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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. I'd be more worried about drastically dropping Lake Mead elevations and it's role on power production. Things ain't looking good for the SouthWest...
  2. Take away my inhibitions Take away my solitude Fire me up with your resistance Put me in the mood Storm the walls around this prison Leave the inmates Free the guards Deal me up another future From some brand new deck of cards Take the chip off of my shoulder Smooth out all the lines Take me out among the rustling pines Till it shines...
  3. Yeah... Steady corporate presence wasn't as big... Even worse in WNY. Somebody would usually buy up the last bunch. Burden was getting individual butts in seats... NFL is a big corporate whorehouse now.
  4. We got rid of the radio system, big ass antenna, and repeaters 20 years ago when cellphones began dominating! 😉
  5. Rut oh! To the Bat Poles! Where's the rest of my International Justice League of Super Acquaintances? @BringBackFergy & @Mike in Horseheads @Beerball 😏 Thank God! PROBABLY some quick thinking dam operator doing their job! 😏
  6. I still picked MLB... Is it still tied to winner league gets WS home field advantage?
  7. "There are only three sports: bullfighting, motor racing, and mountaineering; all the rest are merely games." ~Ernest Hemingway
  8. And all it takes is a ball and foot! 😏
  9. Because they could have been faulty? Taken incorrectly, etc... I don't know much about this case. Not sure what kinda tests. If you know you're gonna fail... Always refuse... You're going to jail no matter what. Time is a friend before they get it LEGALLY against your will. Why give them evidence willfully?
  10. The problem I have with EVs, IMO... Is that "fuel source" has a finite service life. No finite service life with fossil fuel. OTHER parts have a service life, but not the fuel itself... Of course, you're using the fuel regularly. Every charge is bringing you closer to a huge battery replacement bill. Not like a fuel pump, etc... Unless they can get infrastructure in place that can swap that battery out in as long as it takes to fuel a car... I will never be happy. Treat EV batteries like you do your propane exchange on your grill. We are headed to hell if they think EVs will work for the unwashed masses. It's an elite thing.
  11. Not sure how it holds up today... But my father would always say: "You got 30 miles when on E." I guess that's right... Most (domestic) cars have a 2 gallon reserve and 15mpg (conservative old school milelage) sounds about right. I still use that rule on older car withOUT algorithm. Reset my trip odometer at fill up time too...
  12. @Mr Info @LeGOATski I have "range anxiety." I always gotta fill up my car @ 1/2 tank... Also have to charge my phone between 40-80%. Is there anything that can help with an EV? Should I see a shrink? 😉 I think this is a popular opinion.
  13. Good read about EVs AND the infrastructure needed to replace the internal combustion engine: https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/The-Inconvenient-Truth-About-Electric-Vehicles.html "...Electricity appears to be easy to handle sending it through wires. But it is the small scale that makes it look cheap. Scaling it up takes a pound of metal for so many electron-miles. Twice as much distance means twice as much metal. Twice as many amps means twice as much metal. Converting the transportation system into an electrical based system would require scaling up the amount of metal and electrical infrastructure by factors of hundreds or thousands. Where are all those lines going to go? They destroy environments. Where is that much natural gas going to come from for the electrical generators? There is very little natural gas in existence when using it for a large-scale purpose. Natural gas must be used with solar and wind energy, because only it can be turned on and off easily for backup. ..." "...One of the overwhelming facts about electric transportation is the chicken and egg phenomenon. Supposedly, a lot of electric vehicles will create an incentive to create a lot of expensive infrastructure. There are a lot of reasons why none of the goals can be met for such an infrastructure. The basic problem is that electricity will never be appropriate for such demanding use as general transportation, which means there will never be enough chickens or eggs to balance the demand. It's like trying to improve a backpack to such an extent that it will replace a pickup truck. The limitations of muscle metabolism are like the limitations of electrical energy. ..." Agree. It started with hate radio first.
  14. Blast from the past... Thought of it today:
  15. No... No. Roberts knows that the legitimacy of the court, it's prestige, honor, and how seriously people take it has been severely damaged by the populist conservatives... Demagoguery...
  16. Just as much as you have a right to bear arms... You have a right against being subjected to any cruel or unusual punishment... Unless... You want swap a few rights... I don't see it happening here.
  17. So they can set up security around the SCOTUS... Get fences in place. Security and retreat to their ivory tower while they ***** the American people. They got theirs the hack court. Roberts is right... SCOTUS is now worse than CongressCritters. They are CongressCritters with a life time appointment.
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