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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Mayer Brother's is RIGHT off Transit on Blossom in West Seneca (actually hamlet of Blossom?)... It's also the address on the Ziegler's I can get here in the local supermarkets... So I take the cider industry is big conglomerates like the funeral home business. Bunch of brands and family names bought up and being held by a few companies to make it look like a local product. Bet they source their apples all over. Here, probably Western Michigan. Yeah, but who knows, the jug I buy here may come out of West Seneca? #Cynical 😏
  2. I don't think it's that contagious when symptoms are presenting. Unlike most other sickness. FWIW...
  3. AND the thing is. Most sickness is spread when symptoms are presenting. The insidious thing about Da Covids is that it is most contagious 24-72 hours before symptoms present. .. Many don't even present. So... When you're sick, you know to stay away. I only tested once. Positive in June. I wouldn't even had blinked an eye years ago. Missed work, etc... It wasn't that bad, Been through soooo much worse years ago. I only tested because I had people coming to visit and felt morally obligated to test since I did feel a bit ill AND because my wife was really sick. Something to think about... People spreading and not knowing. My brother died from it in 2020.
  4. The opener that year was New Orleans in Orchard Park... Gregg Williams first regular season game as HC. Still got the ticket stub from 9/9/1... On to a great 3-13 season. 😔
  5. Yeah. Probably 28 years ago. But we didn't have testing and they didn't know WTF it was. Started with pneumonia and lasted like 18 months.
  6. What's even funnier: ~273,000 views a day. There's only ~86,000 seconds in a day. If my quick math is correct... So... Some one is getting Rick-Rolled less than every 1/3 of second for the last 12 years! 😬😬
  7. This has got 1.2 BILLION views!😆🤣😂
  8. Put down the chronic. Try some lithium. Pick up a book and call me two Tuesdays from now. Since I am prescribing the '90s dosage, maybe slip in a Nirvana CD and light a candle. 😏 Thank you... That will be: $580.00 please.
  9. New Buffalo, Michigan is also just a few miles off of I80/90 @ the I94 split around Southern Lake Michigan. Highly recommend it for a nice place if you need a layover, unwind, dinner: Michigan City, Indiana is right up the road too @ the Interstate splits... With it's unique light: Gets you a way from the hustle of the Chicagoland area and in The Dunes right off of I80/90/94: Stop in Chesterton/Valparaiso... Right on the beaten path... Again away from the hustle, yet close to the National Lakeshore Park, dunes. It's going on fall... Entering wine country there in Western Michigan, Northwest Indiana...
  10. They were shut out in 2nd half. All 10 points came on BFLo mistakes. The Bass penalty and 2nd pick. The Rams couldn't even make the score look respectable during mop up.
  11. Yup. We know why, but it shouldn't be said. It's personal. You're right, true apologies don't carry any caveats.
  12. Well... You asked: Because it's rude. Signifies you aren't comfortable enough to take it off, it's an outside article, so it's dirty and seen as unclean OR you haven't groomed. Go figure, this from a hippy like me! 😉 😜
  13. No punts and the 4 TOs weren't deep in Bills zone. And they had 3. That definitely negates the rule that TOs can hurt you. I don't think any of the Rams 10 points came off the turnovers. 7 game off the Bass penalty! ★EDIT: 3 came off the second JA pick.
  14. Bills didn't punt. That softens the blow of the TOs. A punt is a TO technically. A change of possesion.
  15. Wasn't the Fank's brand made by Durkee originally?
  16. Did you use a vital canister of oxygen to make sure it burned longer? During the whole second half, I turned up the volume to 18 then dropped it down to 17 right before Josh took the snap. Boy was it loud. Glad my wife is in N.Jersey! 😆
  17. Same here! 😆 Sorry to hear about your brother. Glad you got revenge.
  18. 40's, 50's, & early 60's artwork was the best!
  19. Whatever thus guy ordered. Always tastes better when someone else makes it, and pays: https://thehill.com/homenews/3630603-doordash-customer-says-delivery-driver-ate-his-chicken-wings-left-surprising-note-in-bag/ 😏
  20. I love old ads! Got a bunch! 😉 The wife loves this one... Her father drove Beetles back in day: Don't shoot the messenger! LoL... It's Victory Friday! Let me live until Monday! 😉
  21. Poor Nick Scott, he ain't laughing! Probably having night sweats tonight, QBs don't do this, fullbacks do!
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