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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. It was against the wind. He knew he had to keep it in the lower bowl and outta the Jetstream going the opposite direction. Probably hit it too low.
  2. I'd pay for this! Where do I give my Visa card number?
  3. Yeah... But it's still one game at a time. Hope throwing these darts, bullseyes 🎯 gets other teams to think twice when watching film. Open other things up.
  4. It's only been about 90 years since men were marketed deodorant. I wonder what they did prior to the 1930s? Woman 20 years prior to that. "Never let them see you sweat!" Is such Madison Ave. BS. Glad times are changing back a bit. I had absolutely no problem with that. Keeping it real is a good thing.
  5. He was raising his hands in celebration, so he must have loving some Bills. Best Romo quote: "Teams punt the ball 7 times in a game, the Bills punted 7 times all season " He's really into the Bills!
  6. Because they can raise my homeowner's policy in Illinois, tell me some BS that my property is worth more. Just like we're paying $50/month bucks in Summer for natural gas when all I got is one pilot light and the wife doesn't cook, or dry clothes... lol... She uses the micro (attempting to cook, not dry clothes)... 😆 ...Thanx Texas for the reach-around. 😆 Oh, I got Tampa's pride and joy: Progressive. /WallBash...
  7. The editor nailed it here... About the living in climate danger zones... "Florida towns have a particularly strong incentive to rebuild, because the demand for beachside living is so potent. As the writer Michael Grunwald points out in The Atlantic, “Florida has always been about now, mine, more.” Longtime observers like him have little faith that Hurricane Ian will represent any kind of turning point for what he calls the “ecological Ponzi scheme” state. If state and local government won’t check a rebuilding spree, then it’s probably up to the federal government to find ways to pump the brakes on certain types of coastal development. At some point, we’ll all grow tired of this sad, expensive movie. ... " Not sure what the source is... You'd think my wife being an Admin Librarian would know better... But I don't want to take credit for this awesome hot take! Whoever you are... I can't agree more! "Ecological Ponzi Scheme" So true!
  8. Who's this? Coach McGuirk from "Home Movies?"
  9. "Let the Flirting Begin" 😆😳🤭 "Louise, why is it I can never get a pair of pants that fits me?"
  10. The fishing tourneys that come through the lock are catch, weigh-in, and release. They all go back below the lock... Weigh-in, then a few boats come back upbound and dump their live wells with all the fish that was weighed in. If you doctor up the fish you're gonna kill it, right? Here's one tourney, link below. Not sure if they release after weigh-in... They might not come back through lock... But the DNR wants them to release in the waters where they catch them. Funny thing is, the few boats designated to go back north through lock after weigh-in don't go all the way back to Lake Calumet where they caught the fish. They release right by lock so they can turnaround and go right back through south, downbound without having to get caught waiting for the lock to cycle, or worse, stuck behind future commercial barge traffic. The lock is off limits... So all those smallmouth hang around the structure the lock affords... The smallies grow to be monsters there... Probably never to be caught again. Except by me... 😆 https://www.ssrbcircuit.com/copy-of-2021-div-3-lake-calumet (The background wallpaper pic was shot in the lock) Most tournaments have rules that you must use non-piercing cull tags when placing fish in the livewell during the tournament (in order to cull the smallest fish). https://www.mrboatmechanic.com/best-non-puncture-cull-tags/
  11. Why keep rebuilding? Leave it and move to a safer location. People shouldn't live in flood plains and neither should they live in paths of storms. The population growth is unsustainable. Florida needs to stop taking charity and passing their problems on to other more responsible areas. People walked out of the Dust Bowls in the 1930s, they can walk off the coasts in the 2020s. Maybe institute an income tax to fund their own clean ups... The north doesn't ask for snow removal money. I am not trying to be mean, but the danger zones need to be more responsible. The population growth is unsustainable and reckless in these places. Sure, some people can live there, but return the areas to how they handle these storms... As barriers. The incentives to move to these areas is reckless. A premium needs to be charged for living in the path of destruction. Enough is enough.
  12. Yes. And also because the world is impoverished. You only need a foot and a ball. 😉 😜
  13. Headphones. It's irresponsible to open anything around people with the volume up. 😉 😜
  14. Not... Trying to be insensitive, just ripping on Miami Dolphins management:
  15. I posted this numerous times. This is the Milano push. Did they not see this? His hands, clenched and frozen reaching to head. It's not a back injury, he's sitting up, got himself up. This is a pretty damning photo of a person with a concussion. This is before he went to his feet and stammered. He's clenched and adjusting his helmet, clearly clearing the cobwebs away. He isn't reaching to his back!
  16. Meatball (sports fan): https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=meatball (sports fan)
  17. We'll get somebody to clean that up... We're the ones that gotta clean that up! Anyway... I'd say lock & dam operator... It's so weird and part time that I am doing it right now. 😏
  18. To show how misguided the League is. IMO, he didn't come off as trying to seek attention. And the Bills should be awarded the 19-14 win! 😆 🤣 😂 😏
  19. Yeah... But it's relevant. Shows how misguided League is with real safety.
  20. I really think he doesn't want to talk about his socks or knee pads. He doesn't want to bring it up, IMO... But they keep fining him for ticky-tacky stuff and blow off the big stuff, so it gets brought up. I don't get the vibe he was being an attentionwhore about his socks. It just needed to be stated.
  21. One would only hope. People forget, or didn't see it... Tua's hands did the same thing on Sunday as they did on Thursday. He was just sitting up and the symptoms got lost in the Dolphins blinding obsession for beating the Bills for the first time in 4 years. Dolphins management would have turned him into a vegetable for that win on Sunday. Look at his hands on Sunday: Something is definitely not right with the Dolphins organization... Going back to the Flores lawsuit too. Karma is a MuthaPh**ker... Sadly, Tua the pawn. They can have their ill-gotten win. I simply don't wanna win like this.
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