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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. All you high-rollers have lots of disposable income... What's 6 bucks a gallon.
  2. Come on folks.. They were just wayward MAGAite tourists on vacation to take in the sites D.C. has to offer. Can anyone find the ticket booth for the National Zoo?
  3. One of the British fans. He's in a right-hand driven vehicle.
  4. You forgot to mix in any kind of alky-hall. That's always an "out." "Officer, I was under the influence... So was my advisory... We're both equally at fault." 😏
  5. If one doesn't like the abuse be directed your way, then you get away. If one can't, don't sucker punch them... That's when a homicide happens. Nobody deserves to die over just words. At the very worst, square up on the abuser and counter with more words... THEN if it turns into "fighting words"... At least both are prepared and chance of it turning into a homicide have been sort of lessoned. Verbal abuse never deserves a sucker punch. When did the younger generation stop being taught: "Sticks and stones break your bones, but names will never hurt them."
  6. Watch how they took down the old trestle "Old Shaky" in 2018:
  7. Lowers the severity of Covid-19. I think there was a a study in England about people who were VitD deficient and worse with COVID-19? I don't go crazy with it... Just take recommended dose a day. D is fat soluble.
  8. No helmet law here in Illinois, just gotta wear eye protection... But Illinois is probably one of the stricter ones with seat belts, go figure. Not even children on back of motorcycle have to wear helmets. Children not suppose to be out of booster seat till 100 pounds. Heck, my 86 year old MiL probably never cracked a 100 pounds in her life. Three states no helmet law: Iowa, Illinois and New Hampshire. Bunch others that require them on children under 18... Like Indiana. Missouri is weird. Under 26 gotta wear helmet. 26 is when they say the brain stops developing. Coincidence? Yet booze is at 21. https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Motorcycle_Helmet_Laws_in_the_US_by_State.svg#mw-jump-to-license
  9. Yes. Biotin (really helps your nails) Vit-D since pandemic And sometimes B-12 Oh... Fish oil pill a day. 😏
  10. "Old Shaky" it was supposed to be terrifying crossing it on train!
  11. Then you got an Isuzu instead, right? 😏
  12. There was an "Iron Bridge" over Cayuga Creek back in the day....Near Marilla I believe. Father said they used to jump off that into a swimming hole. Had to push away to hit the deeper water... When he was 18, stumbled and landed in the shallow part. Tore his left elbow up to the point where doctors wanted to ampute it... My grandmother wouldn't let the doctors amputate...
  13. If you would have stayed within a 100 miles (oh, BTW that's 160km) of the border, basically like never leaving the US. You would been fine! But everyone makes mistakes from time to time...
  14. I think it was Forte in Chicago when the Bears try to tag him and he objected to being franchised. He said RBs are ground up and discarded. Done by 32.
  15. Gr8! You did well and probably why it only cost $650. You run it, could have been in 1,000s! Basically they dropped tank and drained it... Good that it didn't get pulled through system. That's the bad direction to go. Diesel in petrol now, doesn't do much harm... A guy at work put diesel in the petrol John Deere Gator... All we had to do was drain tank and clean lines.
  16. They are. Diesel bigger. Can't put diesel in a petrol vehicle. Too big... But the smaller petrol filler will fit in diesel. Even know it's more dangerous that way... Far fewer people drive diesels.
  17. Back in the day... On RR, my father would dead head out through Letchworth over the old trestle. Just past that, he'd jump off... Hole up in a RR shanty till morning and catch the freight coming back to BFLo. He claimed to have dove from the cliffs by the stone bridge as a kid... But I don't believe him.
  18. Yeah... You went the wrong way, putting diesel in a gasoline motor the better of the two. Did you start it? Probably shouldn't have. Immediately get it towed. Anyway... Isn't a diesel pump wider? Probably should have seen there is extra room. You'd think since going the direction you went, more dangerous for the motor... They'd make the diesel pump smaller... BUT I guess more gasoline vehicles and those people would be screwing up more. Thankfully it was ONLY $650. When wife drove through flood with new BMW it was $1500. Thankfully the thing didn't hydrolock...
  19. Mt.Morris Dam. What else? When it's not saving Rochester and surrounding areas: When it is saving (Flood of 1972, Hurricane Agnes I believe) the Greater Rochester area: Go ACoE... ESSAYONS! For my fan club... Best bunch of groupies eva! @BringBackFergy @Beerball @Gugny @Mike in Horseheads
  20. Yeah... CREAK is stealth. Most of the time I associate it with: CREEK... Or as we say: CRICK. 😏 CRANE is damn near perfect. Never fails me. Play Octordle... Use CRANE and see how many greens you get.
  21. The algorithm has figured out... That: CRANE is the best starting would... You eliminate more 5 letter words than any other word in the English language.
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