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Everything posted by CajunBillsBacker

  1. Sure did, my bad. You definitely win with the best lunch of the day!
  2. After reading this thread, all I can say is thank God for cajun southern cooking. Nothing anyone listed in this thread would even be sniffed at around here.
  3. Me and two guys from work went watch a WWE Raw house show in New Orleans last night, it has been about 10 years since I seen it in person, and it was pretty fun. I hope they don't wait 10 more years before coming back to my area because I want to go again. Btw, Giant Khali is the biggest human I have ever seen.
  4. Probably ate the food at Famiglia Pizzaria inside the Washington/Dulles airport. Maybe i'm just used to seasoned southern foods, but that was the worst tasting food I had ever eaten. It was like chewing on a rubberband.
  5. I don't even think it's going to be called "Madden" next year. This years version doesn't even use his voice, it uses ESPN radio commentary.
  6. Players leave Buffalo for the chance to win a ring. Hell, even Rob Johnson has a rock on his finger after leaving the Bills.
  7. Wow, someone who has actually done research for themselves and not had people talk them into it has pretty much eliminated the 360 from their list? How is that possible? Good job Steve, some people only go by influence because more people have the 360 right now and don't bother researching on their own. Get the PS3, you won't regret it. Hit me up with a pm after and i'll give you my PSN name and we can play online in Madden or something.
  8. 6'0, 260! Center?
  9. this is the main reason why I have grown to hate professional sports the past couple years. Who needs that much money anyways? No one in the history of sports is worth that much money. Why not give him a virgin a day while they are at it.
  10. That's awesome man, it's a good thing you don't remember the second half anyways, it would totally ruin your buzz. If you walked around the Gate C area where the fan jam thing was going on, you probably seen me and my brother. We were the only two guys walking around wearing LSU hard hats.
  11. I want to see Saints vs Colts because Archie Manning does radio coverage of Saints games. Imagine how funny that would be to listen to.
  12. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=57717
  13. Better question, what the hell makes the middle of alabama and lower alaska so special that they get to see the Bills/Ravens game?
  14. Insert Jim Mora's playoffs soundbite here!
  15. He's using his television and Direct TV guys, didn't you notice the "i'm bullshitting you" grin on that smiley in his original post?
  16. So much for this option. None of the games are working, and i'm watching the Saints/Giants game live on TV. Oh well, back to NFL.com
  17. hey thanks, I tried it, it says the channel is offline. Does it start when the game starts?
  18. How will you "watch" the game on the internet? Is there a site or something?
  19. Let me be the first to thank the Bills for giving me great childhood memories, and positive heroes to look up to when growing up. I've met alot of good people(some of whom are on this board) because of my love for the Bills, but reality is, we are watching the Bills die a slow painful death.
  20. TCU covers the spread
  21. Nope, you are correct. You can walk around with any kind of alchohol container except glass bottles. Most of the places serve the beer in draft cups anyways. Be sure to try the hurricanes and hand granades, bourbon st. favorites. Bars usually close around 4am, but since you'll be there for new years, it'll be PACKED, so they'll reopen a couple hours later for the daytime crowd. There are areas of the street to stay away from, you'll know it. Two pointers, do NOT wear to many Mardi Gras beads around your neck, you're sure to get mugged. Mardi Gras beads when it's not mardi gras usually means TOURISTS, and where's there's tourists, there's MONEY! Another pointer is, carry all your money, wallet, credit cards, ect in your front pockets, preferrably with a zipper, and when squeezing your way through the crowds, keep one hand over your pocket. Also, when walking through, keep your camera ready, because you'll see some ( o )( o )!!
  22. Of course! Where are you guys sitting? We are in section 609, row 18. I just recieved my tickets in the mail today. I can't wait! Here's a cool Superdome virtual view, just click on your section and row in on the map, and it'll show you a virtual 3-d picture of your view. http://www.seats3d.com/nfl/new_orleans_saints/
  23. The COTY is kicking Dallas ass right now.
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