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Posts posted by HurlyBurly51

  1. And no, many companies won't reduce their price if you just ask. Best Buy won't reduce their price if you just ask.


    The minute DTV has competition, I'll be gone. It may never happen, but if it does, I'll be gone in a second. The only cable/sat company people seem to like is FIOS. I have them for internet and it's fantastic. I just can't wait for the day that Sunday Ticket is spread among all outlets.


    Blah, blah, blah. Hot air. Get some balls, take a stand, and leave DirecTV now! Otherwise you just look like a big kitty for whining like a B word but you end up taking it hard.


    Oh and dumbass, I get price reductions all the time at Best Buy, so try again. That list of companies you don't like is growing :worthy:

  2. I hope you never fly on an airplane, stay at a hotel, or buy a car... Because guess what, chances are at some point you have paid more than the guy sitting next to you on the plane or in the room across the hall from you at the hotel or driving the same car as you on the road.


    There's nothing unethical about it. If you don't like the price, you can ask for a cheaper price. They can say yes or they can say no. If you don't want to ask for a cheaper price you won't GET a cheaper price.


    Many companies will reduce their price for you if you just ask. I fail to see how ethics play into this. Leaving your disdain for DirecTV/Sunday Ticket out of the equation, is a company always supposed to offer their lowest price up front?


    Hilarious :) Even funnier is the whiner keeps throwing his hard earned money at the provider :thumbsup:

  3. He doesn't want to be traded, he wants to be cut because he'd have more negotiating power as a free agent


    I don't think he'd be getting a new contract worth anything near $6M as a free agent with a new team. His best bet to see that kind of money is to play under his existing contract (either in Buffalo or via trade).


    I felt all along that he wasn't going to leave that kind of money on the table, given the rumors of his thrifty ways.

  4. The prototypical nose these days is 350. That's what most teams look for in their NT. Not a lie at all, just the modern NFL. Pretty common known information.


    Various 3-4 defenses run different styles, and some of them have lighter (315) NT's. Look at Dallas.

  5. I called and did the "cancel" thing... got it down to $179.99... GREAT price for me! thanks to everyone for posting here and making me want to call. I basically haven't complained to them about anything in 9 years so i didn't feel bad telling them it was too much.



    I got a better deal! Just got of the phone with them. They took off the to-go service, and then I asked them if there was anything they could do for me as a loyal customer. Girl knocked my payment doen from 49.99 to 29.99 so, between the to-go and the discount, I'm saving 26 dollars a month or $156! Didn't even have to pull the "i'm thinking of dropping" bit, either. Ask and ye shall receive.


    Sounds like a bunch of happy campers to me! Hard to believe anyone out there bitching about Sunday Ticket, all the while getting these disocunts, and continuing to send their hard earned money to a provider they hate :devil:

  6. I am wondering if Gilbert's reaction is wrong. After LeBron's announcement, I started wondering whether he was going to start flip flopping and change his mind back to Cleveland....now the bridge has been burned.


    Really? Lebron was going to make his announcement on national TV, then flip flop, change his mind, and go back to Cleveland? Really?

  7. You dont even have to hold out, I called yesterday, they gave me 20.00 a month for 6 months= $120, $50.00 credit to get the on the go for free, and 3 months of HBO Free, a total of $215.00 in savings. Dont have to hold out, and I didn't threaten to leave, just called told the recording cancel service( it will ask you again if you mean change or cancel....say cancel), it transfer's you to retention department. Then i simply told the guy I want to keep the Sunday ticket but it was pricey, gave me the 120 discount, asked him if I had to cancel the "on the go" or if he could give it to me free since I will only use it 1 -2 times, so not worth 50 bucks so he gave me that for free, then when it was all done asked if he could hook up some premium channels for me, he gave me the 3 month free HBO. but he did say he cannot give you premium channels if you already have it, by that I mean you cant already have HBO, and ask him to cancel it and then give it to you free, they can only give you a free try of something you dont already Have, hope this helped some.


    You're right, most people get it right off the bat. All I meant by holding out is that sometimes they first offer folks $10 off for 6 months, and if you resist a little and/or cite that others are getting $20, then they'll give you the bigger discount. A lot of times people are happy to get the $10 and just take it without pushing for more.

  8. Uhh, you know Superfan was more than just HD, right? And the HD access fee is obsolete, right? And how exactly in your world did they use this "scam" to continue to raise prices? The Superfan package price remained constant over the years at $99 until it was retired (and that's only for those who actually paid it), while the Sunday Ticket package is what went up every year. Superfan was an OPTIONAL add on. Oh, and sorry to burst your bubble, but out of DirecTV's 18 million subscriber base what percentage are Sunday Ticket package subscribers? They will be just fine if the cable companies, who had every opportunity to bid on the same package, ever get ahold of it. And I hear a lot more people who like the company rather than hate it for being flexible enough in their pricing to tailor it to specific cusomers. Oh the sweet irony of hearing someone call others stupid for falling for this "crap," while at the same time as bitching and moaning about their TV provider continue to renew and send them more money.

  9. The problem is, again, is that most of us never paid for Superfan. Superfan is garbage. To pay for HD when all of us are already paying for HD is ridiculous. So, that's not a savings that it is added in. Means nothing.


    Second, then DTV discounted the package for most of us from the $270 another $120. So, in all, a ton of people got the package for $150 last year.


    Superfan, was, is, and always has been nothing but garbage, that no one asked for. So, to say they threw it in this year, when a lot of us never paid for it in the first place is not a discount. I've always had Superfan, and never paid for it. So, for me, and everyone I know, they didn't just throw it in this year. It's always been free to anyone who would just ask to get it for free.




    By they way, I called and also got the package for $179. Basically, the $20 a month off for 6 months. So that's 299-120, for $179. I can live with that.


    What exactly is your !@#$ing problem?! Nowhere in my post that you quoted did it state DirecTV was giving a discount by including HD in the Sunday Ticket package this year. That post was purely informational and it was posted at the time DirecTV officially acknowledged they were doing away with Superfan.


    For someone who never paid the $99 fee for superfan and gets $120 off the Sunday Ticket price, you B word a lot. At least post a relevant quote for your pissing and moaning.

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