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Everything posted by CajunBillsBacker

  1. Hey Cynical, are you making the trip to Baton Rouge on November 8th? You are more than welcome to come tailgate with my group even though you are a Bama fan.
  2. I just can't believe that it has been 10 years already! Man, time flies! It seems like it was just a short time ago. I like the thing in the right corner that says "Manning and Leaf debut". Man, did those careers go in opposite directions or what?
  3. I follow recruiting pretty close and I have always been impressed with McGuffies physical abilities. Here's another video....
  4. I dunno, I think this will be one of those years where the SEC just beats each other up to much to get anyone in. Auburn is one of my 3 most hated SEC teams, so it was great to get in win on their field tonight. Looks like we might have a QB this season afterall though. Jarrett Lee grew into a man in the 2nd half.
  5. Happy Birthday Mark! If any of you guys get a chance to meet Mark in person, he knows his Bills as much as he knows his movies!
  6. Where ya at Beerball? Ike broke the levee's near my home like Rita did, only this time the water didn't get into my house. My whole little town looks like a lake right now, and I literally cannot see my yard. The house looks like it's floating, but at least i'm not bailing buckets of water out of my house tonight. I'll have a hell of a landscaping job to do as soon as the water goes down though. Me neighbor who's house sits lower than mine got 1 1/2 feet in their house. A house 8 houses down from mine got 5 feet of water in their house. Gustav significantly damaged my roof, and Ike nearly got the rest of it.
  7. Hi guys, just checking in. First, everyone I know is ok. Thanks for the well wishes from everyone. I am posting from my brothers place if business because it is the first to have lights. My brothers house still is without power, but they said it'll be a while because tree after tree is lying on electric lines all across town. As for where I live, it'll be "weeks" before anyone is even allowed back into Terrebonne Parish. I can only go by what my wife and the Sheriffs Office tells me. But apparently Houma is pretty much destroyed. Many buildings are nothing but rubble right now. You can't drive down a street without seeing at least half of the street's houses with significant damage. As for my house, the good news is that it didn't flood like it did for Rita, the bad news is there's 4 walls standing on a floor, with no roof. All the rain water got inside of the house, so i've pretty much lost everything with insignificant value. I'll be able to see in a couple weeks when I can get back there to see what can be salvaged, but it doesn't look good. I just wanted to give you all a quick update to let you know that everyone is physically alright, but it's going to be a long hard road for the next year or so. Joey
  8. Electricity is out in the area I'm in, so i'm on my laptops battery life and I found an unsecured network from someone else in the neighborhood. We've gotten some gusts of winds probably around 40-50mph right now. If you watch the weather channel, Jim Cantore is standing right outside of where my wife works in Houma. There are reports of many trees down already, and electricity is out city wide.
  9. Thanks! My wife is all excited because she got a picture with him. She says right now his reports are coming from a small town called Dulac, just south of Houma, but he'll be doing live reports right across the street from the Sheriffs Office parking lot where my wife works later.
  10. Just a quick note, Jim Cantori (sp?) from the Weather Channel will be doing live reports from my hometown of Houma tonight and tommorow. Also a tornado has already struck in New Orleans.
  11. Less than 24 hours until landfall, everything is crazy around here. I'm sensing alot of panic from everyone. You can tell the unknown of what will happen is scaring the hell out of everyone. I talked to my wife and she said Houma looks like a ghost town right now. If you guys want to watch a little hurricane coverage from the Houma television station, follow the link below. If you hear about the Montegut area, that's where I live. They have a camera set up over the Montegut bridge, which is right down the street from my house. I'll keep you guys posted up until the electricity goes out..... http://www.kfolkjun.com/htv/WatchNow/tabid/54/Default.aspx
  12. Thanks guys. I'll keep you guys posted up until the electricty goes out sometime Monday afternoon. After that, it could be one day, it could be 2 weeks, it could be a month before I can get back on. But i'll let you all know what the aftermath looks like.
  13. Yeah, I've pretty much accepted the fact that I'm gonna lose my home. It's been in the bullseye for a couple days now, and it's about 15 miles off the gulf surrounded by alot of water in all directions. Not only with the wind being 140+ mph with gusts around 180 at landfall, but the storm surge will be about 15-20 ft. also. I am in Baton Rouge with family to ride out the storm on higher ground. My wife is a Lt. at the Sheriffs Office, so she has to stay behind to work. I did get my important stuff like pictures, documents, ect. out. So now it's the calm before the storm.....
  14. I'll worry about Hanna when that times comes. We're the bullseye for Gustav right now.
  15. It's on the air right now, showing Bills highlights right now. I'm sure they will show the game too.
  16. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=cb5_1219102524
  17. Someone who hates Florida even more than I do!
  18. You just cannot make this stuff up! Couldn't have happened to a better team!
  19. Since Laron Landry and Jacob Hester are gone, I'll have to go with Safety Chad Jones. Dude is an animal!
  20. Thanks all! I always look for my shared birthday message with Jack and Millbank, and you guys have delivered every year! Side note, I first found TBD.com on my 18th birthday when I got my first computer, so today is the 10 year mark! I have to say it's been a long ride with many memories here.
  21. Yeah, you and I are alot alike. NFL games are usually just background noise in my house unless the Bills are actually showing on local television. I have always loved LSU and went to games, but 15 years ago I was a huge NFL/Bills fan too. I even started a small Bills Backers club here in South Louisiana with a couple members. Used to travel the short drive to a New Orleans sports bar/restaurant to watch the Bills on a large screen. After I got married and got some bills paid off, I found myself able to get season tickets for LSU and since then, that's where all my time, money, and devotion goes. I still like the Bills and try and keep up with them, but I'm not going to go out of my way to watch them anymore unless they are shown locally on television because I'm usually to preoccupied, or just hung over from a long day of tailgating and LSU game from the day before. For the 2005 season, we ended up attending every game, home and away, so I spent many Sunday's travelling back from the road games.
  22. Good idea! I can do the SEC. College football needs to start. Funny thing is I can sit there with interest and watch a college game between two small schools, but I can't watch a whole NFL game unless the Bills are playing. That's how much I love college football! My tailgating crew has spent nearly $2,500 for new tailgating equipment for this season, and it's time to get back in the parking lots.
  23. Concidering Lynch doesn't have a criminal history, I don't think (and hope) anything will come about from the league, and he'll probably get put on probation.
  24. No Prob! Was just reading that thread from when you got banned, and it really clicks at home at how long it's been. Thailog80 was still posting here at the time.
  25. Damn, it's been that long already? Welcome back!
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