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Posts posted by HurlyBurly51

  1. My brother-in-law, a Bears fan, basically told me that Gandy wasn't anything special. More suited to Guard than Tackle, and probably not good enough to be a starter at that. He had no love for the guy and was fairly happy to see him go.


    Not much of a ringing endorsement, but you never know with JMac.



    Being in Chicago, that's pretty much the consensus around these parts. The only thing we've got to pin our hopes on is JMac, but as someone already alluded too, he can only do so much as was evidenced by Lawrence Smith last year. As a diehard fan, I am praying they have another plan for a starting LT. In my amateur view, LJ Shelton would be a better option at LT than Gandy. We'll see when he's released whether TD was blowing smoke or not. If Gandy lines up as our starter on opening day, I can't help but recall the Jerry Crafts disaster years ago when we were sold that he was a starter <_<

  2. I am back on the Savol Band Wagon!


    I am rooting for him to finish second...i think it would be a joke if Vonzell loses.



    Last night restored a little faith in the voting system! Constantine was absolutely "horrid" and deserved to go. And just to prove it wasn't a fluke, he followed it up with anohter horrid performance on his way out. Good riddance! And BTW, the GF was also happy he was gone, because he is "creepy" the way he stares straight into the camera - "looks like he's undressing you with his eyes - EWWW!"

  3. Yes, lindell made 86% of his FGs...but this stat is decieving.  Statistics can be decieving.  Ever remember a math teacher telling you that?


    Whats so decieving about that stat?  Well, for starters he only attempted THREE field goals all season longer than 40 yards.  THREE.  and he made one of them.


    The year before, he tried 9 of them.  He made 3.


    He has lost the confidence of the coaching staff.  They wont even let him try a 40-45 yard field goal.  If I have to sit there and watch us punt from the 25 yard line again  I am going to scream.  I dont blame Mularkey.  I blame Lindell.


    Yes, Bring in Brien (or really anyone).  At least somone new will have the chance to suceed here.  Lindell wont because his confidence is shot.



    No thanks. Anyone who missed TWO extra points in ONE game is officially dismissed in my book as being anyone I would ever want around my team.

  4. Gandy-Anderson-Teague-Villariel-Williams



    I've said it before, and I'll say it again - Gandy sucks! I don't know where people are drawing their conclusions from that Gandy, and even worse, Peters, are starting left tackle material in the NFL. I've seen Gandy play, and he couldn't cut it on a woeful Bears line. Now all of a sudden he's the answer at LT?

  5. I have seen nowhere that a 2nd was ever offered other then message boards.  The general consensus from the talking heads seem to be a player swap for him, or a 3rd maybe.



    I saw some reporter from the Dayton Daily News reported it, but we don't really know what's going to happen. Just because someone today says a 3rd is their best offer doesn't mean they might not give a 2nd tomorrow.

  6. Is this a repeat from last night?  They had a show on with Trey Wingo(I think), Schelreth, Mel, Randy Mueller and Golic.  If it's the same show, it's just one big mock draft(at least the end of it.  I didn't see the beginning).



    They've been running these all week, so I think this is a new show. Thanks to TiVo I've been able to catch most of these, but I'm still not sure why they've only been running them at like 1:00 or 2:00 during the weekday

  7. It said the beagles may up their offer to a 3rd and that was the best offer.  Where did you get an additional 2nd from?



    At this point, I think my preference would be to see if we could steal a 2nd outright from somebody. If not, then I'd take Kelly. Either way, we'd still get LJ post June 1. So we could end up with 2 2nd rounders and Shelton or our 2nd rounder, Kelly and Shelton.

  8. the poll is forgetting john wawrow, the ap guy who covers the bills. he's the reason the boston globe often has better coverage of the bills than the WNY papers. mind you, he shouldn't be included in this poll - he's a good reporter.



    I put in a write in for pretty boy Mike Doser :D There's a Doser fan club around here somewhere that I haven't seen in awhile.

  9. I saw one post (which may be wrong so if anyone knows the truth please share and provide a link so we know its more than rumor) that Price has an injury which may explain why he seems out of the Bills plans.



