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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Hate him all you want, but Jalen is right: https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/34703211/worry-player-safety-not-my-socks
  2. What say ye? Young people shouldn't save for retirement. Introduced in the 1950s, FWIW... Whaaaa! 😏 "New research based on the life-cycle model says that people should strive for a consistent standard of living through their lives." "...Put another way, individuals, according to the model which dates back to economists Franco Modigliani, a Nobel Prize winner, and Richard Brumberg in the early 1950s, seek to smooth what economists call their consumption, or what normal people call their spending. ..." https://www.marketwatch.com/story/many-young-people-shouldnt-save-for-retirement-says-research-based-on-a-nobel-prize-winning-theory-11664562570
  3. It's not the size of the wand, it's the magic in it. 😉 😏
  4. I guess snowstorms within reason... But in the grand scheme of things other natural disasters grossly outweigh a snowstorm. And of course they are using a weighted scale when making these lists. Unless a tree falls through you're living room while your watching TV or your roof collapses... Given technology like modern vehicles with front wheel drive, banking apps, Direct Deposit, etc... Snowstorms have been mitigated much better in modern times. Snow just spreads the pain and inconvenience out over a consistent time period: Winter. A tornado, wild fire, earthquake, hurricane will wipe you out in moments. The snowiest place on earth is on a North Island in Japan. Somehow they live with it, thrive. Don't lose everything they have worked for. Just my $0.02.
  5. Yup. But they don't consider snow a natural disaster. It can be shoveled and it melts.
  6. I posted that above. But the NFL makes you go to YouTube, can't embed it.
  7. I posted that early on! 😆 You must have missed it. I won't hold it against you. 😉 I thought it was "Three's Company."
  8. Hey @Gugny did your second fav theme ever get mentioned? ?? 😏 "Helper" Emmy Jo was purdy! Hubba hubba! 😊
  9. I shityounotski: https://www.onlyinyourstate.com/ohio/cleveland/cleveland-was-just-named-one-of-the-safest-places-in-the-us-from-natural-disasters/
  10. Where did they dig that clown out of? Wow... If there's ever a dweeb you wanna stuff in a locker and forget the combination, it's him.
  11. They could have simply gave him a 14 day rest... Yet they rushed him back in 4... Trying to grab a lousy 4-0 record and gain a 10 day rest. Sadly he took another hit. Didn't the doctor see this on Sunday? "Decorticate posture "
  12. So if Trent turned into: "TRENTative" what's Tua going to be? InTUAtive ?
  13. Yup and the ugliest places the safest. Top three safest places: 1. Syracuse, NY 2. Cleveland, OH 3. Akron, OH
  14. Well... People really shouldn't be living on barrier islands. The people in flood plains get heat... Why are they developing those places! Move to some where safer, why rebuild? Not being cold here... But where's the common sense. It's better for the environment anyway. We are still better than in 1926 & 1928. If we get out of this storm with only a few deaths... Way better off, modern systems are working. 2,500! Just think of how many, many more are occupying in the middle of Mutha Nature's path today almost a 100 years later!
  15. I played offensive line in HS... Many a time after practices I couldn't remember my locker combination. Look at me... I am fine! They don't make kids like they used to. 😜😜
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