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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. But golf courses are usually at the base or through the low slopes of ski hills, mountains. Pack the clubs away for the winter! ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜œ Do I try to ski through the greens in July? Yeah... Maybe in Argentina! ๐Ÿ˜
  2. Who plays golf then? Those are skiing months!
  3. We might... That's where most of the family is. Some kind of second home.
  4. Probably one of these states that don't tax pensions, SS, & 401k: https://www.kiplinger.com/retirement/601819/states-that-wont-tax-your-pension Ooops... Looks like I am keeping the address in Illinois and getting a "vacation home!" "Pensions: The Prairie State completely exempts private pension income from tax as long as it's from a qualified employee benefit plan. You won't pay tax on payments from government or military pensions, either. 401(k)s and IRAs: Illinois is very taxpayer-friendly when it comes to 401(k) plans and IRAs, too. Distributions from a 401(k) plan are tax-free if the plan is a qualified employee benefit plan. IRA distributions are not taxed, either. Social Security Benefits: Illinois also doesn't tax Social Security benefits. Income Tax Range: The Illinois income tax rate is a flat 4.95%."
  5. Wow! At first I thought it was Warren Sapp... Then I said: "That don't look like Warren Sapp!" Honestly, Warren Sapp should sue this Sharp guy! ๐Ÿ˜†
  6. You Da Man! ๐Ÿ˜† You Da Man too!
  7. Old days, passengers had priority on rail. I guess people fly now and money can't be made on passengers. Freight owns the rails... Locks and dams... Commercial passenger (defined as on a published schedule) still has priority over commercial cargo. MiL took the Lakeshore Limited got right here into NW Indiana/Chicago 2 hours EARLY. She got downtown @ Union Station in Chicago an hour LATE. That's like 10 miles! ๐Ÿ˜† Brutal here with with freight on the Southern tip of L.Michigan...
  8. Out... You want the responsibility of the Chicago Police, Teachers, and Fire Department's pension fund?
  9. Unfortunately... I am here! ๐Ÿ˜” ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ I got $2 back of my $10 play. #14 was one of my 5 Mega Balls.
  10. For that... Probably get double the size in WNY.
  11. ^^^Oh... On that AiS above: I am pretty sure, didn't look at the vessel key Blue=TOWing Vessel @BringBackFergy ๐Ÿ˜ Green=Ships Red=Tankers Pink=Pleasure/Private Craft/Rec Vessels It's fully interactive, zoom in and click on stuff...
  12. You rang? The St.Lawrence shipping season is March to November... Already a choke point there... Like article said Could put them on barges... We already do business with the Gulf Coast petrochem industry. The only way to GLs from Western Rivers is through Chicago. That be me. It ain't going downtown either, so it's gotta come up through the SouthSide here. Lots a choke points here too. Anyway... The move to intermodal has been around a long time. The only thing with regard to containers on the inland waterways is pushing the empties. Loaded containers can fit on barges and under bridges, empties ride high and empty containers can't fit under the vertical controlling height... ~19.1' ...Is the container infrastructure there yet? I guess get them to Lake Erie, but then, like article said... You got Welland Canal, St.Lawrence, and winter. The SeawayMax fleet of the GLs is set up for bulk commodities... Can it handle intermodal containers... I just see too many logjam, choke points going out the "NorthernDoor" and Chicago Area Waterways (CAWs) is the only waterborne "Southern Door." Containers are coming, I have seen a few... But the intermodal infrastructure just isn't there yet... More suited for bulk commodities, break-in-bulk... https://www.marinetraffic.com/en/ais/home/centerx:-87.8/centery:43.2/zoom:6 Ohio River to rail/truck intermodal? https://www.marinetraffic.com/en/ais/home/centerx:-78.5/centery:44.6/zoom:5
  13. [I always misheard that as ๐Ÿ˜†]
  14. Yeah... They have the policy plastered all over the doors, hostess station, menu, etc... Hard to miss... But I did! ๐Ÿ˜† Totally forgot. I understand why they do it... Probably get horrible tips or no tips at all. Some customers are bruuuutal.
  15. That waterfalls looks kinda crazy, pretty slippery... Can never be too safe. I suggest these:
  16. Random thought: How come you never see weeds on train tracks ballast? I can get a weed in any barren crack and not get it to grow on patches of lawn... LoL... WTF is going on here! And... Don't just say spray. I would think things are getting more and more enviro friendly. Old days they'd dump steam on the top growth... https://www.customtruck.com/blog/railroad-vegetation-management-a-crucial-clean-up-service-that-keeps-our-train-system-alive/ "...Railroads are mostly built on soil, rocks and stones that support plant life in varying degrees. The railroad ballast prism, which consists of rock over soil, is an inviting target for light-loving plants that, if left undisturbed, will regenerate themselves by root expansion, seeds or ground layering. These stubborn plants will then convert relatively sterile ballast to soil through decomposition of organic matter and breakdown of ballast rock, providing a growing site for a complex plant community. ..." "...Railroad vegetation management isnโ€™t a glamorous topic of discussion outside concerned industries, but without this crucial service, railroads in the US and all over the world could come to a complete standstill and throw life as we know it into complete chaos." A penny for your thoughts: @BringBackFergy @Beerball @Mike in Horseheads @Gugny
  17. I am NOT gonna even view your link unless it's BearPorno! Thank @BringBackFergy for peddling that smut!
  18. In New Jersey, then yes... Isn't tipping the culture there? Can you do yourself $1200 worth of of electrical work? ...If the answer is no, then how can you say what it's worth? They have training to pay for, insurance, tools, etc... It's a skilled trade.
  19. It's easy... Because like the Mexican place we went to on Tuesday, they just add 18% gratuity... ...NOW, do you add more? When you get the check... They ask if you wanna add: 3%, 5%, 10%, or customize more... ...WWGD (WhatWouldGugnyDo)? [One time I screwed up and forgot they added 18%... I added 20%... LoL... For a whopping 38% gratuity!]
  20. ... So now you are one of the brave few, it's awful sad we need boys like you. I hope the day never comes for "Here's your live round son. Stock and barrel, safety, trigger, here's your gun." Well I knew, I could see, it was all cut and dried to me There was soldiers blue blood streaming inside your veins. There is a world outside of this room and when you meet it promise me You won't meet it with your gun taking aim. For I don't mean to argue, they've made a decent boy of you And I don't mean to spoil your home coming, But baby brother you should expect me to. ...
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