    Gandy is not a starter at LT! He is the equivalent of starting Jerry Crafts if he ends up out there on opening day, and we all know how that turned out :rolleyes:

  10. how many of you have actually seen mike gandy play a down?  or lj shelton for that matter?  i love the knee jerk reactions.  as if you all scout football players for a living.


    my god, this board is hliarious.


    anyone who believes ANYTHING a GM is saying to the press in the weeks leading up to the draft is, to say the least, incredibly naive.


    as an aside, does anybody know where i can get a set of cheeto jesus arms to go with the cheeto jesus legs i just bought on ebay?



    I've seen plenty of Gandy here in Chicago, and believe me, we do not want him starting at LT!!! :doh:

  11. The good news is that car-deer is considered "no fault," so it shouldn't raise his rates (at least if he's with the right company).  In fact, if he has any sort of "accident free" discount, he should still maintain that.  That's at least been my experience with my insurance carrier with 2 deers worth of experience.


    Get the report.  Certain states do require it if the damage is over $500.  I believe that's intended to prevent insurance fraud.  Call the insurance company and report it as well.



    It's also about frequency. Get enough "no faults" and your risk rating will still change, affecting your rates. If this is the only accident he should get a flier.

  12. Great memories.  And yes - the best "Taste Of" compared to the other cities I've lived in.



    I'm looking forward to trying the Buffalo taste out. Does anyone know the specific dates? I think Chicago might have about the best Tastes in the country, but you can't go wrong with all that Buffalo food :ph34r:

  13. This posting is of course based on the premise that a deal will be completed.


    Badolbilz called Shelton " a below average LT with a chronic ankle injury."

    AKC questioned whether or not Shelton could even survive our final cuts.

    R.Rich was a bit more kind, and said that he is very strong and very slow (I am paraphrasing).


    I can remember VERY few trades involving LTs. Teams, in general, just wont give them up. Leon Gray was part of the Eric Dickerson trade. Roaf was traded to KC, but there were some serious problems as I vaguely recall. I know there were probably other trades, but none that I remember.

    The above, and the opinions of our resident "experts" lead me to expect little from LS. I cannot see why it would take a quality LT AND A PICK for a team to acquire Travis Henry given the scarcity and value of even a somewhat above average LT (Jennings and his contract for example).


    In summary, if this trade happens, my hopes are sky high, but my expectations for Shelton are not.




    I expect about the same level of play we got from JJ. A little better in the run game, and he may need some help with chipping against some of the speedier DE's. I fully expect JMac will upgrade his level of play and we'll be pleasantly surprised. I certainly prefer this option over Plan B, which would be to move Teague out there.

  14. I agree...............it makes TD's move to get Losman last year look pretty smart.  Losman, if he was in this draft, would be a top ten pick.


    We got him a year early, lower in the draft and for less money then he would have cost in 2005.    :lol: 


    Not to mention he has a year of experience under his belt (minus the time he missed due to his injury).





    Actually, would Losman be the #1 overall pick this year? I saw somewhere on the board that he would be graded higher than either of the top 2 QB's, and one of them will probably go #1 overall to SF. So, if Losman were still available, he might have been the #1 overall pick this year!

  15. I think Denney is way too small to move inside. DT's in the NFL today use 300 lbs. as a stepping off point.


    What's wrong with Tim Anderson? 3rd Rd pick and supposedly aced the Krumrie exam last Spring.



    He probably will be used inside on their 3rd down package. That's part of the reason PW was only on the field 58% of the time. So Edwards/Anderson to stuff the riun with Fat Sam on 1st and 2nd down, and Denney comes in on 3rd down passing situations. Situational football at its best!

  16. I don't know that I agree with that.  I don't think Trump wanted to fire Erin last night.  He seemed like he wanted to fire the project manager.  But they disagreed, and he went with that they said.


    That said, how valuable can these two people really be to Trump if he has them follow the contestants around for 4 months out of the year?  I mean, honestly.  Maybe they WERE important and that's why they were chosen for the gig.  But now?  I doubt they do much other than the show.


