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Everything posted by HurlyBurly51

  1. Tickets notwithstanding, how much does the gig pay to sit out there to watch that trash in those conditions on Christmas Eve, with I'm guessing extra drunk fans, you know, for the holiday spirit?
  2. Terry shoulda fired him before he could even go to his presser. Oh, and his brother too.
  3. Guess you can abuse TOS and personally insult people. Oh, and Rex is a idiot to make this Bills related.
  4. You want a record or get your first win, come to Buffalo
  5. Looks like they'll lose out
  6. Agreed. Please fire Rex in the locker room, and bench TT.
  7. zero chance with either guy
  8. Has anyone said embarrassing?
  9. Who else? Certainly not Sammy.
  10. Knock it down!
  11. Here we go - one friggin' play!
  12. Sack ends it
  13. Thank you
  14. Wow, could Gilmore be playing any further off?!
  15. Should've been an easy pitch and catch
  16. Don't be passive here- put your foot on their throat!
  17. Field position game now
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