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Posts posted by HurlyBurly51

  1. No. They are NOT that good. Really, honestly, people they are not, and if you think they are, I would loooove to actually make you some. First of all, they are too small. Duff's are alot better.


    I am a fan of Pasquale's wings, but that is biased, as i have had them since i was little, and always have them when I am home, but they are very, very good. And the hot won't kill you like at Duffs.


    But, if you havnt had wings in Buffalo, go to the Anchor bar so you can say you had some wings there, then go get some that are actually good at duffs.




    Couldn't disagree more. I honestly don't see the big deal about Duff's. I get better wings at dive bars here in Chicago, and they aren't even the best the city has to offer.


    I had to go try Duff's after hearing all the rave reviews, and I've had them on numerous occasions, and they've left me disappointed every time. In fact, when I'm with people who aren't from Buffalo and want to try "authentic" wings, I'm left embarrassed when the wings turn out worse than the 2nd hand ones we get 500 miles away. Anchor Bar does not disappoint: great size, cooked just right, and great sauce. After that I'd go Gabriel's Gate and Brennan's.

  2. Actually I'm glad that I get that "nervous" feeling again for Bills games, because they do have some meaning to them now. For awhile when I figured the season was toast, I just tuned in but wasn't totally emotionally invested in the game because it didn't really mean anything (i.e. playoffs). But now that we have a shot to be 9-6 going into the final weekend and possibly playing for a chance at a playoff berth, I again am fully charged up for these games and will be hollering and screaming once again, and that's a good thing!

  3. Mort could have said Happy Thanksgiving back! :D


    I'd be happy as a pig in crap for a 2nd rounder... two 2nd Rounders, a 3rd rounder, and hopefully a compensatory pick at the end of the 3rd?


    Not having a 1st makes TD have to avoid looking at the big flashy names. MAYBE he will actually address this Oline for once!




    OK, brain cramp here. Who are you referring to that we might get a 3rd round comp pick for? I didn't think they even awarded them that high.

  4. Sorry to put this here, but wasn't getting much traffic on the consumer board. Anyway, if you have any recommendations on the best DVD burners out there, it would really help this newbie. It'll be my first one, and I think I've narrowed it down to a Pioneer or Plextor based on some tidbits I've picked up here before.


    I'm looking at an external unit, with all the latest bells and whistles, like highest speeds and dual layer, etc. I saw a Plextor 16x model (PX-7160F) at Best Buy. Anybody use this one? It looked like the best one, but very limited selection for the externals.


    Thanks for any help you can provide. BTW, I did do research on this, but I'm just looking for advice based on your personal experiences.

  5. I know I've seen discussion on this in the past, so for any that have been doing your own burning your advice is appreciated. This will be my first DVD burner, and from what I remember I've narrowed my choices to a Pioneer or Plextor unit. Looking for an external, with all the latest and greatest bells and whistles. What say you?





  6. I have a quick question for the more technically gifted out there. I've been drooling over getting the DirecTV HDTV Tivo receiver, but have been holding out til the $1,000 goes down. But it dawned on me that I've already got the DirecTV Tivo receiver, and standalone DirecTV HDTV receivers are going for about $300.


    The question is, can I hook up both DirecTV receivers to the same TV, using the Tivo function on one and receiving High Def on the other? I know I won't be able to record high def programming, but I'm OK with that for $300 and the short term. Any insight is much appreciated! If it's true I will move on this to hopefully enjoy some Bills games in HD THIS season.

  7. I have a quick question for the more technically gifted out there. I've been drooling over getting the DirecTV HDTV Tivo receiver, but have been holding out til the $1,000 goes down. But it dawned on me that I've already got the DirecTV Tivo receiver, and standalone DirecTV HDTV receivers are going for about $300.


    The question is, can I hook up both DirecTV receivers to the same TV, using the Tivo function on one and receiving High Def on the other? I know I won't be able to record high def programming, but I'm OK with that for $300 and the short term. Any insight is much appreciated! If it's true I will move on this to hopefully enjoy some Bills games in HD THIS season. :blink::)

  8. Howard, I've had DirecTV for many years now, and watching Empire and shows like Fan TV were a godsend. Unfortunately, you could slowly see the downward spiral at Adelphia, but you were the beacon. I appreciate your efforts, all the way to becoming an independent contractor in an attempt to keep the Simoncast going.


    And even though my girlfriend claims she won't miss you (she would get tired of watching me pull your show up on TiVo when I got home from work), I know even she will miss you too! :D


    Good luck to you in your future endeavors and thanks for everything you have done for all us out of towners!

  9. I'm not going to absolve the players for their accountability on this play, but I gotta wonder how in the hell you come up with this play at that critical juncture of the game, and after a timeout? I mean shouldn't you call something a little less risky/complex and that they are more comfortable with and have more practice in running? Try this crap any other time in the game if you want if you think it's a good asjustment, but with the game on the line go to your bread and butter!

  10. How many more times do we have to endure seeing TH trip, slip, stumble, stagger, bumble on third/fourth and short? If this coaching staff is sharp at all, they've noticed this. WM IS bigger and stronger, even if his burst isn't there yet. He seemed to push for that extra yard most carries in preseason. And maybe, just maybe he won't do an impression of a bumbling circus clown in those situations like TH does.



    If you combine the above with his utter disdain to take responsibility for his blocking assignements and add to that he ran the wrong assignment on the key play of the game AFTER a time out, it's definitely time to send a message and get WM more PT.

  11. Jennings will be gone to the highest bidder, make no mistake.  The same would have been true had he stayed at RT, but he'd probably make more there than he will at LT since he'd be a Pro Bowl RT and is just a decent LT who is injury-prone.



    With Schobel now in the fold, I would be shocked if they didn't put the franchise tag on Jennings next year. He may leave, but not without some compensation first. Same situation as Peerless, plus we have the cap room to take the hit once we tag him. If someone wants him that bad, we'll get a pick back. If not, we'll negotiate a longer term more cap friendly deal.

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