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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. https://www.npr.org/2024/11/10/530876080/ella-jenkins-dead-at-100 My wife before retiring last year was head librarian in town here... I remember the library hiring Ella to do a show about 15 years ago. One catch, she needed a ride to and from here residence on the NearNorth in Chicago to the far SouthSide suburbs here. We picked her up and took her back home... What a lovely lady! I still remember the tutorial she gave us during the ride. She could make music from anything! She asked for a quarter... Then gave us information how modern quarters just don't make the same sound as the old silver quarters! It was a Wyoming State quarter she used... Still sounded lovely! Have the quarter to this day! RIP Ella...
  2. w/his two boys... Priceless!!
  3. President Jimmy gets interrupted! All time classic scene! "I have heard you with unmistakable clarity." 😆
  4. On fence. Denver OR Miami.
  5. What's the rule? One snap? It's gonna be at < 10% when you're 60 and teen is only 16! 😆
  6. Check out these two... If you can get past the brutal accent: EDIT: Forgot PART 1: PART 2:
  7. You mean:
  8. Josh only has one more team to beat: Philadelphia Then he's in the "defeated every other team club."
  9. RIP
  10. Shoulda went to trade school!😉😜
  11. The two games are similar. Basketball just played in the vertical with no goaltending. Maybe allow goaltending in basketball. Bring back the cages too... Stick the players back in their cage and let the fans go wild on the other side.😆 https://www.basketball.org/history/cagers/
  12. You are sounding like an old guy. My older timer boss 35 years ago would call Jordan: Michael "Walk" Jordan.
  13. Eeew! Sooo... Gross!🤣
  14. Stop playing basketball 🏀 all together. If you want more scoring: Simple... Just do what the WNBA does... Use a ball that's 1" smaller.
  15. $$$ Gotta keep a revenue stream.
  16. https://www.abmc.gov/news-events/news/christmas-eve-1944-brief-moment-peace-battlefield
  17. Well... He's 7 long years in... He keeps it up, it will be for his career. Anyway... it's season. 7 seasons.
  18. JA17 is the winningest QB ever in first 7 years. Classic McD coaching!
  19. https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2024/12/retro-gamers-save-one-of-the-last-45-inch-crt-tvs-in-existence/ Kenny would be proud!
  20. Unlock Grammy! !! No way the Sabres blow this lead!
  21. Exactly. The "Working man's Lunch" (RC & a Moonpie) is ultra-processed and it's from 1917/1905 respectively. Coca-Cola goes back to 1885. Eat what your grandparents, great, greatparents ate. Just gonna be denied healthcare anyway, might as well go down happy! 😆 (Chicken) In a Biskit has been around since 1964...
  22. FWIW... In the 64 year history of the Bills, that was the 17th greatest comeback... Though, tied with 11 other games. Chew on those numbers Chicken Littles! 😆🤣 485-508-8 = 1,001 games played
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