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Posts posted by HurlyBurly51

  1. I respectfully disagree.


    Its not the $5 that people are complaining about, its the fact that they weren't sent via some expidited service for the $5.  Without having seen a link to the auction, I don't know if it said somewhere that they would be sent first class, but if not I think #89 had every right to expect priority service when she paid $5 shipping for a couple pieces of paper.



    We don't know what the auction said, but you are suppposed to specify the shipping mode you use. If it said 1st class and $5, please don't B word and moan. If it said expedited and then were sent 1st class, then that calls for negative feedback imho. Usually on time sensitive items the mode is made very clear upfront.

  2. Did KGB even play because our "questionable" left tackle shut his arse down.  Gandy played pretty well and only Bennie Anderson took one holding call with the first teamers. 



    I don't know, they're tearing him up pretty good over at BB.com. Gave up the "safety" and got beat on a number of occasions is what they're saying. Packers announcers were apparently having some fun at his expense. Guess I'll just have to see it for myself in T-3 hours :angry:

  3. Personally I think we need a silent thread for the lost tickets, plus someone needs to bitchslap anyone who personally thinks it is okay to charge someone $5 to ship something that otherwise costs 37 cents. And we further should bitchslap anyone who thinks it's okay simply because other people do it.



    Pretty simple concept - free market - don't like the overall cost of a product, don't bid. No one's holding a gun to your head to place a bid on an item which clearly states the overall shipping charge. If enough don't purchase your auctions, they'll get the message. If you do bid, then don't B word afterwards.


    This of course has nothing to do with #89 - I'm sorry the tickets didn't work out for you.

  4. I don't think that is the price. The text says the $129.00 is for the 04-05 season, and if you paid $129.00 for that, I got a bridge for ya.



    Please elaborate - is there a way to haggle and get a lower charge? I paid full price for center ice last year, whatever the earlybird renewal rate was at the time.

  5. The shipping should state the means by which they will be delivered, i.e 1st class, priority, etc. Otherwise you should ask beforehand. If you see that someone charges $5 for shipping and you still bid, then you are agreeing on that cost knowing full well it doesn't cost $5 to ship tickets, so no need to bust his chops afterward on that one. Most people have a "service and handling" charge built into their shipping costs, and if you find these charges unacceptable then simply don't bid. But it is part of the overall cost equation that must be factored in.


    As to negative feedback, this guy has done everything within his power to get you the tickets, all the way up to including a full refund. What more can you ask for, so why would you consider negative feedback? Also, consider the payback factor - if he sees negative feedback coming from you after all he has done to make it right with you, chances are he'll mar your feedback record as well with some negative remarks in kind. Just my .02

  6. I'm serious.  He's like 10 times bigger than the pic from 04.  He had surgery where he has a plastic hip or something.  I wish I could find a picture of him now.  He must have gained 100lbs since last year!



    I saw him on the news here this year when some reporter accused him of taking steroids and he was all PO'd and called them out on it. He didn't look too bad - certainly not 400 pounds! I think he's some kind of local businessman, but can't recall the specifics.

  7. I have no link or anything substantive to back this up, but I recall reading somewhere (probably a message board) that to market and lure fans back they would be offering special pricing for the center ice package this year, to the tune of $50 for the year.


    Also, as far as them needing someone to pick up and broadcast the games, that's not relevant here because the center ice package basically just makes the local teams broadcast (usually through their local sports channel) available nationally. It's dependent on each teams local agreement, not the national carriers like ESPN.

  8. BTW - aussie phoned in a few minutes ago. Having a great time even though she and Fezmid might be the only Bills fans there, says hi to everyone, Go Bills, etc., etc.


    (For those of you with tapes/Tivo - Fez is wearing a Spikes jersey. Should be fairly easy to find amid the sea of green and yellow.... :devil: )



    You know, I just got through reading this thread and was just gonna ask if one of our TBD guys was wearing a #51 jersey. I think I now know what Fez looks like - they had a pretty clear shot of him in one of their frequent crowd shots, sans TBD sign :D

  9. Until Gandy proves he doesn't belong at LT, he's not going anywhere.



    McNally said he's giving him 2 or 3 pre-season games, so all this debate will be settled by 8/26. If he's still lining up out there after that game that indicates he's passed the McNally litmus test and he'll be our starter 9/11. If they start scramble mode 8/27 by shuffling palyers around or in and out, I just have to say: "Look Out JP" :doh: Then we can begin questioning the wisdom of the personnel dept leaving us with Gandy as our best option for LT going into camp, but not before.

  10. The man himself, Jim McNally, said he will be giving Gandy 2 or 3 games in the pre-season before making the determination of whether or not an alternate plan needs to be pursued. Sounds reasonable to me. We should know by then whether we've got a serviceable guy or we need to start switching things up. Let's hope it's the former, because the 3rd game is 8/26 and camp will be closed by that point, so it won't be a good omen if we're changing things up two weeks prior to opening day.

  11. You are pi$$ing against the wind. The overall train of thought here is that McNally (who I seriously have a TON of respect for) will turn Gandy into a very good left tackle.

    Could this happen? I suppose. Am I counting on this? No, not in any remote manner. Having been an NFL fan for perhaps 38 years, I have never seen a good left tackle get dumped, let alone by a sub-par team. It doesn't happen. Good LTs don't even get traded.

    The good news is that I think that Teague is poised to take the position if Gandy faulters. I agree with Albany NY in that Gandy is anything but certain to make the final roster, and I do not think that our coaching staff is without a "Plan B."



    I know, there has been mass consumption of the kool aid to go along with excuses from poor coaching to injuries to victim of circumstance. I too have a great respect for McNally, but he himself said he is no miracle worker! I'm willing to let the process play out, but I'm pretty sure Gandy won't be the answer at LT so I get a little impatient and want to see us get on with it.

  12. I don't think we need to be making assessments on players after 2 practices for God sakes.


    After today we'll have 4 practices in, I'm pretty confident we can determine this years draft "busts" are you?


    Have any of you talent savants ever actually played a sport?



    The point is Gandy is not a rookie, he sucked in his previous experience, and so far reports have him still sucking. I don't like that they left themselves exposed by going in with him as the #1 option and no other real competition. Waiting to see if he turns it all around is wasting time while we could be exploring other options. At least bring in some competiton in the meantime, for God sakes.

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