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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Here's HoFer Ray Guy's career stats. In just over a 1,000 punts, Guy's longest was 74 yards. In his first pro game, Punt God shatters Guy's longest by 8 yards and there was no wind. Fasten your seat belts folks. Ray Guy (P): Career NFL statistics Punts: 1,049 Punting yards: 44,493 Average punt: 42.4 Longest punt: 74 Here's the longest in NFL history, look how many yards it bounces. 98 yards total. Yet, Steve O'Neal gets minimal extension like Punt God does: Gotta click link. Nasty NFL won't embed it.
  2. I disagree. With pot we're still learning what DUI is and is not. With both it has to be zero tolerance. Don't operate things while drugged by any means. I see stoned dudes sinking boats and blocking navigation. At least with drunks they just fly right out of way. Stoned people just malinger and are slow as molasses and make more basic cognition mistakes. It's becoming a problem because they don't know where they're at and you don't know if they are sober or not. Get to that stage w/alcohol and they usually aren't operating, someone else is because DUI awareness has been beat into society's skull. Honestly, I'd rather see them starting a fight or causing a ruckus, because it draws your attention to get away or get them to be pulled over. You never know who's stoned and not processing things. At least in my line of work, it makes things harder. With a drunk it's obvious. Pot is totally legal here and you never know who's under the influence. Are they just effing with you, clueless, or in a drugged out stupor? Stealth DUI sucks from where I am coming from. We have our work cut out for us. Replacing one problem with another. And... When we do that, things don't usually go well!
  3. That's a myth. Everyone's motor kills are worse at .08%. Get worse right up from zero. Thing is... How are they going to detect sobriety in a high person?
  4. You are a right! The lower Mississippi in Louisiana floods. All it does is go to the Gulf of Mexico anyway. Why not send it to the SW. BUT charge them... Make it so damn expensive in taxes, costs that it's not an incentive to recklessly develop. This is what should be happening in the coastal climate change "danger zones" too. Do not tie the cost to economic output to the rest of country... Like Florida sending beef or sugar... Tie cost directly to living there per person or to tourist, income taxes, etc... Good article: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/time-army-corps-engineers-investigate-130023576.html
  5. Does it keep the mosquitoes away? Blend some Love's Baby Soft in there! [THANK me if you get lucky tonight]
  6. At least they get good shoes! Fun fact: Did you know that typical modern postal trucks (LLVs) out there were only made from 1987 to 1994? Yup, last one rolled off line in 1994 almost 30 years ago. You can tell what year they were made by the first number on the back, driver side. 1987 models start with a 7 and so on, ending in 1994 (no 5s or 6s). My mail just came, the truck # started with a #4. Made in 1994. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grumman_LLV
  7. Yet. People vape and put liquid in their lungs! /smdh Seems like we always find something that is supposed to be less harmful, yet it ends up more harmful. I am skeptical when it comes to replacing drugs with other drugs. Yup! And in my daily life it's people on the water stoned. Tooling around when they should be paying attention to traffic and that 10,000 ton vessel instead of nature. Being out in the sun all day drinking puts blinders on people, what is marijuana gonna do? Focus in on nature or the task at hand? Again... Booze got tied to recreational interests... And look at the consequences, the majority of deaths out boating are due to alcohol and not wearing a PFD (life preserver, a type I, II will turn you over in water to breathe in the event your unconscious, type III might in certain events). Just wait till pot overtakes alcohol... We won't get the dumb euphoria stuff, but the slow cognitive mistakes. The slow cognitive mistakes are deadlier on water than the road. Sorry for being a Debbie Downer. I interact with 10s of thousands of people yearly and a lot sober are just winging it. Drugs (booze, etc...) is always at the center of a serious incident. Fair enough... But they are titrating the doses themselves. Most pill poppers may have a doctor behind them. Well I hope.
  8. And there in lies a problem. It reacts with different people in different ways. Could have been laced with acid, maybe it wasn't. Is there really only set effects when taking the drug? Most likely not. Alcohol is already a huge burden recreational-wise. I am not against it, but just in my line or work (or your's too) ... Or heck anybody out there interacting with the public... That people are wandering around out there medicated. Titrating their doseages any way they feel. Just last year a boat sunk in the lock, both guys were stoned bejesus to the gills. They tied static to the wall and "hung up"... Their boat swamped with water. Quite a mess from a simple cognitive mistake. I suspect we're gonna see lots of issues until the ability to test people for impairment is achieved?
  9. +1 Enjoy... Probably "doesn't" need be said, yet it always needs to be said:
  10. Thnx! Agree... https://hallucinogens.com/what-are-hallucinogens/is-marijuana-a-hallucinogen/ IMO, we really need to tread carefully. From the above: Hallucinogenic Effects of Marijuana: Although the hallucinogenic effects of marijuana have been, for the most part, considered less than those of other hallucinogens such as PCP, LSD, and mescaline, there is certain degree of unpredictability in every marijuana experience. Marijuana can distort cognitive, emotional, and sensory perceptions in both pleasurable and negative ways and in basically, the same manner that other hallucinogen drugs do by over-stimulating the release of neurotransmitters and disrupting communications between nerve cells. Hallucinations, paranoia, extreme anxiety, and delusions are possible with heavy marijuana use and since there is a marked ratio of high THC in today’s marijuana, these issues are becoming more common. Most people who use marijuana experience a tranquil and calming effect mixed with elevated moods and senses, but, a person who feels like they are out of touch with reality when they anticipated another effect can have a terrifying experience. Other individuals may display bizarre and unusual behaviors, become incoherent, or appear to be in a trance-like state. Effects of Marijuana in Adolescent Use A study by Duke University reported that “fewer adolescents believe that regular cannabis use is harmful to health. Concomitantly, adolescents are initiating cannabis use at younger ages, and more adolescents are using cannabis on a daily basis.” Persistent cannabis use was associated with greater neuropsychological decline and more cognitive problems that have a cascading and lasting impact in these individuals and cessation of use did not fully restore neuropsychological functioning. FWIW... Full steam ahead in semi-charted waters. What could go wrong?
  11. Gee! This is wonderful news... Now that the whole state of Illinois is legally using it recreationally. And Illinois was depressing to begin with. When's the long term study gonna be released, I am on the fence. 😏
  12. There is a "Leesburg" in 6/11 US States that seceded from The Union. BOY, they sure like to honor that fella down there! 😉 [Well, there's a Leesburg Illinois, Indiana, and Kentucky... AND what da heck is one doing in Idaho!]
  13. In a way, I need a change From this burnout scene Another time, another town Another everything But it's always back to you Stumble out, in the night From the pouring rain Made the block, sat and thought There's more I need It's always back to you But I'm good without ya Yeah, I'm good without you Yeah, yeah, yeah How many times can I break till I shatter? Over the line can't define what I'm after I always turn the car around
  14. Poor play? Did he not take his team to the SuperBowl... ??
  15. And this is the negative attitude the conservative revolution since the 1980s has brainwashed people with... No wonder we're cynical and jaded. And Don really tapped the bitter angst, mistrust... 😔
  16. 😆 Nothing. They already have no problem raiding John Q. Public's. You got this assbackwards. Treat him just like Gov. Blago. Nobody is above the law. There should be no "executive privilege." He's just an ordinary citizen now anyway. Oh... Wait, the vacuum tubes in my sarcasm detector just warmed up.
  17. Naive would be thinking they had shaky grounds to execute the raid. It had to be scrutinized a LOT more than if it was Joe Blow Schmuckatelly. That doesn't mean 45 isn't a schmuckatelly or a Joe Blow. 😏
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