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Posts posted by HurlyBurly51

  1. Was checking out KFFL and going through all the comp picks teams were awarded this year. It doesn't say it's a complete list, but it looks like the NFL has announced all the comp awards and the Bills were not amongst them. Not sure how they're figured, but there seemed to be a lot of 3rd rounders being given away! Oh well :lol:

  2. I think TD will get Shelton at some point with Az. Maybe when the draft starts or something to that effect.



    Let's say they get Shelton - do folks consider that an upgrade, downgrade, or a wash? I personally see it as somewhat of a wash - we gain in run blocking ability but lose some in pass pro. In my mind right now, bringing in Shelton is probably the best scenario, as our options are dwindling. We won't get any of the top OT's in the draft who can step in and start, and I think Shelton is better than Teqgue at LT. This move would allow us to keep Teague at C, where he's adequate. Then we can get a Bass or someone in the first day of the draft to step in and provide an immediate upgrade at LG. I'd also like to see a C selected so that he can be groomed.


    So by training camp, I think the best we can hope for is:


    Shelton-draft pick-Teague-Villarial-Williams


    Just my humble opinion. If at any point it looks like we're going to be lining Bannan or Peters up as starters, I will have violent flashbacks to the Jerry Crafts decision :doh:

  3. Man, I hate to break it too you but he was more of a team player than any of the bills on the team he played on.......he won games.......that's something JP has left to do


    stop dogging him :blink:



    Flutie was a cancer and was about nothing but Doug Flutie. How comical that you would state he was the biggest team player on that team. I don't have time to go into the numerous examples supporting the Me First attitude, but TD basically confirmed it himself this week in his Q&A.


    Once defenses saw him and figured out how to defense him, he basically became ineffective and useless, and thus shut down the "he just wins" flutopian battle cry.


    Good riddance and Thank God that sad chapter in Bills history is behind us.

  4. Surprise, surprise, 3 of our top 5 team needs are listed as offensive line (OT #1, G #4, C #5). Do you think we're gonna be picking a lineman up in the draft this year? Got us picking TE Alex Smith out of Stanford with our 2nd rounder. I'd like to see us get a first day pick for Travis and end up with this TE and 2 OL by the end of Saturday.

  5. I highly doubt Travis reports to camp if he is still on the roster at that time. My guess is that he will hold out up until the very last day he needs to report to get credit for his year of service to play out his contract, which I'm guessing but I think its sometime into the season. He don't care about no stinkin fines, he ain't going back to Buffalo and will only show up to collect a paycheck otherwise this cycle would carry on indefinitely.

  6. Let me start by saying yes, I hold grudges for centuries and will some day seek therapy...


    Every year we (NYC Backers) promote our tailgate at the Meadowlands on the boards. Every year Sue bashes us as being unorganized because when she came one time, she had nowhere to put her bowl of pasta salad that she made.


    We get close to (or maybe over) 200 people there. We can't organize every itty bitty detail. We leave stuff like that up to people who attend  - to work together, share grill space, table space, etc.



    What a jerk :D

  7. ding ding ding, we have a winner.



    If you want season tickets indefinitely, then buy them through the ticket office and sit where they're available (hint: they're not anywhere near the 50 yard line). If you just want a great seat for the upcoming season then this may be a good option for those folks.

  8. Yeah, well, you're paying for all the games so someone else can hold on to the seats> if I'm shelling out that much money, I want the seat in my name.



    You can enjoy the seat in your name in the end zone or upper deck! :P


    The only reason to worry about having a seat in your name is to gain seniority so that you can eventually get somewhere close to the 50 in the lower bowl. Unless you're in it for the long, long term, not a big issue using someone else's seat. That is, unless you consider getting a free copy of the media guide a good return on your money :w00t:

  9. Every night I flip over to Empire to see what they may be showing. Every night I get about 20 minutes of Empire Remembers, then that damm 2004 Buffalo Sports Induction ceremony. I'm sure they got more than just that in the archives they could show.



    I too was waiting for them to show some good stuff from their archives so I could add it to my archives, but after I kept seeing the same thing I finally cancelled my sports package from Directv and saved $10 a month.

  10. Here's a link to a review in the NY Times.  Sounds very interesting, but a tad confusing.  It's the story of poor blacks living in 1950's Lakawanna.  But correct me if I'm wrong, I though Lakawana was always poor and white?  I always thought Lakawanna was filled with the spillover of Irish from South Buffalo.  The black neighborhoods were all within the city limits.


    I did not live in Lakawanna so I don't know for sure.  Anyone here have an idea?  Either way, it sounds like a good movie.







    It was always known as "Blackawanna" when I was in WNY. Get on the other side of that bridge and things get pretty seedy.

  11. That's what I use for VHS & LD transfers.

    Quality isn't quite as good, but it's close enough for me.



    Interesting....I have the dual deck variety to transfer VHS to DVD, but never thought of the LD transfer. I could finally move everything over to DVD and get rid of all those oversized LD's and player! Thanks Rico!

  12. There was reportedly a flu bug going around the Philly locker room in the week leading up to the SB.



    Kind of reminds me of some of the excuse making going on when we were losing four straight. Philly flat out got beat and should deal with it. No ones gonna care 10 years from now when they see the chokers the Eagles have become that Donovan was hungover in the SB.

  13. I don't know the Bills salary cap position, but whatever money gets tied up when you tag him they get back once a deal is worked out with another team, so I don't see the big deal of tagging him and then dealing if you have enough room left to maneuver during that time. Even if it does make it tight against the cap during that time, it might not really matter much as TD has given indications we won't be big players in FA anyway.

  14. OK, I'm PO'd. Just checked the high def schedule this weekend, and AGAIN the Bills game is not being offered in HD. I thought for sure the Fox broadcast would have it, since CBS is so limited, but NOOOOOO! Oh well, with a win, I can almost guarantee the Pitt game WILL be HD.

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