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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Wow! How are they ever gonna "look twice for motorcycles." You know... You gotta "look twice" for motorcycles! Thankfully it was just another vehicle.
  2. I say: YES. He represents the "Drought Years"... The best from it.
  3. No it's not. Take the good with the bad. At least when a storm wipes you guys out... You get all new stuff on someone else's dime. Isn't that where dreams come true. Stay chill. πŸ˜‰
  4. That's why I take winter over this. But look on the bright side, you get all new, modern infrastructure when a hurricane wipes a place out... Off of the backs of the taxpayers in Duluth who have aging infrastructure because winter wear and tear ain't as emotional. Take the good with the bad. Probably what a state income (if Florida had one) should be paying for.
  5. Exactly. It's practical... Hot down there and it keeps their little minded piths cool... Just imagine the chaos if they overheated! 😏
  6. Thanks! Yikes. Amazing how all kinds of erroneous info gets spread. Sorry... And again, thanks for correcting it. Who would spread misinformation like that!
  7. The thing is... According to what I read. A teacher went to their car for a cellphone OR something... They propped open a door. That's how the gunman got in. NOT sure how true this is...??? I am not looking to defend the police force here for might be their inaction... But it had to be a confusing situation on how the gunman got in. Didn't they think it was a "barricade" type situation. I guess it doesn't matter, how the gunman got in... He was in. But... The police couldn't even get in. They had to wondering how the gunman got in? Hope it serves to make the point... Safety rules like: "Don't prop open a door" EVER ... Are meant to protect people!
  8. Worse than bears. Angry bison: https://www.cnn.com/2022/06/01/us/yellowstone-woman-gored-by-bison/index.html
  9. And... We have so much more stupid, useless shi... to make poor choices on and divide up our pocketbooks on!
  10. Yeah... But peeps were only making $3.85/hour. 😏 My last post was meant for you. But @Augie can have it too!
  11. It's "You Guys." I can't be trolled. LoL... 😏
  12. Yeah... Heard that. Going out to get a cellphone IIRC. Crazy! Sad state when the simplest miscues can lead to this. Such a crazy dangerous world out there... Nation awash with guns...
  13. Was he an ex-student there at one time? I know it's an elementary school, so that would have been a decade ago. Security practices have been in place for decades now... Maybe he knew the lay of the land, procedures so to speak.
  14. Read the article on war and and 18 year old male mind. I be pro that if they made the age 26. Same with alcohol. 26 is when the brain stops developing. Heck... Just make everything 26. πŸ˜† Yeah... The war machine would really want that! πŸ˜†
  15. I agree... He's almost from Vermont... So you have to excuse his weird, alternate choice of words. It's like they don't call "sledding" sledding... They gotta call it "sliding"... /smdh... Same with getting cute with "soft serve" (ice cream)... They gotta be unique and call it a "creamy." That's disgusting, it's soft serve ice cream for crying out load... Now poke is being canceled by prod. What's next! πŸ˜•
  16. So-so. Crapshoot. They break, society will get the repair bill. Bit of an offshoot of the problems, but addresses the young male mind. https://medium.com/war-is-boring/sebastian-junger-knows-why-young-men-go-to-war-f163804cbf6
  17. Just a bad analogy. Probably should have used a tank analogy... I mostly agree with you.
  18. That's what sending young males off into the military is/was for...
  19. Plenty of street legal cars go fast... Has nothing to do with how fast a car goes. It has to with stuff like lights, turn signals, mirrors, etc... The fastest street legal car went something like 270 mph... That's why we have speed limits. πŸ˜†
  20. What's the deeper problem? Young males have no sense of what it is to be a man? They like war, killing people? That's always been a deep problem...
  21. But... They are like king crab legs. Both a finite resource. Like I said above, @ one time nobody wanted lobster... Had to foist that ***** off on prisoners. Same thing is happening to wings. They used to throw wings out too...
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