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Posts posted by HurlyBurly51

  1. Ahhhh how sweet. I got me a twobillsdrive stalker. :worthy: Yea I can se Our first 3 rounds going Spiller,Saffold,Snead/Skelton. So go watch some college football and then get back to me.


    Saying it once could have been in error, confirming it validates your idiocy :flirt:


    Go back to Madden and let the adults discuss intelligently. Snead or Skelton going in the 3rd round :blink: Priceless, and the best part is you don't realize how stupid you sound!

  2. Joey Porter is a punk. And at this point in his career Keith Ellison is a better all-around player than Porter which should tell you all you need to know.



    HAYYYYYOHHHHH... Mr. Wonderful: Paul Orndorf has once again returned!



    Keith Ellison, meet Joey Porters jock strap. It is a better football player than you.



    All that statement tells us is that you wouldn't know what a football was if you shat one out sideways.



    Your avatar makes complete sense...he was demented as well.



    Are you serious? Someone revoke this guys right to post here.



    I think Mr. Wonderful got piledriven on his head one too many times. Ellison is better than Porter....hahaha!!!!! That's funny!!!!



    Wow! I really think you need to lay off the crack. Seriously!



    If you match the highest point of Keith Ellison's career against the lowest of Joey Porter, Ellison is still looking up. Way up. Get real.


    Hahaha! I didn't think Mr. Wonderful could do it, but he has managed to replicate his idiocy in yet another thread! Maybe he should spend a little time at some pro day workouts before spewing some of this stuff. :worthy:

  3. http://www.buffalorumblings.com/2010/3/17/...s-lande-3-17-10


    Russ Lande is a former college & NFL scout who now works for the Sporting News and he publishes the draft guide GM Jr every year: http://gmjrnfldraft.com/


    Why do you have Buffalo taking Sergio Kindle at #9 at the War Room?

    I've spoken with scouts and other personnel inside the bills organization and they told me their top priority is front 7 and more specifically, pass rushers. They need pass rushers and don't be surprised when they draft a dominant pass rusher in the first round. Buffalo's future is certainly bright in the scouting department with Nix and Modrak together plus Doug Whaley, this organization has a bright future as long as they figure out their QB situation, they need to find a QB.


    What do you think about the DE form GT, Morgan?

    He is by far the best DE in the draft, way above the rest. He can play DE in the 4-3 or the 3-4 or he can play rush OLB in the 3-4, great player, by far above the other DE's in the draft.


    It would seem Morgan is high on their list assuming they want pass rushers, this guy is saying he is the bet by far, and he is a Gailey recruit at GT. I cant say I would be angry because the LTs may be gone and we need good value at the pick. We also really need pass rushers - please dont give me the Maybin/Mitchell/Kelsay are going to play OLB crap.


    A little more info on Morgan.

  4. good catch you are right on that one.


    This is from CBSsportsline.com:


    03/16/2010 - According to NFL Network's Mike Mayock, "just about everyone in attendance" at Georgia Tech's Pro Day believed Derrick Morgan will be a 4-3 defensive end in the NFL -- not a 3-4 outside linebacker. Morgan struggled badly when asked to drop and change direction at the Combine. He was a bit better at Monday's Pro Day, but at 6'3/266 Morgan's best fit appears to be as a base, 4-3 right or left defensive end. Mayock expects Morgan to be drafted somewhere in the top 10-20, though it appears we can cross most 3-4 clubs off the list of potential landing spots. - USA TODAY football


    Don't really know where he fits into the Bills D after that nugget.


    For an alternate view from Sporting News:


    "Morgan is a junior who came out early for the 2010 draft and should immediately contribute as a rookie. He is athletic with a rare combination of foot quickness, explosiveness, playing speed, size, and playing strength. He could be effective as a defensive end in a 4-3 or 3-4 scheme or as a rush linebacker in a 3-4 defense. Pro Bowl aspirations will not be far off."


    But according to them, he won't be an option anyways, as they have him going #2 overall to Detroit.

