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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. It was really a one 1/2 game. And even the first 1/2 Bills spotted themselves a 10-0 lead. They shut them out 21-0 in the half that mattered. That's getting it done! 4th TO came with game in bag after an interception. Other TOs all in 1st Half.
  2. From the intrinsic value of keeping the plebs amused, I have to admit, it will be amazing! Fascinating to see. Anyway... That's the time to get ***** done, slip things passed the media and news cycle.
  3. Love the Hudson Bay "point blanket" over back of chair! Nice touch!
  4. Bomb to Diggs on the fly route. 76 yard TD. [It it gets called back: Holding] Next play: 86 yard run for TD, Motor. 22 Dive. πŸ˜† Rams fans leave..... πŸ˜‰@HOUSE
  5. No. Yeah... It's baffling. Overly religious? GBID summed her up in his post.
  6. She was born earlier, 1942. She's not even a Boomer, but Silent Generation... They were critical of the Boomers and counter-culture generation. Many sympathized (like my parents) but mostly never got caught up in it seeing they already came of age, had children young and other matters to tend to. Their generation was categorized as "working within the system." I am not defending her actions here, yet as a Silent I can see where she's at odds with the model the Williams' were raised in: "The style of parenting known to the Silents and the generations before them originated in the late 1800s. Representative of this was the idea that "children should be seen but not heard". " I am not sure I want to equate this to racism.
  7. No brainer. Why Marino or Fouts never won a SuperBowl. Bills came close in XXV...
  8. Maybe the police and university are in cahoots to prevent a national scandal... Protect the cash cow? Cover-up? Notice the school took no action, they put it on shoulders of police when they said the police told them to not get involved. Kinda heard nothing from the authorities. Probably just hoping it goes away.
  9. [Sorry, posting the whole darn kit and caboddle] Talking Hard Work: Words and Music by Woody Guthrie While we're on the subject of hard work I just wanted to say that I always was a man to work. I was born working and I worked my way up by hard work. I ain't never go nowhere yet but I got there by hard work: Work of the hardest kind. I been down and I been out And I've been busted, disgusted and couldn't be trusted. I worked my way up and I worked my way down. I've been drunk and I've been sober. I've had hard times and I got hijacked And been robbed for cash and robbed for credit. Worked my way into jail and outta jail And I woke up alotta mornings and I didn't even know where I was at. But the hardest work I ever done is when I was trying to get myself a worried woman to ease my worried mind. Now I'm gonna tell you just about how much hard work I had to do to get this here women that I'm a-tellin you about. I shook hands with 97 of her kinfolks and her blood relatives and I done the same with 86 people that was just her friends and her neighbors. Kissed 73 babies and put dry pants on 34 of em' as well as others And done the same thing several times - as well as a lot of other things just about like this. I held 125 head of wild horses, put saddles and bridles on more that that, harnessed some of the craziest, wildest teams in the whole country. I rode 14 loco broncos to a dead standstill and let 42 hound dogs lick me all over. Seven times I was bit by hungry dogs and I was chewed all to pieces by water moccasins and rattlesnakes on two separate river bottoms. I chopped and I carried 314 armloads of stove wood, 100 buckets of coal, and I carried a gallon of kerosene 18 miles over the mountains, got lost, lost a pair of shoes in a mud hole. And I chopped and I weeded 48 rows of short cotton, 13 acres of bad corn and cut sticker weeds out of 11 back yards. All on accounta' cause I wanted to show her that I was a man a I liked to work. I cleaned out 9 barnloads and cranked 31 automobiles, all makes and models. Pulled 3 cars out of mud holes and 4 out of snowdrifts. I dug 5 cisterns of water for some of her friends and neighbors and run all kinds of errands. I played the fiddle for 9 churches meetings and I joined 11 separate denominations. I signed up and joined up for 7 of the best trade unions I could find And paid my dues about 6 weeks ahead of time. Waded 40 miles of swamps, 60 big rivers, Walked across 2 mountain ranges and crossed three deserts. I got the fever and I got sunstroke and I got malaria and I got the flu and I got moonstruck and skeeter bit, the poison ivy and the 7 year itch and the blind staggers. I was given up for lost and dead about 2 dozen times. Struck by lightning, struck by Congress, struck by friends and kinfolks as well as by three cars on the highways and a lotta times in peoples hen-houses. I been hit and run down and run over and walked on and knocked around And I'm just settin' here now trying to study up what else I can do to show that woman that I still ain't afraid of hard work.
  10. Me? πŸ˜†... You know me, I won't give guff about it. I am mostly sticking my foot in my mouth. I am smooth as a burlap bag. πŸ˜‰
  11. Holy moly! Ouch... Maybe you meant "I'm surprised this doesn't happen more often in US." I am not... We're not India. We have at least a modicum of safety regs in place and a little respect for human life, unless you're patronizing carneys in Florida. 😏 Most people in 3rd world countries aren't out at carnivals, they are out digging rare-earth minerals with their hands for the iPhone screen that takes those pictures.
  12. They Tweeted the correction right away. Before you did.😜 Yeah... Could be confusing. Seneca Street does go under I90 just South of The400... BUT there's no exit there. When they said Exit 3, it gave away the right location. FWIW. Don't accuse me of being a WKBW defender. 😏
  13. Cool! They will be able to flood it and hold naval battle reenactments on the off weeks! 😏
  14. Mostly saying: "Hooray for my side." ?? 😏
  15. You caught it before my edit! You're quick. Meant to say: finger. Pretty deep slip on my part. How many underage females had sex, maybe even got pregnant, and then married. Still, back in the day... Very few options afforded females besides marrying and being a housewife. Of course, don't be foolish... They were looking on campus. 😏
  16. NormaliZED. People weren't in a vacuum. Most husbands older than wives, but not always. My MiL graduated HS in 1954. Every female had a ring on their finger except my MiL and 3 others... EDIT: Wow... Hope nobody caught my Freudian edit! πŸ˜†
  17. Oh sure it was, even more then! Of course this is a fictional scene, but it draws on some twisted reality. "Animal House" (1978) about college life in early 1960s? IIRC, the script had her under 18. You're grandfathered in. πŸ˜‰
  18. Anybody under 21 (most jurisdictions) is a minor when it comes to drinking, gambling, etc... Colleges loaded with them. Anybody drinking @ that party under 21 was illegally doing so.
  19. Take care... Get well! Our neighbor had it (throat cancer) and responded well to treatment.
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