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Posts posted by HurlyBurly51

  1. It warms my heart after another crappy loss to at least see the blame pointed in the right direction! Wire has been my personal whipping boy for some time now, but even yesterday sunk to new depths of piss poor performance. I would love to be a fly on the wall for the team film review today. He has GOT to be soooooo embarrassed!


    The only positive is that at least Gray benched him yesterday, and hopefully he doesn't see the field again. Put Prieleau or even Baker in there until Lawyer is ready. The secret is out in the NFL now - to beat this defense game plan around Wire. He is helpless to do anything about it either, so get him out of there!!! I would LOVE to see his sorry ass cut TODAY!!!

  2. I've finally given in and come to the conclusion he's done. Too bad TD couldn't see this and just let him play under his old contract. That huge bonus payment question would've been a no brainer, but I don't want to play the hindsight game. Let's just see if we can survive with him this year, and move on with JP next year. I like the possibilities those triplets bring us - Losman, McGahee, Evans! We've already got the skill positions covered, now just go fix the line :D

  3. I took this off one of the articles posted on the front page. 

        Buffalo Resident David Lewis also had a question.


    "I wanna know what you're going to do to improve the front line," he asked.


    "For a group of guys who have only played together for four weeks, I think they're doing pretty darn well," Mularkey said of the offensive line. "When we watch the film, we can't point to any one outstanding thing that [we're not doing correctly]."'

    Now, here is a problem...


      Tell this coach "MM"  that this line has been together for about 3-4 years, and they have stunk for 3-4years.  This line did not get off the bus in Buffalo when you took this job....  Even though they play like it.


    Also, let Mike know if he is going to sniff paint, use water based insted of oil based...



    Which O lineman didn't pick up the blitzing CB? How many times did that OL pat the ball? Which OL didn't realize he was the hot receiver on that blitz and break off his route? Plenty of blame to go around folks. We need to get all 11 on the same page NOW. There are ways to combat the all out blitzing tactics, and the bye week is the perfect time to drill it into their heads. The amazing thing is they see this every week and still haven't figured it out. What's the average wonderlic for the starting offensive unit? :o

  4. They need to design some quick tosses on these blitz situations....like the old Unitas to Mackey quick 8 yard tight end slant. 


    Drew showed no ability to adjust at the line.  I remember on 3rd and 2, the Raiders had every man at the line, and Drew handed to Henry, who got stuffed.  He could've called a slant to Moulds or anybody for that matter. 


    They do need to stretch the defense.  They have not done that at all, really, with maybe a couple exceptions.



    There's plenty of blame to go around. If they're going to blitz us all day, then the WR needs to know who is the hot receiver based on the blitz and adjust their route. This not happening.


    If you can't throw deep because you have no time, and you can't run because they're bringing more than you can block, then you better damn well all be on the same page and hit them on quick slants, etc. If no one breaks off their routes, what the hell is DB supposed to do? I'm no DB apologist, but this truly is all 11 being on the same page to beat it. Until they get this down, it's going to be more of the same. I would suggest they work on this EVERY day for the next 2 weeks. Once we show we can handle it they will back off and we can start dictating. Of course, I'm not holding my breath :o

  5. And this is different from any other GM in the NFL, how?


    Oh these trolls are easily dismissed with calculated facts!  *sigh*



    Wow, did I touch on a sore spot with you or something? Sensitive! I was simply looking for some information since I was too lazy to look it up - thanks to those who responded! Wasn't insinuating anything about TD.


    Actually, the percentages are fairly impressive, but I had no idea where we stood. As a matter of fact, before yesterday I had perceived that we barely let go of any of our draft picks.

  6. I may be out on a limb here, but I don't get the Trafford infatuation. In fact, he actually stood out to me for his poor performance in the Denver game. Now I heard on Empire yesterday that Morrison thinks he is the best athlete on the team, but I don't care about that - I want football players.


    These are through the eyes of a fan and not a pro football personnel guru, so I could be all wet. I'll watch Trafford closely in the Lions game, but at this point it makes no sense using 4 spots on TE's on this roster.

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