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Posts posted by HurlyBurly51

  1. The Bills have to overpay by A LOT to get these guys to sign and they won't. It sounds like Kennedy could have been a good fit (even if insurance). Bottom line is they should pay since the $$ is not going anywhere else.....Just pray they hit on all 7 rounds of this years draft because they have close to 7 holes.









    It's called the "Buffalo premium" and the FO ain't payin' it. We're in firesale mode.


    just because he left doesn't mean the door is closed


    It's officially closed. BTW, memo to the front office. If you don't want to be used like a 2 bit whore in the future, don't plan on bringing anyone in unless you are ready to pay the "Buffalo premium" on the spot.

  2. When Ralph Wilson said he was going to build through the draft, I think he meant it. If we do not sign anyone else in free agency and there probably is a good chance of that happening, it makes sense now to trade down to acquire more draft picks.


    I agree about the trading down part, but the primary motivator won't be to acquire more picks. It's to get out of paying top 10 crazy money. This team is in firesale mode.

  3. I dont think he has any interest in coming here. He is trying to force the Vikings hand, or some other team.


    I hope Im wrong, I wouldnt mind having him, just as good if not better than what we currently have.


    Just passing through, unfortunately. I don't see the FO paying the "Buffalo premium" it'll take to keep him from leaving town without a deal.

  4. #7 Maybin, Losman, & Edwards? Wondering why you included them in your list of players with character issues? Granted, none have really performed well on the field (for the most part), but I don't recall any incidents that call their character into question. Maybe you consider Maybin's holdout a character issue? Can you refresh our memories?

  5. Exactly, that's how they got him to sign. Tell the guy he's the starter and he's game. But now what can we do if he is outplayed by Bell or Meredith? Pencil him in as experienced depth or cut him if it's necessary.


    Really, this was a smart move, no matter how bad people want to put a negative spin on it. Sure, we would have liked a better OT, with a better track record, but the FA pool isn't exactly teeming with great options this year.


    We'll see how smart it was when we see the upfront money. Teams don't just "get him to sign" by making false promises without something for the other side. Players agents aren't stupid either.


    Either way, signing 34 year old bad players isn't the best way to start rebuilding.

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