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Everything posted by HurlyBurly51

  1. Let me get in before this turns into a 20 page topic - I like it!
  2. I miss the replacement refs. Sure, there were some gaffes, but they seemed more objective towards the Bills. IMHO.
  3. I agree with you! Wasn’t referring to you, but not sure what other explanation accounts for this abortion of a thread.
  4. Must be nice to have a QB who is not afraid to push the ball downfield
  5. Oh, it will be enjoyed! Thank you CB!
  6. That is apparently no longer the standard.
  7. Nice! How 'bout Shady?
  8. Apology letter in the mail this week. That is all. smh
  9. I'll wait until the game is played. Double digit dogs on the road today, glad they decided to show up anyway.
  10. You gotta be able to review that
  11. 2 minutes, 69 yards, prevent D - should be interesting!
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