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Posts posted by HurlyBurly51

  1. But someone called Pat Kirwan and was asking about John Butler. The interesting factoid I picked up on during the response was apparently Kirwan worked for Butler or the Bills in some form the summer training camp before Butler's last season as GM. What he told Kirwan at that time was to be ready for a call from him in January and be ready to do what I want you to do, which was an overture of an impending job offering (which he ultimately turned down).


    Well, this was just months after Butler's last draft and well before his tenure came to an end. If I recall correctly Wilson still wanted to talk to Butler during the season about extending his contract. Point is, Butler knew he was leaving Buffalo long before Wilson made it official, but he kept dragging it out and putting it off. That's not to imply he tanked the draft or in some way underperformed in his duties. But in my opinion, not a class way to end the relationship. People can speculate all they want whether he stuck it to Wilson or not in any of the moves he made, but he was clearly planning for his future and not necessarily that of the Bills.


    Just seemed Kirwan inadvertently let the cat out of the bag, as I don't ever recall seeing or hearing anything seemingly confirming his future plans this early in the process.

  2. You should get it for $199.99.  You'll be charged for it next month I think (in 4 payments if I recall).


    The 4 payments of $54.75 is for new subscribers to Sunday Ticket.


    You should've gotten an offer for a free Pay Per View movie (up to $3.99) as well - and it's easier than in the past.  Buy the movie, call them up and tell them what movie it was and get your credit.  Nice (although not as nice as just automatically doing it for you...)





    They do have a new little twist this year for us High Def people. You now have to pay an extra $99 for the SuperFan package, which is primarily games offered in HD that they gave us for free last year. There's some other things as well such as red zone channel, game mix, and a feature called short cuts where you can watch all plays from any game after it's over in 30 minutes. If anyone is interested in this offering you can call D* to complain and get a credit to offest the cost.

  3. I love the cable argument that "it doesn't go out in bad weather".  Well, the hurricane that blew through here 2 years ago actually knocked out cable, blew the fence over that my dish was attached to, but i never lost signal due to the clouds or rain.  Sure, i lost signal when the dish yawed 90 degrees and smashed on the ground, but i propped it back up and all was good.  I'll never switch to cable, and that's before i even bring up the sunday ticket.



    You don't need bad weather for cable to go out. I never knew when mine would just disappear, sometime for days on end. That, a lack of programming at the time, and ST drove me to the dish. I've had a few outages during heavy storms, but usually no more than a few minutes (once during a PPV). Don't want to jinx myself but it hasn't happened during a Bills game yet! I would freak if that happened :lol:

  4. tennessee wants henry.  the owner has said so.  they previously offered a 5th -- and that was BEFORE chris brown was hurt again.  i believe that the bills can pull off a deal for the titans' 4th rounder, with a conversion clause that if henry reaches some specific performance milestone -- let's say 1000 yds rushing -- the pick becomes a #3.


    the titans are still going to be pretty bad this year -- probably one of the bottom 4 or 5 teams when all is said and done.  even a #4 will probably be close to a top 100 pick.  their #3 will likely be in the mid- to high-60s.


    git 'er done, TD!


    (and no, i didn't come up with this nugget of brilliance all on my own -- i overhead pat kirwan on sirius on my way back to the office talking about the situation)



    I heard that same interview EBall. Interesting part of it was that Kirwan speculated that in Norm Chow's offense that Henry would get 70% to Brown's 30%. All the more reason to make this a conditional pick. I think a high 4th, which could turn into a high 3rd, should do the trick. I find it hard to fathom, that given their situation, we could ever get their high 2nd - but it's worth a shot!

  5. Carrie is "hot"


    There is the answer.


    She went 2nd and got the last compliment.


    Case closed.


    And say what you will, I understand why Simon would want Carrie to win, and others too, especially with people with kids who dont want to see these with a scandalous past win, but its clear that Simon wants Carrie to win.



    I think they felt sorry for her because on her very last note in the entire competition her voice gave out and tweaked on her. Anyone else catch that? I thought she was gonna ball. I TiVo'd it several times to see if I heard correct, and it was embarrassing. Not sure it will end up hurting her though, as we all know this is a popularity contest!

  6. Bulbs should last 3-4 years



    I went with a Mitsubishi 62" DLP and the picture is the best! You feed this puppy HD and it's breathtaking! Also, if you calibrate on these things the lower contrast/brightness means longer bulb life. The guys at Tweeter told me I could get 4-5 years before a bulb replacement.

  7. Tana is the exact type of person that would make me quit if I had to work for her. She disgusted me last night and the week before. I'm glad to see that the way you treat people always comes back to you, and it burned her in the end. She was the "star" more consistently than Kendra, but Trump saw through her fakeness when her true colors shone through under pressure. Kendra was criticized for flying under the radar, but I think it is a good strategy. It's too easy to lose early on, and as the PM you're usually shown the door. Better to let the dust settle, "fly under the radar," and pick your spot to make your move. I think she deserved it.

  8. I seem to remember an article in SI about RJ saying that he went without women for the six months from training camp to after the season.  I thought at the time it was admirable as i know engaging in sexual congress with women can and will decrease an athletes performance slightly.  However... RJ sucked as we all know, so JP feel free to do whatever it is you please as often as you like, just leave some for the rest of us.