    Lastly, I don't think Erin's comment ("Do you really need to listen to them?") was any worse than what the PM said when asked who to send back to the suite ("How about me?").


    I don't understand why the voiceovers are SOOO terrible though.  Not even close to the same sound.  Pretty sad.




    You're probably right, to a point. I do remember that Carolyn was missing for a few weeks, presumably because she was tending to other business responsibilities that took priority. Although, Trump loves his celebrity and this show I'm sure is at the top of his priority list!


    And you're right, the PM remark did jump out at me as inappropriate and I thought she might be in for a scolding! But once George and Carolyn saved her she was out of consideration and Trump was just waiting for someone to say something stupid to give the boot to. I don't think he cared who left, it was just a matter of timing and who would step up and hang themselves!

  17. I'm not 100% sure, but i think whatever the comment was, it was edited out.


    The question she asked was "But do you have to listen to them?" in a joking way...  that couldn't have been it.


    I watch the Aprrentice alot, and there is a TON of editing (and poor editing at that) that goes on in the board room scenes.



    It was insulting to "superiors" and undermined their authority in front of their boss and the others. It's fine to be funny, but in the business world there's a time and place for it. The board room isn't one of them. Not a smart move, which the Donald proved because she sealed her own fate with that "wiseguy" remark!

  18. some say the NFL needs a farm system, like baseball and hockey?  i think it already exists.  the bears are apparently the pats' AAA affiliates.





    Living here in Chicago this is the first I have heard of this rumor! I'm afraid to call in to the talk shows and bring this topic up :blink:

  19. Has anyone seen an NHL game in HD? If it can do for hockey what it's done for baseball, football, and soccer, that would be awesome.



    I have, and like anything else in HD, it looks awesome! Not quite the same as what watching the NFL in HD first did for me because of the viewing angles, but huge improvement nonetheless. HDNet shows replays on Friday nights from select games last season. It looks great, but I think the blue ice may make it look even better so I'm willing to give it a shot.

  20. Of all the great stuff I've seen in HD, you guys have GOT to check out this show on HDNet.......it's called 'Bikini Destinations' and it is SMOKIN. Just make sure your woman is nowhere near the tv.



    Tell me about it! :P That show has been banned so I need to be very stealthy when I check that out! 0:)

  21. Was checking out KFFL and going through all the comp picks teams were awarded this year. It doesn't say it's a complete list, but it looks like the NFL has announced all the comp awards and the Bills were not amongst them. Not sure how they're figured, but there seemed to be a lot of 3rd rounders being given away! Oh well :lol:

  22. I think TD will get Shelton at some point with Az. Maybe when the draft starts or something to that effect.



    Let's say they get Shelton - do folks consider that an upgrade, downgrade, or a wash? I personally see it as somewhat of a wash - we gain in run blocking ability but lose some in pass pro. In my mind right now, bringing in Shelton is probably the best scenario, as our options are dwindling. We won't get any of the top OT's in the draft who can step in and start, and I think Shelton is better than Teqgue at LT. This move would allow us to keep Teague at C, where he's adequate. Then we can get a Bass or someone in the first day of the draft to step in and provide an immediate upgrade at LG. I'd also like to see a C selected so that he can be groomed.


    So by training camp, I think the best we can hope for is:


    Shelton-draft pick-Teague-Villarial-Williams


    Just my humble opinion. If at any point it looks like we're going to be lining Bannan or Peters up as starters, I will have violent flashbacks to the Jerry Crafts decision :doh:

  23. Man, I hate to break it too you but he was more of a team player than any of the bills on the team he played on.......he won games.......that's something JP has left to do


    stop dogging him :blink:



    Flutie was a cancer and was about nothing but Doug Flutie. How comical that you would state he was the biggest team player on that team. I don't have time to go into the numerous examples supporting the Me First attitude, but TD basically confirmed it himself this week in his Q&A.


    Once defenses saw him and figured out how to defense him, he basically became ineffective and useless, and thus shut down the "he just wins" flutopian battle cry.


    Good riddance and Thank God that sad chapter in Bills history is behind us.

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