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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Clinically relevant is very important. More than statistics. Direct observation in the real world outweighs stats.
  2. Interesting study: "Pain & The Mary Jane." The ones on it have worse pain after surgery and require more opioids. The numbers aren't major but they are there. Makes sense I suppose. A crutch needs a crutch. Body looking to mask the pain with something like it's used to... Just need more drugs to manage the pain. https://neurosciencenews.com/pain-cannabis-surgery-21701/ “...Our study shows that adults who use cannabis are having more — not less — postoperative pain. Consequently, they have higher opioid consumption after surgery. ...” "...Researchers analyzed the records of 34,521 adult patients — 1,681 of them cannabis users — who had elective surgeries at Cleveland Clinic from January 2010 to December 2020. The cannabis users had used the drug within 30 days before surgery, while the other patients had never used cannabis. The patients who used cannabis experienced 14% more pain during the first 24 hours after surgery compared to the patients who never used cannabis. Additionally, patients who used cannabis consumed 7% more opioids after surgery, which the authors note was not statistically significant, but is likely clinically relevant. ..."
  3. Same in the Fed gov't. Ethics training has to be taken yearly. But that's all being thrown out the window by the higher ups the last bunch of years. The rise of nepotism, meritocracy, etc... Is really causing the downfall. The NFL, legalized gambling, etc... Is, IMO, causing problems with the perception of impropriety. Negative perception is very important and causes a lot of damage. The one's saying this is no big deal must not think value optics.
  4. BoDeans, Joe Dirt Car, 1995. "Joe Dirt Car is a live two-CD album released in 1995 by the BoDeans. It was recorded in various places throughout Illinois, Wisconsin and California, among other places, between 1989 and 1994."
  5. Green Bay has never won in Orchard Park. Just saying. Take that as a good vibe or bad omen...
  6. Disagree. Just like raffles, etc... The whole family is disqualified. Did anybody see the Mike Evans drop? How that wasn't offensive pass interference is beyond me! The announcers are like: "The defender got turned around and slipped and fell." LMFAO... Yeah, right. Instant karma when he dropped it!
  7. Top speed of 21.87 mph: "...Hall gutted the Denver defense with a 62-yard touchdown in the first quarter, reaching a maximum speed of 21.87 mph -- the fastest this season by any ballcarrier, according to Next Gen Stats. On his second run after the touchdown, he landed awkwardly after being tackled by a cluster of players in front of the Jets' sideline. ..." Source: https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/34864264/jets-breece-hall-ruled-vs-broncos-knee-injury
  8. 😆 Boy... Nice guys really do always have to finish last.
  9. Actually the Chargers were from Los Angeles originally. It's San Diego that stole them first. /wallbash People forget that before 1970s... Steelers were on the Cardinals fast track to futility. They turned it all around!
  10. Why can't the flight attendant move them to window seat and middle seat. Have the lady that was in the "Fat-lachi Crunch" sit in the Aisle seat? 😆 May I suggest a Peloton to get into that 1/2 seat. I hope she has a husband or significant other that cares about her!
  11. Yes we do encourage drug users and alcoholics. We're a nation of high functioning drug users, alcoholics that are obese. Blame big ag, big pharma, & big food... "...One third of our economy thrives on making people sick and fat. Big Farming grows 500 more calories per person per day than 25 years ago because they get paid to grow extra food even when it is not needed. The extra corn (sugar) and soy (fat) are turned into industrial processed food and sugar-sweetened beverages -- combinations of fat, sugar and salt that are proven to be addictive. These subsidized ($288 billion) cheap, low-quality foods are heavily marketed ($30 billion) and consumed by our ever-widening population with an obesity rate approaching three out of four Americans. The more they eat, the fatter they become. The fatter they become the more they develop heart disease, diabetes, cancer and a myriad of other chronic ailments. ..."
  12. Security didn't really check anybody back in day... No mules needed. I remember putting a 6 pack in my parka up until the early 1990s.
  13. He's more accurate now. Throwing in tighter windows. = More tips.
  14. $14... $28k is kinda small for 50/50. Bunch of cheapos in DC!
  15. 17 games. Should it count? Just like 2,000 yards in 14 games season... Or perfect season of 14 games... The 1972 perfect season was easier, just as 6,000 yards in 17 will be easier...
  16. Yeah... Quite a safety loophole they are getting away with here. Heat stroke can't be equated to cold games.
  17. I don't get the "we play in blizzards" thing. Last time I looked, both teams played equally in a blizzard. Since there is such a huge discrepancy with heat between sidelines there should be permanent shelter or dug out. At the game, the field crew or Bills people were moving around these ridiculously small sun shades to keep the Bills players from getting heat stroke. This seems like a player safety issue for only one of the teams, the visitors.
  18. You think he's been "under the knife?" Definitely with the hair...To try and stay young looking. He looks ill. Not aging gracefully... Next 10 years is gonna be rougher. At least Drew looks robust, natural at 50! Cosmetic surgery for Tom? Sure looks like it.
  19. Rumor has it this is why Tom Terrific stunk on Sunday. Look who he's swinging w/@ the reception Drew is only 5 years older... But man Tom is looking older!
  20. It's a penalty and always has been since the dawn of football because it's dangerous. Dangerous like clipping. Those two penalties have been on the books since the beginning.
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