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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Punter is probably most important. Your opponents never having a "short field" is a powerful asset!
  2. He's a punter. Already in a hermetically sealed tube on the team. Make him eat at the kid table on the road. I think we are overhypping the distraction. A QB yes. Punter... 😆... Except, he will draw attention when he kicks from our 10 to their end zone. Wallbash. But I can live with that.
  3. Not sure about "setting up." IMO, he's very much liable for where he drops her off.
  4. If that's true... It's dicey! Fasten seatbelts. Bills have been victimized too! Why are we dwelling on the shame. If anything, they were played. Why do we have to feel like bad guys? Bills did nothing wrong? Fight or flight. I am more fight now than flight when it comes to our interests.
  5. No time for McBean to lay up short. The time was before they cut Haack.
  6. This isn't criminal. If it goes back that route... Cut him. It's civil. She'll get something no matter what, unless there is other facts in his favor, he's liable for something.
  7. Just saying, stupid to get the yips now and cut him. IMO. He either has a career in BFLo or nothing. It would be something if he ended up in New England. We either use him or crush him.
  8. They attached MA to complaint because he's the potential deep pocket. What are the going to get from others. Criminal side seems to be exhausted... Unless this reopens it? Maybe the rape kit. ??? Did the police finish up criminally?
  9. Yet... The police find nothing criminally. Were they really on the fix? Or is plaintiff embellishing for a lower burden of proof civil case
  10. Sorta. Don't dwell on it. "Onto next week, next question, danke."
  11. No. Because then he lied to Bills. Cut him and give him an orange jumpsuit (and I don't mean a Fins Uni). The Bills cab play victimized role.
  12. You know what would really suck? Bills cut He settles Signs with other team and hangs an 80 yarder on us. He either wins a Bills or crashes a Bill. We've crossed the Rubicon.
  13. Fair. Having a hard time too with that. Plaintiff went nuclear. Just press on. Don't want to get into it here. But it works for some very big wigs out there. 😏
  14. Because the rough part is over. He will either win or make her whole.
  15. Bills need to stay the course. Don't cut. They are committed. If he will work in the NFL... Bills took all the damage. Not much more can happen to them now. Get him ready for opening day and press on. It's a civil case. Unless it goes criminal, which seems odd it would go back that way, then cut. Bills paid the down payment on his talent.
  16. If it was his residence, IMO it would be worse. More liability to what's taking place on your property. I think it helps him it wasn't his place (rent or own). The severity of what took place. ??
  17. Because he can be a valuable asset to your team because of his kicking talent. If he's gonna crash and burn professionally, it should be under your contract. Don't release because you might see him on the other side of the ball. If he was a marginal talent, which he's not, I'd say cut him. Use him, if he crashes... Then he's totaled.
  18. Life throws lemons, make lemonade... If they can't handle this, then they can't handle the media leading up to a Super Bowl.
  19. Then. If this is true... Bills need to back him. BUT if it's true... IMO, he's still liable in a civil suit I would think. Did he make sure she was safe? NO. Obviously she wasn't. The analogy I can think of is dropping someone off home? Do you wait until they get door unlocked and enter safely OR just speed off. Seems to me, Araiza just speed off without making sure she was safe. In a civil case, the burden is less. He's still guilty in the situation you explained. Maybe not guilty of the most heinous acts, but still liable for her safety. It was his residence, right?
  20. I don't buy jerseys. Always seemed a bit creepy to me. Wearing another person's jersey.
  21. Yet... There's a certain amount of game theory that can be played here and we've been addressing it.
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