    Actually, while visiting in town on Chippewa, my friend pointed out the girl that RJ was doing. I think she was bartending at some bar there, can't remember the name. Seemed like it was common knowledge to the locals. Smokin' hot blonde.... :blink:

  9. Yes they are.


    DirecTV is free with the credits if you've been a customer for a long time.  He also had to agree to stay signed up for another year (although that's easy to get out of as well, if you really wanted to).





    No, I know, I've seen the thread over on the TiVo community forums. I just find it amusing that they roll this new price plan out, piss everyone off, and then undercut it by applying these credits to those who complain. I got my credits!

  10. 1. He doesn't return punts and KO, he is only a KR (at least on the Bills).

    2. If the team was worried about him getting injured they would have taken him off the KR unit after he was made the starter. At that point we only had Thomas and rookie UFA Jabari Greer and a safety back there as back-ups.

    3. Clements had by far his best season as a CB and he returned punts all season. A lot of starters on other teams are KR and PR guys. These players aren't fresh?

    4. They kicked away from him last year? McGee had 52 returns. Fletcher was second with 4. Fast Freddie had 1. The rest were fielded by the wedge guys (but only a few) and on onside kicks. That ain't kicking away from him.



    Agreed to a T! I don't know why some people have to be so smart and read too much into every little thing. McGee is our best KR and he will be performing those same duties next season, period, end of story.

  11. I still hope Carrie wins. Bo is a druggie who has "summer teeth". Some are here, some are there.


    Vonzell and her little crying act because she sang like **** really pissed me off. She acted like she was crying because her daddy was there. Whatever! She was crying because she blew it and she knew it. She was lucky last night.


    Carrie, although she doesn't have the greatest stage presence is still in my opinion, the best one of the group. Yes, she may have ample booty but so did Kelly Clarkson (still does by the way)....


    Go Carrie..... :wub:



    If Carrie didn't get voted out last night after this week's peformance, then she ain't getting voted out! I've liked her all along, but she saved her worst for this week and was still in the top two. If she rebounds I think she should take it easily.

  12. I know I know , TH talk and huge disaggreements yada yada


    but I still don't want to trade him for a LOW third rounder. (which is what an eagle pick next year will be)


    I prefer keeping him as a backup


    I realize I may be in minority but that is my opinion. If Philly is willing to make it conditional (+1000 yd = 2nd and +1500 = 1st)


    O.k. then



    The most telling part of that article for me was the mid-November reporting date to get credit for service, thus fulfilling Henry's contract obligation to the Bills. Don't expect to see him here before that if he doesn't get traded or outright released. And if it comes to that, just how valuable a backup is he going to be for the last month and a half of the season after not playing football, no training camp, etc?

  13. To me Artie is great because he's the consumate every man.  I don't need him to be hilarious constantly, but I think you also underestimate how funny he actually is.  Carolla to me doesn't bring anything to the table.  I guess you can just chalk it up to personal taste.  Bruer blew the doors off the place the other day.  But keep in mind it was just one appearance and one segment.  I'd like to hear how he does on a regular basis.  I guess I'll have to hurry up and get Sirius so I can listen to his show.



    I'm all set! Just waiting for them to pull the plug <_<

  14. You can still catch Adam Carrola on the radio (depending on where you live) every night on Loveline.  In Buffalo, the show is on from 10pm-12am on 92.9 and he is simply hysterical.  0:)



    Yeah, nothing against Artie, but IMHO compared to the likes of Corrolla or Breuer he simply doesn't stand up to them. Mimmicking and stupid and/or obnoxious comments don't cut it for me. You can get that stuff every day hanging out with your friends, but someone who is actually funny and lends comical perspective to every day current affairs is more rare and brings a lot more to the table.


    Although, I have to admit I was crying when Artie relayed his story of doing coke in his pig outfit :lol:

  15. That was some seriously funny sh-- yesterday.  Damn I love that show.



    Yeah, he was pretty good. Actually reminded me how much better the Stern show could be if he actually got somebody funny in there to replace Artie, like a Breuer. I loved when he used to have that guy Adam I think from the Man Show sit in and just chime in with his comical commentary. Very funny stuff. Artie doesn't do anything funny for my taste - just makes stupid comments whereas those others add some comical creativity.

  16. Please describe in DETAIL this "clearing" footprint procedure. i.e. tell me what menu you chose, what selection you made, etc...  please be exact because I do not have AOL to do test this.



    OK, here's the procedure for AOL:


    1. Select settings from the AOL toolbar

    2. From settings main view by category

    3. Under customize AOL select view all

    4. Under How AOL works select internet (web) options

    5. On the browser settings page select Clear My Footprints tab

    6. Select Clear my Footprints

    7. Select Save


    That should do it. I was able to get to the stadium wall right after following that procedure :D

  17. Thanx Simon, these are the key questions as outside of the move from Bledsoe to JP (which I think will produce about the same production as we get the upside of JP being a credible athlete at QB and downside of him being a first time starter) these were the only changes to the team.


    It makes sense that Gandy got most of the snaps at LT because outside of Teague moving there I have heard no suggestions which make sense for someone being able to do a credible job at LT (I still do not see entrusting protection of the QB blindside to a fellow who has never player tackle before who big problem last year was that despite extranary pass catching ability he could not block well enough for the TE job).


    The departure of Phat Pat is the other player loss, but given that he was replaced on well over a third of plays at DT (a number no where near the explanation that he always came out on 3rd down) and given that as two options we have a 3ed round draft pick and a former DT starter, I am content we can make this work.



    Gandy cannot be our starting LT on opening day. If he is, get ready for Holcomb :blink:

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