but the supply wasn't there. The nation is awash with arms. https://www.foxnews.com/us/chicagos-violent-gangs-looting-freight-cars-filled-with-guns
  10. Brady tore his ACL/MCL, missed 2008. But then again, he drinks TB12 smoothies...
  11. That's uncalled for. If you're referring to the situation my daughter was in with a flat tire in a "no go zone"... Being judgemental about a female's trust in their gut instinct to discern if they are safe or not will only lead to more young ladies getting hurt because they have been ridiculed by people like you to not trust their gut instinct and remove themselves from possibly dangerous situations. We weren't in either situation... Yeah....I get it, maybe this employee should have learned that lesson and let his "flight" (over fight) mechanism kick in. I guarantee, if he was a real stewardess, that's exactly what would have happened! [You know your attitude to try to pin some racist undertones to various safety situations is a sore spot with me]
  12. Or he hates his job as a subsidiary employee to the airlines and says: "WTF, let me try to tune this ridiculous customer up." Of course only to fail. 😆 I think people know. Just wasn't captured. I find it hard to believe the employee, who's dealing with 1,000s of patrons a day is the initial aggressor here.
  13. By getting hit first? I detect some jealousy... Wouldn't you love to be assaulted by a stewardess.
  14. Disagree. Defending yourself isn't going on offensive. He took a sting and used it as excuse to unleash. Both were making exchanges before that. And why are you using the sexist term "stewardess" to diminish the capacity the employee is in to enforce the rules. Do you want to sit in a wheelchair after someone puts their nasty luggage on it? Why was he using a wheelchair to push around his luggage?
  15. Just like hockey. 5 both for fighting, Langley +2 for instigating, +2 for roughing.
  16. Yup... Langley got violent first and then when the employee connected, he used it as an excuse to unleash. Langley totally the instigator...
  17. Only ONE answer, the power of beer!
  18. He wasn't. Subsidiary employee from what I read. They fired him too. United Ground Express, contractor? https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/former-nfl-player-brendan-langley-arrested-united-worker-fired-brawl-n-rcna30256 Langley was using a wheelchair to move his luggage. What a creep.
  19. Seems like it would be common knowledge. If you got there 4 times and still lost... You are doing something majorly right as opposed to the common thinking that you are doing something wrong. Everyone... Should know it. Adversity builds strength and longevity.
  20. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/vicky-white-casey-whites-indiana-motel-room-now-waiting-list-higher-pr-rcna30120
  21. "The customer is always right" is actually the opposite. Usually always wrong. Looks like Langley threw first punch and then cries like a baby: "You see that!" When he got stung. Yeah... Stupid for the employee to advance on him after he was hit. Gotta back off. Hope he doesn't get fired, looks like Langley deserved it. Probably why Langley got arrested, for being the instigator.
  22. 72°-75° in Summer. 65°-68° in Winter. I have it programmed to use a 3° SetPoint w/the new WiFi thermostat the last 6 years. With this thermostat, that means in sumnmer A/C will kick on 3 WARMER than desired room temp and kick off @ desired room temp. In winter, the furnace will kick on 3° COLDER. So, it's kicking on @ 62°-65° winter and 75°-77° summer... [IT'S actually better mechanically/efficiency for an HVAC unit (especially A/C) to run on/off longer periods of time, rather than short cycling all the time... But modern thermostats will have time delay or a program feature to eliminate a short cycle and allow the compressor/refrigerant to "recover."]
  23. You must be a hard-core Hanks fan. That was one movie we almost walked out of. 😏
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