  5. I think theres a 75 percent chance the Bill's take Skelton or Snead in the 3rd.


    Hahahahahaha I mock you. I mock you mercilessly. Consider yourself mocked. Seriously, you spew this idiocy of taking Skelton or Snead in the 3rd, and have the nerve to call others "knowledgeless"? WOW! So with picks like Spiller at #9 and Skelton or Snead with our 3rd round pick, I can imagine who you have in mind for our 2nd rounder. Or did you trade that away? I did a disservice to Donahoe by including you in his crowd. Go play Madden. Really guy, really?! :rolleyes::D

  6. I am appauled by some of the people on this board. Have you guys learned nothing from watching the Bills this past year. WEAPONS MEAN NOTHING IF YOU CANT GET THEM THE BALL. You cant run effectivly without a strong line, you cant throw without a strong line and decent QB. We have neither of those! Last I checked we had a 1,000yrd runner on the roster that we are happy with and we also have a pretty darn good backup (even if he is a scum off the field). DRAFT LINE OR QB.



    Spiller is a luxury pick the Bills cannot afford to make. If he is so good, teams will be offering us a King's ransom for that pick so they can get him.



    we've got a dozen holes on this team, none of them are at RB



    The best player on the team last season was Fred Jackson why would the Bills waste another 1st round pick on a RB. How many playoff games did Marshawn Lynch & Willis MaGahee got the Bills. The Bills need a QB, LT, NT not a RB early in the draft


    You folks can consult with Buddy anytime. :rolleyes: Those that want Spiller can join Donahoe on how to build a football team. Where's he currently employed again?

  7. The Bills are at 9, what do you do:


    1. Try to trade down and how far down

    2. Draft DE/OLB - Derrick Morgan

    3. Draft OT - Trent Williams


    Please let me know what you think


    I'd be thrilled with either Williams or Morgan.


    The best part of this scenario is that is wont happen. The draft never pans out the way we think it will.


    The top of the draft class usually does pan out the way we think it will though, just maybe in a different order. This years class has 7 players as the cream before the drop off, and those 7 players will almost certainly go 1 through 7.

  8. ok, thanks, got it. If anyone else is interested, it was a mention in his Andra Davis article


    As mentioned, anyone who read the source article can see that this thread was started under false pretenses. How you say as a matter of fact that "Mitchell to the outside" after reading that article, I'll never know. Then again, a poster on a Bills message board named "move them to LA" is probably just trollin'.

  9. I wanted to get some feedback on what people thought if all the top tackles in this years draft (Okung, Davis, Bulaga, Williams) were gone by the time the Bills pick. Do you go for Bruce Campbell? I hear a bit of a reach at 9? A lot of mock drafts have us taking Dan Williams NT or Jimmy Clausen QB. From the information that I have read, Williams might be a reach at 9 and I think Jimmy Clausen is really overrated and already heard some analysts compare him to J.P. Losman (YIKES!!!).


    So who do we pick? At this point do we just take the best player on the board? I have a feeling the Bills could even go after a guy like C.J. Spiller if he is still there. I know we have solid depth at the position but he may be too special of a player to pass up. Draft Analysts are comparing him to Chris Johnson and everyone thought the Titans were off by picking him in the first round, he is the best player from that draft so far. I could also see Gailey going after one of his old Georgia Tech players like Derrick Morgan or Demaryius Thomas.


    I just wanted to throw it out there and get some ideas from people. GO BILLS!!!


    Derrick Morgan.

  10. Does anyone have the source? I looked a while and couldn't find it.



    This is all it says. Quite a leap to start a thread which states as a matter of fact Mitchell to the outside.


    "Davis joins an inside linebacking corps that includes Paul Posluszny and Kawika Mitchell. When the Bills switched to the 3-4, it was presumed Mitchell would move from his weak-side outside role in the 4-3 to the inside. The three could battle it out for two starting positions. It's also possible Mitchell still could play on the outside."



