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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. That was a test for the strict constructionists! 😉😜 I obviously counted line #1 Beeze as 1 syllable. Line #3 is 2 as in Beasley. 😉 That makes both of us. You don't know Japanese either. 😜
  2. I do that too many times! 😉... Was hoping to stay in good graces. So basically... Get the NFL app on the Firestick... ?? And sign up through there? Haven't tried it yet, maybe later in week.
  3. Wrong! REALLY WRONG! Myth. Haiku can be anything with 3 lines. 5/7/5 is just traditional. https://haikuhaikulove.com/2017/haiku-and-the-myth-of-5-7-5/ "We’re haiku amateurs. When we started writing haiku we learned, like everyone else, that haiku was written 5-7-5, that is, to use five syllables on the first line, seven on the second, and five more on the third. But, we also learned soon that this is inaccurate. Here are a few resources that elaborate why, so that you don’t need to wonder anymore whether our haiku are real haiku. (They are—they usually suffer from other problems 😬) Michael Dylan Welch writes in his very useful Haiku Checklist, How long is your haiku? It’s usually good to write in three lines of about 10 to 17 syllables. In English, haiku don’t have to be in the pattern of 5-7-5 syllables […]. ..."
  4. Any suggestions? I have FireStick on TV. What's the cost going to be? Or should I just jump in a car and head to WNY? 😏
  5. They did bring their own canopies in September! I saw with my own eyes! But since 2017 HardRock has a semi roof. That roof protects the fans and the Miami home sideline. Shouldn't the Dolphins build a dugout for their visitors! ?? I have been to HardRock many times, pre-roof, post-roof... The Fins have something the other team doesn't! They need to switch sidelines @ halftime if the Miami organization and League doesn't want to correct the situation the semi-roof creates @ HardRock Stadium, in Miami Florida during a 1pm Sunday game @ 26°N latitude...
  6. We need to deal with everything. Too many bubbles to hide in. I agree... He doesn't need to open his mouth. But his concerns are real... Awesome!
  7. The Beeze is back yeah And he better not be vaxxed Oh yeah, the Beeze is back!
  8. And his immune system hasn't been altered! LoL...😉😜😘
  9. Love it! Just what this team needs. Deal with its demons... Heal...
  10. Because The League is screwed up. In September in Miami @ HardRock... Staff was frantically moving portable sunshades on the Bills SideLines, trying to protect the players from heatstroke. The Miami/home sideline is naturally more shaded and about 40° to 50° cooler. I can't see how that's kosher with The League. You'll die faster in heat than in the cold. Not sure why The League looks the other way with a more serious player safety concern when dealing with heat.
  11. Yup. The way I have it, Bills stole Ravens game. Vikings stole their game with Bills. Miami & Jets definitely may have got a way with one with Bills. All things considered, IMO, Bills no worse than a solid 10-3, no better than 12-1. That's pretty damn solid considering how many games frauds like Minnesota got away with! I haven't been following Eagles, how many did they get away with vs. others. Cowboys just stole one from the worst team in League...
  12. Towards the end of games... My wife keeps saying: "YOU'RE so negative!" 😆 I am really NOT. Failing to plan is planning to fail. As much as I hate this guy. At least kid millennial coach gets something right even if I can't sit still through one of his pressers:
  13. Because of the 3 ways they lost. Really Bills could be 13-0 at very best luck... Or 12-1. Yeah... They did steal Ravens game, so swap one of the loses with that one.
  14. He does like to use the word: matriculate As in: "Matriculate down the field." And if Tony thinks he's being cute and quoting Hank Stram: Well... He's NOT. Stram is saying: "atriculate." Atriculating the ball down the field. articulate är-tĭk′yə-lĭt adjective: Composed of distinct, meaningful syllables or words. Expressing oneself easily in clear and effective language. Characterized by the use of clear, expressive language. Having the power of speech. Consisting of sections united by joints; jointed. intransitive verb: To pronounce distinctly and carefully; enunciate. To utter (a speech sound) by making the necessary movements of the speech organs. To express in coherent verbal form. To fit together into a coherent whole; unify. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition. More at Wordnik
  15. The roughing the passer on the Herbert sack was horrible... But he should have used better form and not throw "weight of body"... Probably should have wrapped him up cleanly like Milano did White... ??? League is ridiculous... BUT ***** The Fins!
  16. At least he's not Ray Lucas. Remember when he cried... They hit Herbert tonight and got a roughing call. Only thing is I can think of is "weight of body" on him... Which is kinda BS. BUT, ***** da Phins... They deserved it! 😉
  17. I think here in lies the reason with Phila, three words: Oppositional Defiant Disorder
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