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Posts posted by HurlyBurly51

  1. Sorry Marshawn, but you have ZERO leverage and you're not going to Jason Peters your way out of here. You wanna wither away on the bench for the next 3 years, your choice. We have ample replacements for you already on the roster. You wanna wise up and start helping this team, just maybe then you'll have enough value to get your wish outta town.

  2. http://www.buffalorumblings.com/2010/4/28/...couting-reports



    The point of my post, however, was was Gaither was a fifth round pick as well, and may have other issues that make picking him up less attractive, especially if he comes with a pricetag of a second round pick.


    As for Calloway, if he was rated so highly as a tackle, why is he most likely being moved inside?


    I'll give you props for providing some good links with some good information. I was going off Nawrocki's rankings, which had him as the #22 tackle, consistent with most of the reports you linked (Calloway was ranked #12). All I'm saying is I wouldn't expect him to come in and start, at any point, during his rookie season, as some others have projected him.


    As for Gaither being a 5th rounder, you have to remember that was with the supplemental draft.


    Our best scenario would be for Calloway to prove to be a good starting RG which would slide Wood to C and put Hangartner as the backup G/C. Not saying I'm expecting it, just saying it sure would be nice :worthy:


    That's actually how I see the longer term interior lineup playing out.

  3. just picked up a LT in the fifth that many had rated as a third round talent.


    Whoa, hold on there. Where was Wang rated that highly? If anything, he was rated lower, and the Bills had to reach to ensure they at least got a tackle at that point. For example, Kyle Calloway who was drafted in the 7th was rated much, much higher than Wang as a tackle. Ed Wang is a project. Anyone expecting any more from him his 1st year is likely to be very disappointed.

  4. Not looking good for you HB51, per schefters remarks in another thread.


    The short sightedness and need for immediate gratification of some never ceases to amaze me. It was also reported that a trade for Gaither probably wouldn't take place until much closer to the season. We're in May.

  5. dude, I was pissing myself....every scene the guy is in, his face tells it all! lol I even heard a high pitched squeal come out of him when Jack was throwing him up against the wall :worthy:


    YES, the squeal sent me over the top! It's not a comedy, but I never laughed so hard during a 24 epiode.

  6. The guy who plays Logan deserves an emmy or something...the guy's expressions are KILLING me. Incredibly effective actor and I can't wait to see how this wraps up!


    Was I the only one LMAO watching his facial expressions and hearing him scream and whimper like a little schoolgirl? Hilarious!

  7. Well I, for one, give a HUGE F! JP was excited to be in B-lo....he was making the town cool again and he was embracing the area as if it were his own home town. How can you not see the awesomeness in that? I wanted the guy to succeed so bad, and it killed me when he didn't. I get sick and tired of people crapping on the area I grew up in, so when someone comes along and tries to do similarly to what Jim Kelly does, I get excited about that...and you should too!


    It's more than just JP. His premise is that ANY player can crap all over the town as long as he produces on the field. I just don't buy it, and for me personally I would not be able to bring myself to root for the guy who is badmouthing Buffalo. And its been played out in many NFL towns that when you cross that boundary as a player, the fans are very unforgiving. So yeah, plenty of people give a F!

  8. Exactly what does embracing Buffalo count for? Seriously I hate people who say crap like that. I'm fairly certain Bruce Smith never spent one extra day in Buffalo than he had to and we cheered him all the was to the HOF. Who gives a F if the player likes the city or thinks its a shathole if he can play and win?


    I think it means quite a bit. I would find it hard rooting for a guy on my team who openly despised the town he represents. Just ask any number of pro athletes who ran afoul of their hometown teams fans - it didn't play out well for them, so it obviously matters.

  9. We are not going to trade away draft picks, especially for someone wanting to renew his contract to the tune of 8-10 mil a year. That is not what a rebuilding franchise does. We dance with the ones we drafted. But I will eat crow if we end up making a deal for him, will you if we don't?


    It doesn't have to be Gaither. Jammal Brown would be just fine. We'll all be eating something if we don't address LT this year, and outside of Bell who's in the middle of ACL rehab, where else do we get help from? (and please don't say Wang).

  10. I think the biggest facor for Schobel is leaving $7M on the table. He has built a reputation as somewhat of a tightwad, so I can see him showing up to collect it. That puts the Bills in a bad position, since I don't think after playing DE his whole career he makes the transition to standing up, but we're on the hook. Not sure what the financials are if we cut him during training camp though. I think the FO prefers he just retires.

  11. I would be willing to part with our 2nd if need be and not ONE damn 'we gotta have a LT' person should B word. You want a LT in the high first, if we can get an established one for a 2nd, so be it.


    I want to see the trade go down and an extension reached sooner than later so he can get some OTA time in.



  12. The level of stupidity in this world amazes me.....


    If a chef of a fine restaurant offers to come to your house to cook for you and your family for free, does it make any sense to tell them their food sucks, restaurant sucks, and every person they know sucks? Even if you dont like them, you keep your mouth shut.....this all stems from the parents make excuses for their kids and 12th place trophy generation


    Agreed. What a total douche.



    Bingo. In fact, when ESPN issued a social-media policy which restricted its employees from participating in unauthorized (read: non-ESPN) blogs, message boards, and other platforms, Tim made the effort to clear his membership here with his editor. Didn't have to do that, either. He could have EASILY said, "Sorry, guys, but they're not going to let me keep doing this," which is what happened with one of their columnists who used to hang out at our writers' board.


    When I first asked him what he thought about the idea of a pinned thread, he replied, "I would be honored to do it." Only took 15 months for the haters to beat that out of him.


    Again, nice job.


    Lori, why is he not banned from this site? Why do the !@#$s always win out, and the good people are the ones who leave?

  13. my source @ the panthers who will remain anonymous, I called him to tell him my theory and he confirmed that goodell has indeed sent out a memo to all 32 teams that TW, "while an intriguing prospect, does not possess the proper moral fiber to be considered eligible for the NFL. He shall not be drafted or signed post-draft by any team without serious penalty"


    thats the gist of it, sorry no link though it's supposed to be "confidential" so you wont find it online


    I'm calling a big fat BS on this one.

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