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Posts posted by HurlyBurly51

  1. His grade sounds about right to me. I like the first three picks, but Troup and Carrington were a bit of a reach. Still, I have no problems with the draft to that point.


    The 4th round is where this draft became unhinged in my opinion. I think the Raiders broke their hearts when they stole Bruce Campbell out from under us. How do they respond? By quickly grabbing a WR that probably would've been there in the 7th.


    Regardless of what Nix has said, they needed to come out of this draft with an elite LT prospect. Campbell was the only one who fit that bill come the 4th round. He was the #7 rated Tackle by Nawrocki, Wang was #22. I would've liked to seen more aggressiveness by Nix to make sure he got him. Moving up a few slots in the 4th does not cost much at all.


    So instead of going LT in the 5th with Wang, they could've grabbed Skelton in the 5th. Which would you rather have: Campbell/Skelton, or Wang/Levi Brown? Be honest.


    They recovered in the 6th, and finished stong in the 7th. Just replace Brown with Easley. We could've theoretically ended up with Spiller/Troup/Carrington/Campbell/Skelton/Moats/Batten/Easley/Calloway. That's an A plus.


    So they failed in the middle rounds, had a stong start and finish. C plus sounds about right.

  2. I think you're misinterpreting.



    :lol: How you come away with that conclusion based on this article is classic...



    You weren't a strong reader in school were you?



    You didn't jump the gun on that conclusion at all :thumbsup:


    This has to be the most retarded interpretation ever on these boards. WOW. Is that dumb.


    Edwards will be your starting QB next year. Sorry you didn't get your wish.

  3. Torrell flippin Troupe? Are you serious? Ahead of Cody, Thomas, and Joseph? Wow.



    How do you justify not taking Cody?



    What a sh*tty pick with Charles Brown, Cam Thomas and even Cody still there. No excuses. This is a 3rd round pick.



    REACH. Better value could have been had in Clausen or Brown. Troup, Cody, or Cam Thomas would have been there at the Bills 3rd round.


    Quoted for dexterity. I am so glad this group of deep thinkers do not work for the Bills. Perhaps try to know a little of what you're talking about before you just start immediately bashing. Dumbasses.

  4. OT's still Available:

    Bruce Campbell

    Charles Brown

    Rodger Saffold

    Vladimir Ducasse


    I'm hopeful we get one in the 2nd today, and that we're not content with Bell.


    I'd like to see either Saffold or Campbell.


    The real question would be whether if any of them were drafted could they and should they start for the Bills next year. Surely one of them is better than Bell...right?


    Well if you believe Nolan Nawrocki (and you should), Saffold is ready to come out and start at LT as a rookie.

  5. Who says he isn't happy? Because he didn't come to "voluntary" work outs. I love how one person says something, the story gets passed around a couple thousand times and the next thing you know everyone is making assumptions about what these guys are thinking. I can see how people are by nature speculative, but you don't have a clue what ML is thinking or what his team mates think.


    Who said anything about voluntary workouts? Maybe the reports saying he wouldn't mind getting moved out of Buffalo give a little insight on his happiness meter.

  6. I don't think we should trade Lynch just for the sake of making a trade, or acquiring an additional pick. They guy is young, talented, productive, and under contract for 3 more years. He and Jackson make a good tandem, whoever the starter is, and we don't need to create additional holes on this roster. Just my opinion, but this is one move I don't think has to or should be made.

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