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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. But how much were you making an hour? Like people complaining about gasoline. Gasoline was $0.20/gallon in 1937. Adjusted for inflation today, that's $4.11 a gallon. $0.19/gallon, just a penny less is: $3.91. https://www.usinflationcalculator.com $15/hour in 2022 is $8.72 in Y2K, 2000.
  2. Strange how we go around in circles. The new normal is the old abnormal. What really is normal? It's just a made up construct to fit the times and group.
  3. Boy... Caught me oughtta left field on this one! WHO doesn't like pot or groupies? 😉 Jeesh, everyone is offended.
  4. When you gonna break it too him there's no pot and groupies involved? Better to be wise and wait till after he moves the ***** load of equipment you have. 😏
  5. That would suck if they removed it and then had The Falls fall 1/2 the distance, forming more like ***** rapids... ... Guys like @BringBackFergy would no doubt blame the Corps of Engineers! The USACE's "gift to the people." 😏
  6. 23,000 years. My bad. Falls will disappear into Lake Erie. https://www.niagarafallstourism.com/blog/will-niagara-falls-disappear-some-day/ To OP, better see it soon, before it disappears! 😉 https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/de214751bc1644e4bbd4b6b0ba63f5ae https://boards.straightdope.com/t/what-happens-when-niagra-falls-reaches-lake-erie/598171
  7. Yeah. I never heard of the bridges till you mentioned it... But I heard about cleaning those rocks up at base of Falls. I can't remember if they did... It would be a hell of a task with water flowing... UNLESS they drawed down river and sent it to the the power plant(s) and cleaned it that way. ??? I know they were making a big deal about how the rocks were looking and not doing justice aesthetically to the view. Anyway... In about 10,000 years The Falls will just be bigger rapids in front of Buffalo 8 miles upstream. And supposedly when it breaches the mouth of Lake Erie @ Buffalo/Fort Erie, that's when Lake Huron and Lake Michigan will instantly drop 150 feet! 😆....I'd like to see that!!! 😉
  8. Yeah... I heard something. Did they clean up the talus slope at base of Falls another way too? I guess it was really blocking things and not making it look good.
  9. Ever see The Falls shut off? It really ain't that complicated or expensive. Well the American Side that is. Lot of water is diverted for power around The Falls. Underground culverts on American side and open on Canadian. A cofferdam across the American does trick and sends water to go over Horseshoe Falls (Canadian) https://niagarafallsupclose.com/niagara-falls-shut-off/ Building the cofferdam with stone. It's not very deep, especially over the precipice: From 1969. I thought they were supposed to do it again soon... To clean up the talus at the base of the American Falls in order to create a better aesthetic...
  10. With my eyes. (Sorry to channel my inner dad) 😏
  11. Well... MA showed her to the room. That's where it happened. So he led her there. Seems negligent to me because he wasn't thinking of her safety all that well. Did he get one of her friends to be with her? She was in a vulnerable state.
  12. Maybe she was on a fall campus tour, senior in high school.
  13. Just a sidebar for reference to an earlier time. Here's the famous picture from the Kent State shootings in May of 1970: Guess how old the female that's over the deceased is? If you need help... She was 14 in this picture. Yup 14! Lightweight! 😉 😜 😘
  14. It never used to be a hassle. My sister's MiL they knew by first name going across into Ft.Erie to play "Big Bingo." 😏 The good ole days. There's like 10+ million people living in the Golden Horseshoe and it's like traveling into another world. Okay, country 😉. That's a city like Buffalo's biggest market and being another country a total drag to utilize. Sad.
  15. You're a dumbass for not recommending sunscreen. 😆 The sun is very bad for you if you don't screen it. 😏
  16. Second degree+ sunburn. Because he's a kid and listens to dumbasses. Even in a photograph the botox makes her face look emotionless... Which is pretty telling. She simply doesn't look natural.
  17. Wow. The peeps on big board are sure grumpy about this. How hard is to look away? 😏 AND she was led to the gang rape by Araiza...
  18. I kinda blamed your dog too. 😉 You said dog chased it. You said it's fine in house, but you're not Chloe! 😁😉 Oh... Is Chloe spayed?
  19. But her face looks frozen. Is there a cyborg behind the flesh? Yeah... I guess aesthetically pleasing to an extent with the botox Bondo I guess is a success story.
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