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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. You swayed me. Will download it after I see the new Minions movie! 😃
  2. Thanks... Look... My brother (ironic God rest his soul... COVID-19) paid: $0.79/gallon on the Seneca Reservation during The Pandemic. Filled up his 2019 Dodge Ram for under 20 bucks... He was a teenager in 1980 when it was last that price! ...Hey... This is the free-market you Republicans love. Take the good w/the bad. Should The State regulate it more??? We're paying over a +$1.00/more per/gallon across all grades in the cities... Consumers lining the government coffers for critical infrastructure. You got the disposable income. Think of all the $$$$$ you saved during ThePandemic! It's the way the free-market works. ThePandemic that the Republicans let get out of control can't destroy us with cheap gas. Labor, concrete, steel, asphalt coat money to repair infrastructure... I mean... Who's the one who quoted my post from 4 years ago and now I am getting notifications all over the place. If you feel like you're being trolled, look inward... You're the one doing the trolling... Don't like it... Work from home. Consume less. Forgot things and prioritize fuel... Peace.
  3. That's how I feel about: Titanic & E.T. , I have never seen those movies. Simply too late now. BUT, I have seen The Goonies.
  4. Adapt and overcome. Most people have two feet. Some generations have to take a step backwards. Just be thankful most aren't pissing in an outhouse like my parent's generation...
  5. I don't care. Oil prices do effect everything... What's the price of oil? Suck it up. Cut consumption.
  6. Not being able to afford gasoline isn't a catastrophe. A used up word is a catastrophe. "...Blessed are the poor For they shall inherit the Earth Better to be poor than a fat man in the eye of a needle As these words were spoken I swear I hear the old man laughing "What good is a used up world, and how could it be worth having?..." But really... It took you 4 years to craft a reply. 😏...
  7. Yeah. Stick the Square Reader in bag of rice and hope for the best... Mostly trashed and never work again!
  8. The good ole days when you could clean a cash register with a garden hose! 😏
  9. Right before texting wrecked everything! 😆
  10. I was 4. I was living in oblivion...😊 But my first recollection of TV was '72 Olympics... Mark Spitz... Old B&W TV. That had to be right after the storm...
  11. Your welcome... Those predecessors... Probably stormed the beach @ Normandy and removed obstacles. A "crick" is nothing! This for @BringBackFergy 😏 https://www.usace.army.mil/About/History/Historical-Vignettes/Military-Construction-Combat/086-Normandy-Landing/ "Engineers would come ashore in the first and most dangerous waves of the landing, clearing the beach of German obstacles, establishing the first dumps of ammunition and supplies, clearing exits through the bluffs and other military and natural barriers behind the beach, and developing roads to allow American troops and equipment to get off the deadly beach and into the interior. Engineers composed 25 percent of the force the Allies planned to land on Omaha on the first day of the invasion." I think it was the 80s when the Corps fixed that section by William on Union Road... By The Creekside Restaurant. My father was born and grew up on Cayuga Creek road at Harlem... Grandfather was born on Cass Avenue. I guess it used to flood bad every year. I think they might have worked on BFLo Creek too. The RV place on Transit near Clinto in W.Senec/Blossom would always seem to be under water during storms. But BFLo Creek was dammed for gristmills in 1800s with races that ran the waterwheels. We'd used to fish near the small dams in Blossom (Transit) by the feed store and the in Ebenezer (Union) in W.Seneca.
  12. Good info. $3.2 billion in damage for 1972... Just imagine what that is in 2022: ~$23 billion today. BILLION! https://www.weather.gov/ctp/Agnes It hooked around. Up NYC and back over Binghamton... Harrisburg got 15" of rain... That's tough in those ridges valleys of PA!
  13. @Draconator... EDIT: West Side. I am getting my Poles and Italians mixed up. 😆 Polish East Side... Italians and Puerto Ricans West side.
  14. Years ago... I think it used to be on East Side.. Then moved to Suburbs...
  15. And they would have in Rochester Area had The Corps not built a dam in 1952. 😏... Oh, to all my essential peeps, button pushers out there! @Gugny @Beerball Special mention to @muppy for defending my honor! 😊 Take a look around those pics upstream here!
  16. Mount Morris Dam was tested by Agnes. GO ACoE! ESSAYONS! @BringBackFergy https://www.democratandchronicle.com/story/news/local/columnists/memmott/2021/11/05/mount-morris-dam-tested-hurricane-agnes-1972/6266721001/ When it saved Rochester...1972 Hurricane Agnes: (Edit: this isn't '72, just a normal run of the mill saving of Rochester) This is '72: When it's not saving Rochester: It tracked further East. My father worked on Erie-Lackawanna... The storm ripped up critical infrastructure, track... Hastened the demise of the E/L RR and the move to Conrail.
  17. Italian Village in Depew too! Transit Road... http://italianvillagewny.com
  18. Yeah... They dry out fast. Keep them in paper... Probably only a day... IF that! Even in BFLo... The few days ahead head's up you give them get you into same day baking queue. If you can find them on demand, probably a high volume place in BFLo area? Costanza's in Cheektowaga?
  19. Too wet in Northern Europe. Not enough sun in Poland. Too close to Ukraine. 😆 That's the best I got! @Augie You do the math... 😉 "It is widely established as a cultivated plant. The Netherlands, Poland and Germany are the top caraway producers. Finland supplies about 28% (2011) of the world's caraway production from some 1500 farms, the high output occurring possibly from its favorable climate and latitudes, which ensure long summer hours of sunlight." What's going on in Finland... 😏
  20. Beef on weck is a hot roast beef sandwich! 😆 /smdh... Outsiders.
  21. The rain hit the old dog in the twilight's last gleaming He said "Son, it sounds like rattling old bones This highway is long but I know some that are longer By sunup tomorrow, I guess I'll be home" Through the hills of Kentucky, 'cross the Ohio river The old man kept talking 'bout his life and his times He fell asleep with his head against the window He said "An honest man's pillow is his peace of mind This world offers riches and riches will grow wings I don't take stock in those uncertain things"
  22. Original Dubel's was in West Seneca... Across from Ford dealer on Union... First two locations....Right where Picasso's is today... They probably supplied the beef to Schwabl's... If anything got the recipe knocked off from them... We'd cook a big piece of top round at around just around 400°... But rarer so it can be sliced. Made gravy there and bakery made the rolls. A big piece of suet from the butchers would go on top of the round when cooked. You don't wanna know what they seasoned it with (Accent... LoL)... Then you got a free pint of gravy per 1/2-1 pound in paper lidded deli soup cup. Yeah... Slapped some rarer beef between two pieces of Wonder bread soaked in that ***** was heaven! 😆
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