  11. Not to be contrary to the views above because I do NOT think that Buffalo is a pariah among free agents but.....out comes the news that Edwards failed physicals in Denver and Seattle. So it's not really accurate to say that Edwards CHOSE Buffalo over those two cities.



    Well, he's hear now. And no one wanted to go to Green Bay before Reggie White. If we start winning, players will come. For god's sake, little Manning turned down beautiful San Diego because they were a mess at the time he was drafted.


    Yes, he is here now, but I'm not sure what your point is, considering the post you quoted. All BillnutinHouston was pointing out in response to the OP is that Edwards did not in fact CHOOSE Buffalo, they chose him because he failed the physicals of the 2 other teams he visited, and his former team puller their offer. He essentially had no other options. Kinda shoots down the OP's notion that folks have been proven flat out wrong. He brought up some very poor examples to try to make his case.

  12. I'd like to see this. NTs are difficult to find. Get your big men early. Dan Williams is probably the best NT in the draft. At least that's the consensus of those who ostensibly know...


    Interesting that the Sporting News has Williams as the #10 rated DT. That's not #10 overall best player in the draft, but 10th rated at his position. Guess they're not very high on him.


    To whomever wants to discuss this: I was looking at a draft guide by the sporting News and it critiqued all the players chacteristics. I was amazed that a player named Derrick Morgan DE Georgia Tech received a final grade of 8.6 and in every category this player was given the most positive comments one could receive. He didn't receive any negative comments or noted weaknesses which is rare in their analyzation of a player! They mentioned that he would be an excellent rush linebacker in a 3-4 defense. I know DE isn't our highest priority in contrast to OLT, QB, & DT/NT, but I was

    so impressed by what I read about him I underlined a good deal and became really interested in him as a player. He will

    likely go high in the draft, but if he were there at pick #9 I am wondering if he is a player that could help our team? I also wondered if the Bill's coaching staff has interest him seeing that many of the coaches and assistants were part of Georgia

    Tech??? I've never watched more than a few minutes of any of there games and am not too familiar otherwise with this player.


    I think you're on to something here :worthy:

  13. It's dated, but in case anyone's interested here's the draft write-up of him from Nolan Nawrocki's PFW Draft Guide in 2004:



    Good initial quickness. Flashes burst to penetrate. Has a thick frame and good lower-body strength. Can play with leverage and hold the point. Wide frame to control gaps. Strong hands to shred. Keeps head up to locate ball. Good short-area quickness. Competitive, durable and tough. Has agility, balance, and can change direction. Good football intelligence and feel for blocking schemes. Can collapse the pocket with a bull rush. Flashes quick hands in pass rush. Good effort and motor. Excellent character. Not vocal, leads by example. Production improved each year. Got bigger and stronger each year.



    Tends to play high and loses leverage. Not sudden or explosive. Not a consistently dominant player. Good, not great, upper-body strength. Steady but not overpowering. Needs to further develop as a pass rusher. Flashes quick hands but doesn't put two moves together consistently.



    Not a big-time, flashy guy but his combination of size, strength, and quickness definitely catch your attention. May never be a premier player with big numbers, but his lower-body strength, ability to control gaps and durability will take him off the board by the end of the second round.

  14. In this case, his reliability isn't really in question. He is simply reporting what someone else said. Nice follow up to clarify the comment, but the only credibility at stake here belongs to Adam S.



    I don't think his (Shefter) credibility is in question at all on this one. He (Dwan) has reached an agreement, but hasn't signed yet. If someone swoops in last minute and steals him (Dwan) away, his (Shefter) report was still accurate.



    That's why I wait until Warrow reports the deal as done before celebrating.


    Oh I agree, I will wait for confirmation. But back to the point you were making about Shefters credibility being at stake here, I don't believe it is because no matter what happens, his original report remains accurate.

  15. In this case, his reliability isn't really in question. He is simply reporting what someone else said. Nice follow up to clarify the comment, but the only credibility at stake here belongs to Adam S.


    I don't think his credibility is in question at all on this one. He has reached an agreement, but hasn't signed yet. If someone swoops in last minute and steals him away, his report was still accurate.

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