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Everything posted by HurlyBurly51

  1. keep hitting the QB
  2. gotta adjust to their adjustments😉
  3. lets get some more!
  4. Floyd is out there👍
  5. gonna be all about the adjustments now
  6. why don't they tush push?
  7. wow like a piano falling out of the sky
  8. he deserved that TD!
  9. Cook on his way to player of the week honors
  10. 6 tackled too hard😄
  11. 3 points of contact
  12. at least they called that
  13. win some, lose some
  14. run him into the ground
  15. woulda been nice to pick that
  16. now there's a play by Rapp
  17. I can see a personal foul, but not unnecessary roughness. He was a runner!
  18. let James COOK!!!
  19. OK DK is reset😄
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